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up to it相关的网络例句

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与 up to it 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, B-Boys and girls, listen up You can be anything in the world, in God we trust An architect, doctor, maybe an actress But nothing comes easy it takes much practice Like, I met a woman who's becoming a star She was very beautiful, leaving people in awe Singing songs, Lina Horn, but the younger version Hung with the wrong person Gotta astrung when I heard when Cocaine, sniffing up drugs, all in her nose Coulda died, so young, no looks ugly and old No fun cause when she reaches for hugs people hold they breath Cause she smells of corrosion and death Watch the company you keep and the crowd you bring Cause they came to do drugs and you came to sing So if you gonna be the best, I'ma tell you how Put your hands in the air And take the bell I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, B-Boys and girls, listen again This is for grown looking girls who's only ten The ones who watch videos and do what they see As cute as can be, up in the club with fake ID Careful,'fore you meet a man with HIV You can host the TV like Oprah Winfrey Whatever you decide, be careful, some men be Rapists, so act your age, don't pretend to be Older than you are, give yourself time to grow You thinking he can give you wealth, but so Young boys, you can use a lot of help, you know You thinkin life's all about smokin weed and ice You don't wanna be my age and can't read and right Begging different women for a place to sleep at night Smart boys turn to men and do whatever they wish If you believe you can achieve, then say it like this I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Be, be,'fore we came to this country We were kings and queens, never porch monkeys It was empires in Africa called Kush Timbuktu, where every race came to get books To learn from black teachers who taught Greeks and Romans Asian Arabs and gave them gold when Gold was converted to money it all changed Money then became empowerment for Europeans The Persian military invaded They learned about the gold, the teachings and everything sacred Africa was almost robbed naked Slavery was money, so they began making slave ships Egypt was the place that Alexander the Great went He was so shocked at the mountains with black faces Shot up they nose to impose what basically Still goes on today, you see?

f the truth is told, the youth can grow They learn to survive until they gain control Nobody says you have to be gangstas, hoes Read more learn more, change the globe Ghetto children, do your thing Hold your head up, little man, you're a king Young Prince thats when you get your wedding ring Your man is saying "She's my queen" I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) I know I can Be what I wanna be If I work hard at it I'll be where I wanna be (I'll be where I wanna be) Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music y'all, save the music y'all Save the music 我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是, B-男孩和女孩,听在你能是任何事在世界上,在上帝我们信赖一位建筑师医生,也许一个女演员但是无来容易的它拿很多练习同类,我遇到了合式的一个女人一星她非常美丽,离开敬畏的人歌唱歌, Lina 喇叭,但是年纪较小者版本和错误的人吊必须 astrung 当我听到的时候当古柯碱,在药物上面嗅,所有的在她里面鼻子 Coulda 死了,如此年轻,没有容貌丑陋和旧的没有乐趣因素当她延伸为拥抱人把握他们呼吸引起她腐蚀和死亡的味道手表公司你保存和那群众你带来引起他们开始做药物和你开始唱因此如果你去是那最好, I'ma 告诉你如何把你的手放入那空气而且拿铃我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是, B-男孩和女孩,再听这是为长大的看只是十的女孩那人手表影像而且做什么他们见到当做可爱的当做能是,向上的在那以假的身份证联合行动小心的,'在前的你会一个患有爱滋病毒的男人你能主人像 Oprah Winfrey 一样的电视无论你决定,很小心什么,一些男人是强奸者,因此行为你的年龄,做不假装当资深者超过你是,给予你自己时间生长你思考他能给予你财富,但是如此年轻的男孩,你能使用许多帮忙,你知道你 thinkin 生活所有有关 smokin 杂草和冰的事你做不想要当我的年龄和不能阅读和权利为一个地方请求不同的女人到睡眠在晚上聪明的男孩求助于男人而且做任何的他们希望如果你相信你能达成,然后发言权它同类这我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方我认识我能是什么我想要当如果我工作难的在它我将是我想要当的地方是,是,'在前的我们总计了这国家我们是国王和皇后,从不门廊猴子它在叫做 Kush 的非洲是帝国 Timbuktu,哪里每个比赛开始拿书从教希腊人的黑色老师和罗马人了解亚洲人阿拉伯人而且给予了他们黄金当黄金是转换至钱它全部改变钱然后变成了欧洲人的赋与权能波斯的军队侵入他们有学问的大约黄金、教学和每件事物神圣的非洲几乎抢夺赤裸的奴隶的身份是钱,因此他们开始赚奴隶船埃及是地方亚历山大棒者去他是如此震动在山与黑色的脸注射在他们上面鼻子强加什么基本上仍然继续进行今天,你见到?

