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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The model has the following features: 1 The security information provided by the assessment result is more dependable because of the consideration of some main uncertain factors; 2 The improved analytic method of power system DSR and the dynamic equivalent technologies are applied to reduce the computing time and to make the model more practical; 3 Step-up assessment strategy is adopted in order to balance the precision and computing time requirements; 4 Decompounding of system insecurity indexes to each system component, or to each generator and consumer, and the visualization of assessment results, will help the operators to understand the security status of the power system more clearly; 5 The assessment results can be beneficial to the preventive control in traditional power systems and the security pricing in power market environments.

模型具有如下特点: 1由于综合考虑了一些不确定因素对系统安全性的影响,使得评估结果更加可靠; 2采用求解电力系统动态安全域的改进解析法,结合动态降维技术,大大减少了动态安全域的计算时间,使得模型比较实用; 3采取逐步递进的评估策略,以适应计算精度和计算时间要求; 4可定量分解出各元件或各发电与用户对系统不安全的贡献,配以形象直观的评估结果显示,使操作人员清楚了解系统的安全状况; 5评估结果在传统电力系统可帮助制定预防控制措施,在电力市场可用于安全性定价。

Baptism is a ordinance of the New Testament, ordained by Jesus Christ, Mt 28:19 not only for the solemn admission of the party baptised into the visible church, 1Co 12:13 but also to be to him a sign of the covenant of grace, Col 2:12 of his ingrafting into Christ, Ga 3:27 Ro 6:5 of regeneration, Tit 3:5 of remission of sins, Mr 1:4 and of his giving up to God through Jesus Christ, to walk in newness of life: Ro 6:3,4 which ordinance is, by Christ's own appointment, to be continued in his church until the end of the world.

的洗礼,是条例的新约圣经,受戒基督耶稣山, 28:19不仅是庄严的入场党领洗成为有形教会, 1co 12时13分,但也被他的一个迹象盟约宽限期,中校2时12分,他ingrafting到基督,加文3时27滚装6点05分的复兴,山雀3点05分的罪得赦, 1:4和他的放弃上帝透过耶稣基督,走路在新奇性生活:反渗透6:3,4什么条例,是由基督自己的任命,将继续在他的教会,直到世界的末了。

Service: service hours 8 am - 10 pm, every year / month the amount of the total cost of drinking water 5% of the gifts gift drinks dispenser: corporate users for free gifts With the fountain, life-long free bag repair, cleaning, disinfecting drinking fountains line bottled water (Guangdong, the first A-water) Recommendation: Regular replacement of bottled water may be more wholesome ex-factory sales of Angel brand water dispenser ( package repair two years, including all parts) to provide water, telephone: 0755-82298935 82,282,747 SMS provides water: 13714594399 QQ provides water: 280,141,771 uniform inquiries and complaints Telephone: 13,714,594,399 Huang http://ww w.zhenbutong.sm160.net songshui.100ye.com water to the city's professional chains leave benefits up minute penalty sent a note: a half-hour sent to the service, limited to the areas where the above!

服务:服务时间早8点--晚10点,每年/月饮水总费用金额的5%礼品饮料赠送饮水机:公司用户免费赠用饮水机,终身免费包修、清洗、消毒饮水机一线桶装水建议:经常更换桶装水可能更有益健康出厂价销售安吉尔品牌饮水机(包修二年、含所有零配件)订水电话: 0755-82298935 82282747 短信订水:13714594399 QQ订水:280141771 统一咨询及投诉电话:13714594399黄平 http://www.zhenbutong.sm160.net songshui.100ye.com 专业送水全市连锁假一罚百三十分钟送到注:半小时送到服务,只限以上所在区域!

If the trees were hid opponent to sleep on, if it is interrupted, then take care, the other operating by no means weak, and has to be prepared, the failure of the first tree, I believe that opponents have been washed before, or within 5 Ma has been hit you to close distance wings, tied fast to take medicine away on the wings, first from the beginning, continue to freeze the tree or sleeping, this sure to sleep and sleep at our own end, and without the shield and 2 / 3 of blood below the tree while he was Run, and then the follow-up shield skills to cure almost like playing the last point of the output to prevent him from running, since 4000 the blood did not kill do not recommend strong law enforcement, once opened must be ready to kill one-off wiped out, if can not play by the opponent had the top time of silence, it is estimated that you are small连跑possible.


In the paper the main topics are:(1) to analyze the chemistry composition, the X-ray diffraction, the DTA, and the functions of all raw materials;(2) to define the best direction for producing glass and foam glass, and the best burning technical process;(3) to characterize the unit weight and thermal conductivity of foam glass;(4) to analyze the reason of bubbling up, including the influence factor of temperature, time and so on;(5) to discuss the reasons of leading to shortcomings.There is high content quartz (SiO2) in the two gangues from gold mine and potassium feldspar mine respectively. They can be used to prepare glass, because the quartz (SiO2) is the main raw material.


