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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The extraordinary activity of taphrogenic differential settlement of late caused great damage and economy loss to urban building, it will greatly jeopard the tunnel engineering recently . Two-dimension limited system theory and simulation modeling to two-dimension limited system theory for Xi'an taphrogenic differential settlement was set up based on real and forecasting data near umpty years.

西安地裂差异沉降近期超常活动,给城市建设造成了严重的经济损失和危害,并对将要建设的地铁工程危害极大,根据近几十年来的实测和预测资料,通过建立二维有限元模型和地裂差异沉降的二维有限元仿真模拟,得出 2 0 0 5年到 2 0 5 0年地裂差异沉降累积值为 84.7m m,水平位移量为 3 6.3 mm。

Until the following day before dawn 5 when, just be in of parents persuade below, kneading an eye to stand up loathly from the chair, go to bed.


Methods: 17 cases (12 thoracic vertebra and 5 lumbar) underwent percutaneous vertebroplasty of biotic autogeneic bone marrow and resorbent gains. the treatment results and complications were observed. furthermore, in order to compare the pain degrees between preoperation and postoperation, the pain scale and dallas score were recorded in all cases during preoperation and postoperation, and the above records were transmitted to data which could be analyzed by computer with the help of the statistic of spss 10.0. results: after an average follow-up of 6 months, the symptom of lumbodorsal pain of all cases were relieved in 8 to 24 hours after operation.


Result:the incidence of AP went up year by year;(2)bile tract disease is the major reason,but hyperlipdemic AP should be attach importance to for its higher and higher incidence;(3)mean age of biliary AP is higher than alcohlolic and hyperlipdemic AP;(4)the difference of sex is significant in biliary AP and alcohlolic AP;(5)the incidence of local omplications is lower than alcohlolic and hyperlipdemic AP,but the difference is of no significance in view of systemic complications;(6)lungis of the most liability for dysfunction,and renal dysfunction is most closely related to death ;(7)ESS is associated with AP and related to the severity and prognosis .


From the experiment discovered for the first time the dimethyl ether may substitute CO to take the chain-carrying agent of the peroxy free radical chemistry amplifier system, and optimized the CH_3OCH_3-NO-HO_2 chemistry amplifying system determination condition, the CH_3OCH_3 best density is 1.876 ppmv, the NO best density is 1.3ppmv, and obtained this method chain length CL=124, 5 parallel determinations densities of HO_2 are the 44.0pptv, the relatively standard deviation is smaller than 4%; Although chemistry box model computed result indicated the dimethyl ether, the ethene, the propene and the ethanol all can take the chain-carrying agent of the peroxy free radical chemistry amplifier system, and their simulation chain length all grows up compared to the CO-NO-HO_2 chemistry amplifying systems, but experiments proved the ethene, the propene and the ethanol have not suit the chain-carrying agents.


According to the phytosociological theories and methods of Braun-Blanquet's school, the regional savanna vegetation of the dry-hot valleys of Yuanjiang river had been investigated. Based on the principle of fidelity degree, the typical 110 releves taken from every sampling stands of the dry-hot valleys were sorted up from below to upper into 15 Associations, then into 5 Alliances, 2 Orders and 1 Class. A synoptic classification system of Class-Order-Alliance-Association was established for the purpose to reflect deeply the characteristics of all syntaxa there in the aspect of plant component and their abundance-dominancy, presence, cover coefficient, life form, growth form, and ecological environment, community structure, species types and so on.


The follow-up periods were various from 6m to 21m. The apical MTA barrier technique was used to manage pulpless permanent teeth with incomplete root formation. The postoperative radiographs showed complete repair of periradicular tissue in 5 of 7 teeth and improvement obviously in other 2 teeth. Only one case (1 tooth) had a 3mm periodontal pocket in four perforation repair cases. The lesion at the perforation sites was improved obviously.


Afternoon, the index accelerated to rise up, broke through 5-month lines at 2917 points, which are key points in this round of rebounce, so it's no problem to hit a new high of 3004 points this week.


At the present stage, the retrieve measure and emphasis that are needed to summarize experience include:(1)collecting and arranging data according to the strategy of rescue by stages;(2)enhancing experience summarization of prehospital care;(3)collecting hospital data of disaster area according to administrative area;(4)enhancing summarization of complete data of patients with head injury,thoracoabdominal injury and shock;(5)enhancing summarization of data of spot and interhospitals transport;(6)setting up national or regional system for collecting data.


On the base of probabilistic and statistics results of joints and cracks, the Author modifies Block Theory. The sliding probability of Key Block is I A RSTR A CT F2 ? 5.It is put up forward that GM(l,1) Model to predict Amount of rainfall, and Markov Chain to modifY GM( 1,1 )predicting result, and then a theoretical predicting Model of amount of rainfall is firstly built. This model is applied in a situ example. It is proved that the model is very useful to predict amount of rainfall ,when ordinal array of Amount of rainfall changes in unexact index rule.

首次将节理裂隙视为有限长,借助有关岩体节理裂隙概率统计研究成果,对块体理论进行修正,确定了关键块体变为滑动块体概率计算公式为 5、本文提出采用GM(1,1)模型预测降雨量,而采用Markov链进行修正的方法,首次用该方法建立了大气降雨量预测的理论模型,并结合实例进行具体应用,解决了当降雨量的时间序列呈不严格的指数规律变化时,大气降雨量的预测问题。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