The first thing to see, looking away over the water, was a kind of dull line -- that was the woods on t'other side; you couldn't make nothing else out; then a pale place in the sky; then more paleness spreading around; then the river softened up away off, and warn't black any more, but gray; you could see little dark spots drifting along ever so far away -- trading scows, and such things; and long black streaks -- rafts; sometimes you could hear a sweep screaking; or jumbled up voices, it was so still, and sounds come so far; and by and by you could see a streak on the water which you know by the look of the streak that there's a snag there in a swift current which breaks on it and makes that streak look that way; and you see the mist curl up off of the water, and the east reddens up, and the river, and you make out a log-cabin in the edge of the woods, away on the bank on t'other side of the river, being a woodyard, likely, and piled by them cheats so you can throw a dog through it anywheres; then the nice breeze springs up, and comes fanning you from over there, so cool and fresh and sweet to smell on account of the woods and the flowers; but sometimes not that way, because they've left dead fish laying around, gars and such, and they do get pretty rank; and next you've got the full day, and everything smiling in the sun, and the song-birds just going it!

往 水面上望去,首先看到的是灰蒙蒙的一条线——那是河对岸的树林子——别的便什么也看不清——接着是天空中有一点儿鱼肚白;然后鱼肚白多了些,逐渐朝四周散开去;接下来,远处河水的颜色淡了些,不是那么黑了,而是灰灰的了。更远处,可以看到小小的黑点子在漂过来——那是些载货的驳船之类。还有黑黑的一长条——那是木筏子。有时能听到长桨吱吱地响,或者一些杂音。四周这么寂静,声音又来自很远的远方。过了一会儿,你看到一道水纹。凭了水纹的模样,你知道那里有一块礁石,急流朝着它冲过去,流水飞溅,成了这个模样。你看到,雾气袅袅上升,离开水面,东方红了起来,河面红了起来。你可以看到对岸河边树林子边上一处原木搭成的小屋,那可能是一个木材场,在那里堆着的一堆堆木材,中间却是空的,容得狗钻来钻去,为了能叫人家上当①。然后微风轻拂,从河上一阵阵吹来,那么凉凉的,那么清新,闻起来那么甜美,这是全凭了那些树林子和那些鲜花的缘故。可有时候也并非全是如此美妙。

There was me and my monkey And with his dungarees and roller blades Smoking filter tips Reclining in the passenger seat of my super charged jet black Chevrolet He had the soft top down He liked the wind in his face He said son you ever been to Vegas I said no He said that's where we're gonna go You need a change of pace And when we hit the strip with all the wedding chapels and the neon signs He said left my wallet in El Segondo and proceeded to take two grand of mine We make tracks to the Mandalay Bay Hotel Asked the bell boy if he take me and my monkey as well He looked in the passenger seat of my car And with a smile he said If your monkey's got that kind of money sir Then we've got a monkey bed Me and my monkey With a dream and a gun I'm hoping my monkey don't point that gun at anyone Me and my monkey Like butch and the sundance kid Trying to understand why he did what he did Why he did what he did We got the elevator, I hit the 33rd floor We had a room up top with the paronama views like nothing you'd ever seen before He went to sleep in the bidest And when he awoke He ran his little monkey fingers through yellow pages Called up some escort services and ordered some okey doke Forty minutes later there came a knock at the door In walked this big bad ass baboom into my bedroom with three monkey whores Hi, my name is Sunshine, these are my girls Lace my palm with silver baby and oh yeah They'll rock your world So I watched pay per view and polished my shoes and my gun Was diggin' on Kurt Cobain singing about lithium There came a knock at the door and in walked Sunshine What's up you'd better get your ass in here boy Your monkey's having too much of a good time Got tickets to see Sheena Easton The monkey was high Said it was a burning ambition to see her before he died We left before encores he couldn't sit still Sheena was a blast baby but my monkey was ill We went to play blackjack kept hitting twenty three Couldn't help but notice this Mexican just staring at me Or was it my monkey I couldn't be sure It's not like you'd never seen a monkey in rollerblades and dungarees before Now don't test my patience cause we're not about to run That's a bad ass monkey boy and he's packing a gun My name is Rodrigue he says with death in his eye I've been chasing you for long time amigos And now your monkey's gonna die Me and my monkey Drove in search of the sun Now me and my monkey We don't wanna kill no Mexican But we've got Ten itchy fingers one thing to declare When the monkey is high You do not stare you do not stare You do not stare Looks like we've got ourselves a Mexican stand off here boy And I ain't about to run Put your gun down boy How'd I get mixed up with this fuckin' monkey anyhow