Abstract] objective to assess the efficacy and safety of transurethral resection of prostatewith plasmakinetic technique and to improve the qualities of pkrp.methods the data of 273 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasiawere retrospectively studied baseing on the mastering of pkrp.the average maximum urinary flow rate,the average residual urinary volumeand the average international prostate symptom score were analysed.results pkrp was successfully performed on 273 patients.intraoperative blood transfusion was performed in 6 cases,no obturator nerve reflex,transurethral resection syndrome,permanent urinary incontinence occurred and no death cases occurred.the follow-up time was 2~26 months with an average of 5.63 months,postoperative average qmax increased to 15.9 ml/s,and ruv decreased to 16.0 ml/s and the average ipss was 9.compared with those of preoperation,the differences were significant.conclusion pkrp has superior tissue cutting function and hemostasis.it is suggested that transurethral bipolar plasmakinetic resection of prostate be effective and safe.

目的 探讨经尿道双极等离子前列腺切除术的安全性与有效性,提高pkrp质量。方法回顾性分析273例良性前列腺增生患者pkrp资料,比较手术前后最大尿流率、膀胱剩余尿量及国际前列腺症状评分。结果 273例手术均顺利完成,术中输血6例,无闭孔神经反射、永久性尿失禁、经尿道电切综合征及死亡病例,随访2~26个月,平均5.63个月,qmax平均增至15.9 ml/s,ruv平均降至16.0 ml,ipss平均9分。与术前相比,各项指标均有明显改善。结论 pkrp具有良好的组织切割功能及可靠的止血作用,治疗bph安全有效。

There were altogether 15990 cases of reported infectious disease.The time from diagnose to report,from report to verify and from diagnose to verify are 40.4 hours,1.4 hours and 44.9 hours respectively.The time from diagnose to report takes up 89.98% of the whole time.There was no zero or failing report area and the re-report percentage was 0.01%.The incidence of infectious disease was 29.40% higher than the annual average rate of the previous 5 years.


The main products are: 1, disposable nasal oxygen tube, connecting tube 2, the use of disposable skin knife 3, the use of disposable endotracheal intubation 4, the use of disposable suction device 5, analgesic pumps 6, all kinds of disposable Medical Product plastic fittings (tube, spatula, amniotic fluid hook, hemostatic forceps, medical÷×, probe, explore mirror, umbilical cord folders, folder catheter, all kinds of Medical Products joints, drainage bag fittings, etc.) 7, a variety of injection molding plastic products production of "Quality First, Customer Satisfaction" for business purposes, drawn up a strict management system, standardized database from raw material to finished product into a set of testing protocols, production grasp the key processes, technology standards and insist requirements, and resolutely put an end to the inflow of substandard goods procedures and to develop the workshop director is responsible for the quality of accountability, to achieve Total Quality Management, so that product quality has been ensured; inspectors at the same time continually improve operational standards and quality, meticulous preparation the inspection work to ensure that qualified factory Products; and perfect after-sale service and feedback management system, continuously enhance customer satisfaction, quality service to customers.

主要产品有:1、一次性使用鼻氧管、连接管 2、一次性使用备皮刀3、一次性使用气管插管 4、一次性使用吸痰器5、镇痛泵 6、各种一次性医用产品塑料配件(试管、压舌板、羊水钩、止血钳、医用镊子、探针、探镜、脐带夹、导管夹、各种医用产品接头、引流袋配件等)7、各种注塑塑胶产品生产等本公司以&质量第一,顾客满意&为企业宗旨,制定了严格的管理制度,规范了从原材料进库到成品出厂的一整套检验规程,生产中抓好关键工序,坚持工艺标准和要求,坚决杜绝不合格品流入下道工序,并制定车间主任负责的质量责任制,做到全员质量管理,使产品质量得到了保证;同时不断提高检验人员的业务水平和素质,一丝不苟作好各项检验工作,确保产品合格出厂;并完善售后服务和信息反馈管理制度,不断增强顾客的满意度,以优质产品服务广大用户。

METHODS According to the phenomenon description of 154 wet packs, order wet pack in put out the germ machine output part conduct and actions concern to carry on the sorting and classification, is divided into totally inside the room lines up the vapor to above wet the type, inside the room enters a surroundings of steam to wet the type, inside the room four walls wets the type and carries the thing and apparatuses to wrap of contact face to wet the type and carry an etc. of a several physical volumes of thing 5, and induce to statistics each wet pack output possible reason.


Methods: One-step trizol had used to get the total RNA of the four animal brain, then PEGS000 to purify the small RNA from the total RNA, after the ligation ofpoly on the 3\' and the adaptor on the 5\', the oligo primer will be used to reverse translation the small RNA, and then used the specific primers to amplification the small RNA sequences. After the gel purition recovery, the small RNA will be ligated to the T-vector, and be transformed to the TOP 10 E. coli, at last, we picked up the masc. clones for sequencing.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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