有我和我的猴子并且与他的dungarees 和路辗刀片抽烟过滤器要诀斜倚在我的超级被充电的喷气机黑色薛佛列汽车乘客座位他下来有软的上面他喜欢风在他的面孔他说您曾经是到维加斯I 说没有的儿子他说we're 去去的that's 您需要步幅的变动并且当我们击中了小条以所有婚礼教堂和霓虹灯广告他左说我的钱包在El Segondo 和进行采取二盛大我的我们做轨道对曼德勒海湾旅馆问响铃男孩如果他采取我并且我的猴子他看了在我的汽车乘客座位并且以微笑他说如果您的monkey's 得到了那金钱先生然后we've 得到了猴子床我和我的猴子与梦想和枪 I'm 希望我的猴子don't 把那杆枪指向任何人我和我的猴子象butch 和sundance 孩子设法了解为什么他做了什么他为什么他做了什么他我们得到了电梯,我击中了第33 楼我们有一间屋子上面以paronama 看法象没什么you'd 以前曾经被看见他去睡觉在bidest 并且当他醒了他跑了他小的猴子手指通过黄页召集了一些伴游服务和定购了一些okey doke 那里四十分钟以后来了敲在门在走了这大坏驴子baboom 入我的卧室与三个猴子妓女喂,我的名字是阳光,这些是我的女孩系带我的棕榈与银色婴孩和oh 呀 They'll 岩石您的世界如此我观看了薪水每看法和擦亮了我的鞋子和我的枪是diggin'在Kurt Cobain 唱歌关于锂那里来了敲在门和在走的阳光里 What's you'd 更好得到您的驴子在这里男孩您的monkey's 有太多好时光被得到的票看见Sheena Easton 猴子是高的前述这是灼烧的志向看见她在他死了之前我们离开在他couldn't 坐直的encores 之前 Sheena 是疾风婴孩但我的猴子是不适我们去演奏大酒杯继续击中二十三 Couldn't 帮助但注意这墨西哥人凝望我或是它I couldn't 是肯定的我的猴子 It's 不是喜欢you'd 以前从未被看见一只猴子在rollerblades 和dungarees 现在don't 测试我的耐心起因we're 不跑 That's 坏驴子猴子男孩和he's 包装枪我的名字是他说以死亡在他的眼睛的Rodrigue I've 追逐您为久时间朋友并且现在您的monkey's 去死我和我的猴子驾驶了寻找太阳现在我和我的猴子我们don't 不想要杀害墨西哥人但we've 得到了十个痒的手指一件事宣称当猴子是高的您不凝望您不凝望您不凝望看起来象we've 这里得到了墨西哥立场男孩并且I ain't 跑把您的枪男孩放下 How'd I 得到与这fuckin'混合;猴子无论如何或有我和我的猴与他dungarees和滚刀片吸烟过滤嘴斜倚在客运座位我国超级控喷射黑色雪佛兰他有软顶下来,他最喜欢的风在他的面对他的儿子说:你到过赌城我说没有,他说哪里,我们gonna你走需要改变步伐,而当我们打带所有的教堂婚礼和霓虹灯他说离开我的钱包在El segondo进而采取两项盛大的矿井,使我们路轨次电子曼德勒湾酒店询问钟男孩,如果他把我和我的猴子以及他的表情,在次电子乘客座位上我的车,面带微笑,他说,如果你的猴得到这笔钱思住宅,然后我们拿到猴床上,我和我的猴同一个梦想和一支枪,我希望我的莫 nkey不点炮人,在我和我的猴像布奇和森丹斯孩子设法了解后WH y他做他为何他做了什么,我们得到了电梯,我打到33楼,我们有一个房间顶与paronama看法没有像您见过会捶他睡在bidest而当他醒来,他跑他的小猴子手指透过黄坝天麻打电话询问过保姆服务,并订购了一些东西doke四十分钟左右,有一个前来敲门做或者走这个大坏驴子baboom到我的卧室有三名妓女猴喜,我的名字是阳光,硒是我的女孩花边我的手心与银宝宝,哦噢人家,你的摇滚世界,让我眼睁睁看着付每意见,并擦拭鞋子,我的枪是diggin '库尔特罗克塞特歌唱锂出现了一针玉在门口,并走在阳光下是怎么回事,你最好明白你的驴子在这里你男童和尚安永的有太大的一个好时机得到入场券见sheena伊斯顿猴高表示,这是燃烧的雄心,看到她生前我们离开之前,以encores他不能坐视sheena仍然是一个基本法 AST的婴儿,但我的猴子生病,我们去发挥酒杯一直打到23不禁通知书策墨这只是瞪着我,抑或是我的猴子,我也不能肯定它不像您在Neve 住宅看到一只猴子在晒太阳和dungarees之前,现在不考验我的耐心,我们的事业不是对办好次下午的一个坏驴子猴男孩和他的包装带枪我的名字是罗德里格说,他的死亡与他眼睛,我一直追你很久地球,现在你的猴死gonna我和我的博士猴脏器寻找太阳,现在我和我的猴子,我们不想杀任何墨西哥,但我们拿到碲氮手指发痒一回事申报时,猴子是高你不盯着你不盯哟美国不瞪眼样子,我们拿到了自己的立场,墨西哥产的男孩在这里,我并不是对办好把你的枪下男孩,我为什么会有这种攻防得到混为一谈这fuckin '猴不管怎样

I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out [Verse 1] Ain't nobody fuckin with me man, Heatman Ski Mask spending next weeks cash, he fast And I don't even need a G pass I'm pass that I'm passing em out now and you can't have that And my chain Toucan Sam That tropical colors you can't match that Gotta be abstract You catch my gal legs open betta smash that Don't be surprise if she ask where the cash at I see she wearing them jeans that show her butt crack My girls can't wear that why, that's where my stash at I put my mack down that's where you lack at She need her candlelit and I'ma wax that I rekindle the flame She remember the name It's Weezy Baby January December the same Mama gimme that brain Mama gimme that good Cause I'm the fireman You hear the firetruck I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out Fresh on campus it's the Birdman Jr Money too long teachers put away ya rulers Raw tune not a cartoon No shirt, tattoos, and some war wounds I'm hot but the car cool She wet that's a carpool Been in that water since a youngin you just shark food Quick Draw McGraw I went to art school Yeah the lights is bright but I got a short fuse Don't snooze Been handling the game so long my thumb bruise Ya new girlfriend is old news Yeen got enough green and she so blue yeah Cash Money Records where dreams come true Everything is easy baby leave it up to Weezy Baby Put it in the pot let it steam let it brew Now watch it melt don't burn ya self I'm the Fireman Fire, Fa, Fireman I got that fire I'm hollering I got that fire come and try me and You can spark it up and I'ma put you out You can spark it up and I'ma put you out Ridin' by myself well really not really So heavy in the trunk make the car pop-a-wheelie Who?

我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去 [诗歌1] 不与我没有fuckin人,Heatman 滑雪面具的现金支出今后几周,他快我甚至不需要一个G通过我传递我现在传递时间内,你不能有链巨嘴鸟和我的山姆这种热带色彩不能匹配肯定在抽象你明白我的加仑双腿粉碎的开放斗鱼不要惊讶,如果她问其中现金我看到他们,她穿着牛仔裤,显示她的屁股裂缝我的女孩不能穿这个原因,这就是我的藏匿在我把我的下这就是你缺乏麦克她需要她的烛光和我是一个蜡余点燃圣火她记得这个名字这是12月1月Weezy婴儿一样妈妈gimme,大脑妈妈gimme,良好原因我是消防员你听到救火车我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去新鲜校园它是鸟人Jr 钱太长教师收起亚统治者原料调整不是一个卡通没有衬衫,纹身,和一些战争创伤我觉得又热,但赛车冷却她湿这是一个用车在这水自1 youngin你只鲨鱼的食物快速绘制麦格劳我去艺术学校是的,灯光明亮而我得到脾气暴躁不要打盹被处理的游戏,只要我的拇指挫伤亚新女友是旧闻陈吕令意有足够的绿色和蓝色是啊,她这样现金货币记录下梦想成真一切都留给孩子容易到Weezy婴儿放入锅蒸让它让它酿造现在看它融化不烧亚自我我是消防员消防,花园,消防员我接到火警我喊叫我接到火警来试试我,它可以激发起来,我是把你出去它可以激发起来,我是把你出去我自己也实在没有真正因此,在主干沉重让赛车弹出一,离地平衡特技谁?

He held the register open while he counted her change I was next in line which meant I was invisible From where I stood I could see that the till was full He didn't look the type to play superhero So I stepped forth and paid for my cigarettes Crept out the stores front door to chase a little breath Fangles in my head, shake the song off Another manic Monday night, its gonna be a long walk A car pulled up, a fixed up cutlass A woman and a child climbed out and left it running They went inside of the deli, placed an order With the extra dollar fifty bottled water cuz the daughters picky When they came out mommy gave me a glance That said man can love an angel but he's got to take the chance Already knew the deal, I lit one up and walk So they got back in the oldsmobile, belted up, and took off Thug love on the corner by the walgreens Lookin at me like I'm just another square saltine As I get closer I notice that they showin each other sketches Out of their notebooks, reminded me of my old roots I walk pass with a nod and a reminisce Swear to god hip hop and comic books was my genesis Respect the life and the fashions of the children It's the only culture I've got, exactly what we've been buildin All of a sudden I'm in front of some man No he's a youngin but he's got a gun in his hand He looks fifteen, he looks frantic, no he looks afraid Immediately apprehensive til I heard him say "Do you want this It's not mine I promise I found it on my block in between a couple garages Didn't wanna leave it for a child to stumble over I don't even know how to hold it."

当他计数了她的变动时,他拿着记数器开放 I是意味的下一个我是无形的我站立我的From可能看直到是充分的 He没有看类型演奏超级英雄 So我跨步并且支付了我的香烟 Crept追逐一点呼吸的商店前门在我的头的Fangles,摆脱歌曲 Another狂躁星期一晚上,它去是长的步行 A汽车开了过来,被固定短箭 A妇女和孩子爬和留下它跑 They去在熟食店里面,安置命令 With额外美元五十装瓶了水cuz女儿好挑剔的他们来妈妈的When给了我扫视 That说人能爱天使,但是他一定采取机会 Already知道成交,我打开了一和步行他们在oldsmobile拿回,围绕的So,和离开了在角落的Thug爱由walgreens 在我的Lookin,如我是另一块方形的撒盐饼干 As我得到更加紧密I通知那他们showin剪影在他们的笔记本外面的,被提醒我我的老根 I与点头和追忆的步行通行证对神Hip Hop和漫画书的Swear是我的创世纪 Respect生活和孩子的时尚 It是我有的唯一的文化,正确地什么我们是buildin 突然我是在某些人前面 No他是youngin,但是他有在他的手的一杆枪 He看十五,他看起来狂热,没有他看起来害怕惶惑的Immediately,我听见他说"您想要它不是我的我许诺的此 I发现了它在我的在夫妇车库之间的块 Did不想要留下它孩子的能绊倒 I甚而不会举行它。"

I'm taking a moment just imaginin' that I'm dancin' with you I'm your pole and all you're wearing is your shoes You got soul, you know what to do to turn me on until I write a song about you And you have your own engaging style And you've got the knack to vivify And you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if you like That's if you crash and spend the night But you don't fold, you don't fade You've got everything you need, especially me Sister you've got it all You make the call to make my day In your message say my name Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all Curl your upper lip up and let me look around Ride your tongue along your bottom lip and bite down And bend your back and ask those hips if I can touch Because they're the perfect jumping off point of getting closer to your Butterfly Well you float on by Oh kiss me with your eyelashes tonight Or Eskimo your nose real close to mine And let's mood the lights and finally make it right But you don't fold, you don't fade, you've got everything you need Especially me Sister you've got it all You make the call to make my day In you message say my name Your talk is all the talk sister you've got it all You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (2x) Doll I need to see you pull your knee socks up Let me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over here Climb in my mouth now child Butterfly, well you landed on my mind Dammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled inside Now I see you perfectly behind closed eyes I wanna fly with you and I don't wanna lie to you Cause I, cause I can't recall a better days I'm coming to shine on the occasion You're an open minded lady You've got it all And I never forget a face If I'm making my own I have my days Let's face the fact here, it's you that's got it all You know that fortune favors the brave Well let me get paid while I make you breakfast The rest is up to you, you make the call You make the call to make my day In your message say my name Your talk is all the talk, sister you've got it all Cause I can't recall a better day I'm coming to shine on the occasion You're a sophisticated lady, oh you've got it all You've got it all, you've got it all, you've got it all (3x) You've got it all, you've got it all….


I'm still in love I'm telling you straight up Still in love I can't believe we could break up I'm still in love Can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back Cause I'm still in love, still in love Girl you got me going crazy, thinking bout you everyday The feelings that I have for you, baby they will never go away Girl I'm still in love, no matter what dem wan sey You got me so caught up, so baby just come my way I'm trying, I'm trying, But I'm lying, I'm lying Cause I'm crying, I'm crying, I'm dying Without you there's nobody, nobody, nobody That moves me like you do I'm still in love I'm telling you straight up Still in love I can't believe we could break up I'm still in love Can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back Cause I'm still in love, still in love I'm still in love I'm telling you straight up Still in love I can't believe we could break up I'm still in love Can we get, can we get back to it, can we get, can we get back Cause I'm still in love, still in love


Say goodbye say goodbye to Hollywood I thought I had it all figured out I did I thought I was tough enough to stick it out with kim But I wasn't tough enough to juggle two things at once I found myself planted on my knees in cuffs Which shoulda been a reason enough for me to get my stuff and just leave How come I couldn't just see this shit myself it's me Nobody coulda seen this shit I felt Knowin' damn well she wasn't gonna be there when I fell To catch me the minute she was seen she just bailed I'm standin' and swingin' on like 30 people by myself I couldn't even see the millimeter when it fell Turned around saw Gary stashin' a heater in his belt Saw the bouncers rush him and beat him to the ground I just sold 2 million records I don't need to go to jail I'm not about to lose my freedom over no female I need to slow down, trynna get my feet on solid ground So for now Bury my face in comic books,'cuz I don't wanna look And nothin' in this world is too much I swallowed all I could If I could swallow a bottle of Tylenol I would And hit it for good and say goodbye to Hollywood I prolly should 'cuz these problems are piled all at once 'Cuz everything that bothers me I got all bottled up I think I'm bottomin' out but I'm not about to give up I gotta get up, thank God I got a little girl Now I'm a responsible father so not alotta good I'd be to my daughter layin' in the bottom of the mud Must be in my blood 'cuz I don't know how to do it All I know is I don't wanna follow in the footsteps Of my dad 'cuz I hate him so bad Worst feelin' I had was growin' up to be like his fuckin' ass Man if you could understand why I am the way that I am What do I say to my fans when I tell 'em I don't wanna quit, but shit, I feel like this is it, for me to have this much appeal like this is sick This is not a game this fame the real life is as sick Publicity stunt my ass, consume my fuckin' dick Fuck the guns, I'm done I'll never look at gats If I scrap, I'ma scrap it like I never wooped some ass I love my fans but no one ever puts a grasp on the fact That I sacrificed everything I had I never dreamt I'd get to the level that I'm at This is wack, this is more then I ever coulda asked Everywhere I go I had a sweater, hood or mask What about math?

说再见说再见好莱坞我想我已全部揣摩我本来我以为我是足够强硬的坚持,它与金但我是不足够的强硬,以兼顾两件事,在一次我发现自己种植在我的双膝在袖口其中shoulda一直有足够的理由,我得到我的东西和刚刚离开如何来,我不能只看到这个shit外围它自己的我没有人coulda看到这个shit外围我觉得 knowin '可恶,以及她在哪里也不会存在,当我下跌要赶上我一分钟,她看到她刚刚获准保释我standin '的Swingin '就好像30人,由本人我不能,甚至看到毫米,当它下跌回过头看到程介南斯塔欣'了一个加热器,在他的带看到bouncers繁忙,他和殴打他到地面我只售出了200万的纪录,我不用去坐牢我不是即将失去我的自由,没有超过女性我要放缓, trynna让我立足于坚实的地面所以现在埋葬我的脸在漫画书,' cuz我不想看和nothin '在这个世界上是太多 i吞噬了所有我可以如果我能吞下了一瓶tylenol我想和打为好,说声再见好莱坞 i prolly应' cuz这些问题都是成堆一次全部' cuz的一切困扰我,我得到的所有瓶装起来我觉得我bottomin ',但我并不打算放弃 i的宝贝,起床,感谢上帝,我得到一个小女孩现在,我一个负责任的父亲,所以不alotta良好我要以我的女儿layin '在底部的淤泥必须在我的血' cuz我不知道怎样做所有我知道是我不想在后续的脚步我的爸爸' cuz ,我恨他那么差劲最坏的feelin '我曾是growin '要像他fuckin '驴男子如果您能明白为什么我的方式,我我该怎么办说我的球迷,当我告诉骰子我不想退出,但shit外围,我觉得像,这是它,我有这么多的上诉像这样生病了这不是游戏,这名利的现实生活是病假宣传我的驴,消耗我fuckin '迪克他妈的枪,我做我永远不会看服务贸易总协定如果我放弃,我放弃它想我从来没有wooped一些驴我爱我的球迷,但没有人把掌握了这一事实我牺牲了一切,我曾我从来没有想过我要到的水平,我在这是wack ,这是更多的话,我以往任何时候都coulda问我到处都可以了毛衣,遮光罩或面具关于数学是什么?

Look...(Verse 1) If Good girls get down on the floor Tell me how low will a bad girl go She'll Prolly pick it up Drop it down real slow Either that or shes upside down on the pole Thats when I grab the knot Throw it up in the sky Let it come down slow Watch it all fly Front to the back then side to the side Then we head back to my crib for the night Thats how it goes down all night long She whispered in my ear said she loves my song "This Is Why I'm Hott" she got it on her phone Top download number one ringtone Im in my zone Tell me whats good what it be Cant say Im what you want i got what you need All night its all right We can dance but you gotta keep it up a lil somethin Like this, like this, like this, like this Like this, like this, like this, like this Baby do ya want it like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this (Verse 2) Girl tell me if you want it like this If you want to you can back it up You say you like it rough Wont you let me smack it up Palm on ya ass thats if you let me touch I don't care about your breasts You could be an A-cup I know what I like and baby thats below the waist I'm a balla baby I hold the safe I got about 10 lawyers to blow the case So we dont gotta worry about those who hate Im like the 2-0-0-7 Nino Dropped a few g's on my shirt like Gino Homie dont act like you know what I mean though See Im the freshest ma fucka on the scene-o Back of the club all night long Grand monyay poppin case of the don Shorty say she love it when I let her call me Sean So if you really down baby we can get in on Like this, like this, like this, like this Like this, like this, like this, like this Baby do ya want it like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, like this Now break it down.

看。。。(诗歌1)如果好女孩得到下来在地板上告诉我怎样低落愿一个坏女孩去 She'll Prolly 采撷它下降它下来真正减慢或者或shes 上部在杆 Thats 当我劫掠结投掷它在天空让它下来慢观看它所有飞行朝向对那时旁边对边然后我们朝向回到我的小儿床在夜 Thats 怎么它整夜下来她耳语在我的耳朵里说她爱我的歌曲&This 是为什么I'm Hott&她得到了它通她的电话顶面下载第号一个ringtone Im 在我的区域告诉我什么是好的是什么它伪善言辞言Im 什么您想要我得到了什么您需要它所有整夜正确我们能跳舞但您得到保留它lil somethin 象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样婴孩做ya 想要它喜欢这,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样(诗歌2)女孩告诉我如果您想要它喜欢这如果您要对您能支持它您说您喜欢粗砺不会将您让我击响它棕榈在ya 驴子thats 如果您让我接触 I don't 关心关于您的乳房您能是杯子我知道什么我喜欢和婴孩thats 在腰部之下 I'm balla 小我拿着保险柜我使大约10 位律师吹案件如此我们没得到担心那些恨 Im 象2-0-0-7 Nino 下降了几g's 在我的衬衣象Gino Homie 不行动如您知道什么我意味虽则看见Im 最新鲜的ma fucka 在场面o 整夜支持俱乐部笠头的盛大monyay poppin 案件 Shorty 言她爱当我让她的电话我夏恩如此如果您真正地击倒婴孩我们能进货象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样婴孩做ya 想要它喜欢这,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样,象这样现在打破它下来。

Hey yo jim man why don't ya, you don't you kick some of that you know you know how you do it man it's a trip people don't even believe were together right now but tell your story you know the one i like say it for me riders on the storm riders on the storm into this house we're born (into this house we're born) into this world we're thrown (into this world we're thrown) like a dog without a bone an actor out on loan riders on the storm there's a killer on the road his brain is squirmin' like a toad take a long holiday let your children play if ya give this man a ride sweet family will die killer on the road, yeah goin' off of this off of that with the lizard king bumpin' in the back how bout that driftin', liftin', swiftin', coastin', testaroastin' but the wheels won't stop 200 on the highway fresh up off the block he's a rider, na he's a killer dresses in all black but his hat says stealla pedal to the metal i gotta go hard drive by and say hello hey fredwreck you my mello now let me here what i sound like acapella wow ride dip swish now bring it back just like this like a dog with out his bone unlike a g with out his chrome it's hard to imagine the homey dog in a jag and he's checkin' for the checkered flag comin' in first never in last cause my car to fast i neva eva run out of gas cause i just to clean i do it upper class so fasten your seat belts its so hot it will even make heat melt so get a bowl and roll and ride slip through the slip and slide like a dog without a bone an actor out on loan riders on the storm there's a killer on the road his brain is squirmin' like a toad take a long holiday let your children play if ya give this man a ride sweet family will die killer on the road, yeah need for speed i'm trying to take the lead hold on little homey before you run into the trees i've seen thinks that i would have never saw before hey yo jim let'em in, let'em in open up my back tire smokin' the whole street and now the police wanna flash there lights and chase the dogg all night but i won't pull over nor give up cause i just don't give a fuck yeah from the side boy where we was born and raised straight up to ride boy continuously, we get to an expeditiously keep the light on east side on snoop dogg and the doors and yeah we bout to ride on riders on the storm riders on the storm into this house we're born into this world we're thrown were thrown

嘿摇摇弯轨机人为什么不唉,你不你踢一些那你知道你知道如何你这样做人这是一次旅行人们甚至不相信是在一起此时但告诉你的故事你知道那个我像为我说它骑士在暴风雨上骑士在暴风雨上入这房子我们是出生入这世界我们是扔像个狗没有一根骨头一个演员那儿有一个杀手在路上他的大脑是squirmin'像个癞蛤蟆采取一个长的假期让你的孩子们玩如果唉给这人一个乘甜家将死凶手在路上,是呀去'离开对于这离开关于那和蜥蜴国王 bumpin'在后面如何拳击比赛那 driftin',liftin',swiftin',coastin',testaroastin'但是这个车轮不会停止两百在公路上新鲜向上远离块他的一个骑士,娜他的一个杀手衣服在纯黑但他的帽子说stealla 踩踏板金属我有去难驶过和问好嘿fredwreck 你我的梅洛现在让我这里什么我听起来像acapella 哇骑现在倾斜豪华带来它回来只是这样像个狗与出来像个狗没有一根骨头一演员借出的骑士在暴风雨上那儿有一个杀手在路上他的大脑是squirmin'像个癞蛤蟆采取一个长的假期让你的孩子们玩如果唉给这人一个乘甜家将死凶手在路上,是呀需要速度我是试图着先鞭继续小像家一样在你未碰撞树木我已经看到想那我从来不锯在以前嘿摇摇弯轨机让'em 在,让'em 在开发我的后面疲劳smokin'一街一巷那么警察要闪光那儿灯光和追逐道格整夜但我不会拦截也不放弃造成我只是不给一个性交是呀自边男孩我们在那里出生和提升直直至骑男孩骑士在暴风雨上骑士在暴风雨上入这房子我们是出生入这世界我们是扔我的翻译不太标准别见怪

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Leave It Up To Me
Baby It's Up To You
It's Up To You
It's Not Up To You
It's Up To You Now
Make It Up To You
It Is Usually The Boys Who Cry Wolf That Grow Up To Be The Men Who Cry Sanctuary
It's Up To You
It's Up To You
If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
