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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 6 To obtain a work safety license, an enterprise shall satisfy the following work safety conditions:(1)Having established and improved the responsibility system for work safety,and formulated a whole set of work safety regulations and operating rules;(2)Its investment In safety Is up to work safety requirements;(3)Having set up administrative entities for work safety and installed full-time work safety administrative personnel;(4)The major person-in—charge and work safety administrative personnel have passed the appraisal;(5)The special personnel have passed the appraisal conducted by the competent authority, and have obtained qualification certificates for special operations;(6)The workers have gone through work safety education and training;(7)Having workers insured against work—related injuries in accordance with the law and having paid insurance premiums in this regard;(8)Its premises,worksites,safety facilities,equipment and technology are up to the requirements of the relevant work safety laws,regulations,standards and rules;(9)Having preventive measures against occupation hazards and providing workers with labor protection articles which are up to the national standards or standards of the industrial sector concerned;(10)Having conducted safety evaluation in accordance with the law;(11)Having measures for the testing,assessment and monitoring of sources of grave danger, as well as emergency plans thereabout;(12)Having emergency rescue plans for work accidents,and entities or personnel specialized in emergency rescue.and having necessary emergency rescue materials and equipment; and (13)Satisfying other conditions as provided by laws and regulations.

第六条 企业取得安全生产许可证,应当具备下列安全生产条件:建立,健全安全生产责任制,制定完备的安全生产规章制度和操作规程;设置安全生产管理机构,配备专职安全生产管理人员;主要负责人和安全生产管理人员经考核合格;主要负责人和安全生产管理人员经考核合格;特种作业人员经有关业务主管部门考核合格,取得特种作业操作资格证书;从业人员经安全生产教育和培训合格;依法参加工伤保险,为从业人员缴纳保险费;厂房,作业场所和安全设施,设备,工艺符合有关安全生产法律,法规,标准和规程的要求;有职业危害防治措施,并为从业人员配备符合国家标准或者行业标准的劳动防护用品;依法进行安全评价;有重大危险源检测,评估,监控措施和应急预案;有生产安全事故应急救援预案,应急救援组织或者应急救援人员,配备必要的应急救援器材,设备;法律,法规规定的其他条件。

Seek a technology, seek fund, do procedure, adjust land, in what press down a government help guiding falls, lie Hu Shan is cindery brickyard, bright and beautiful high mountain a batch of gangue such as brickyard of brickyard, Yun Chuan gangue, waste residue makes bricky item in succession put into production amounts to effect, produce per year gangue brick to make an appointment with 200 million, use up the litter such as gangue more than tons 50, new increase production is worth 5 000 more than yuan, managing make a brick use raw coal cement of Donghua of 15 thousand tons of; produces per year 3.1 million tons of cement to produce a course in, use vitriolic broken bits every year 150 thousand tons, gangue 600 thousand tons, fly ash, cindery wait for 580 thousand tons, new increase production is worth on 100 million yuan.

找技术、找资金、办手续、调剂土地,在镇政府的帮助引导下,卧虎山煤渣砖厂、锦岳砖厂、云川煤矸石砖厂等一批煤矸石、废渣制砖项目相继投产达效,年产煤矸石砖约2亿块,消耗煤矸石等废弃物50余万吨,新增产值5 000余万元,节约制砖用原煤1.5万吨;东华水泥年产310万吨水泥生产过程中,每年利用硫酸渣15万吨,煤矸石60万吨,粉煤灰、煤渣等58万吨,新增产值上亿元。

The biomechanical tests showed that two kinds of artificial bones had not significant difference on compressive strength and Young\'s modulus(P>0.05),while the flexural strength of nano-nacre artificial bone was less than the control group(P<0.05).3.The results of CCK-8 showed that the difference were not significant in each group,the proliferation of osteoblast reached the peak at the 5th day;7 days after being co-cultured,the total protein content of study group was higher than control group and blank group(P<0.05),while the difference between control group and blank group was not significantP>0.05The difference of alkaline phosphatase activities among three groups was not significant(P>0.05The SEM view showed that osteoblast attached and grew well in two kinds of artificial bone.4.X-ray photography showed that two kinds of powder started to degrade in 2 weeks;this phenomenon became more appear in 4 weeks,nano-nacre powder degraded faster than micron-nacre powder,while the hole shadow was easy to be found;in 8 weeks,all the femoral holes recovered and returned to normal bone mineral density in all groups.Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone grew fastest around the bone defect area in study group,while most slowly in blank groupP<0.05 SEM(scanning electron microscope observation showed that nano-nacre powder degraded more quickly.The same result can be found through the demineralized sections morphometric analysis,and both of the composite artificial bones made from those two kinds of nacre powder had the good connection with the adjacent tissue in rats body without apparent inflammatory response.5.X-ray photography showed that rabbit\'s bone defects healed faster in study group since NNAB implanted than in control group since MNAB implanted.At 24 weeks after operation,bone density in radial defects had nearly accessed to the normal area,while lower in control group,and turned up nonunion in blank group;The checking of BMD showed that results in study group were higher than those in control group at 8,16 and 24 week(P<0.05), and the difference between the BMD values in study group at 24 week and those in blank group was not significant(P>0.05).The gross specimens showed satisfactory histocompatibility both in study group and in control group,with bone tissue growing from two sides into the center of implanted materials; Normal slices in HE stain and hard tissue grinding slices in Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin stain showed that the bone growth tendency was better in study group than that in control group,and the medullary cavity had been penetrated to the implanted materials in study group at 24 week;Analysis of tetracycline fluorescent double marks in the hard tissue grinding slices indicated that new bone in both groups grew fastest 8 weeks after surgery,while slow down at 16 week.

纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨分别与成骨细胞共培养后,其各时间点CCK-8法检测值与空白对照无显著差异(P>0.05),成骨细胞均在第5天达到增殖高峰期;培养7天后,实验组细胞蛋白含量高于对照组及空白组(P<0.05),后两者之间则无显著差异P>0.05碱性磷酸酶活性在三组间均无显著差异(P>0.05电镜下可见成骨细胞在两种人工骨上都有良好生长贴附能力。4.X-ray显示两种粉体在大鼠股骨骨洞植入第2周时都开始出现了降解,第4周时更为明显,纳米珍珠层粉较之微米珍珠层粉降解更快,而空白对照组骨洞阴影仍可见,至8周时,则所有组骨洞均己闭合修复,X-ray下已不可见原钻孔痕迹,恢复正常骨质密度;硬组织磨片四环素荧光双标记结果显示纳米珍珠层粉植入组较其余两组在骨缺损区周围新骨生长速度更快,空白组速度最慢P<0.05电镜观察及常规脱钙切片亦可见到纳米粉体降解较快;由以上两种原材料制得的纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨与微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨在大鼠体内均与周围组织结合良好,无明显炎症反应。5.X-ray显示纳米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入兔桡骨缺损区后其骨愈合速度较对照组微米珍珠层/消旋聚乳酸复合人工骨植入的快,至植入术后24周,实验组骨缺损区接近正常骨密度,对照组骨缺损区密度较低,空白组则呈现骨不连状态;骨密度测量结果显示术后8周、16周、24周实验组的骨密度值高于对照组(P<0.05,24周实验组的骨密度值与术前所测得的正常值无显著性差异P>0.05动物取材大体所见均显示组织相容性良好,骨组织逐渐由植入材料两端向中央生长;常规切片HE染色及硬组织磨片Stevenel\'s blue/Van Geison\'s picro-fuchsin联合染色均可见实验组骨缺损区长势优于对照组,至术后24周,实验组骨髓腔与材料已呈相交通状;硬组织磨片荧光显微镜下观察,两组材料在术后8周处于骨生长最快速时期,16周时速度开始减慢,术后4、8、16周时实验组的新骨生长速度均较对照组的快

Resultsthe operating time was from 40 to 200 minutes,the average weight of removed prostate was 25~92(46±22)g, hemorrhage volumn was 75ml during operation. no transurethral resection syndrome and obturator nerve reflex occurred. the 62 patients were followed up for 2~12months,they micturate freely. the symptom of night-urination mend well. the international prostate symptom scoresdecreased from 25.2 to 8.5. the qmax increased from the 5.4ml/s before operation to 16.9ml/s after operation.

结果 手术时间40~200min,切除前列腺组织重量25~92(46±22)g,术中出血量平均75ml,无turp综合征及闭孔神经反射发生。62例患者随访2~12个月,排尿通畅,夜尿症状缓解,ipss评分由术前的平均25.2分下降为术后平均8.5分,qmax由术前8.0ml/s增到18.5ml/s。

[Objective] To analyze the outcome of internal fixation for occipitalization with atlantoaxial joint dislocation by posterior decompression and occipitocervical fusion [Method] From December 2005 to June 2007,8 patients with occipitalization and atlantoaxial joint dislocation received removal of the posterior arcus of atlas and the enlargement of the posterior edge of the foramen magnum after skull traction performing for an average of 135 daysAll patients were operated on by posterior craniocervical fusion using cervifix internal fixation system and autologous ilium graftsThe clinical efficacy after operation was analyzed by Japanese Orthopaedic Associationneural function score [Result] All the patients were followed up from 6 months to 2 years, average of 15 monthsNo complication was foundAtlantodental interval was 5~9 mm before and 4~6 mm after skull tractionAtlantoaxial joint dislocation didn't completely reducedThe neurological defects were improved to some extents according to the JOA scoreImageology showed all patients had full decompression and bony fusionThe loosening or broken internal fixation was not found [Conclusion] Posterior decompression and fusion is a feasible method for the treatment of occipitalization with atlantoaxial joint dislocation,and the clinical effect is satisfactory

分析后路减压枕颈融合内固定术治疗合并寰枢关节脱位的寰椎枕骨化临床疗效。[方法]2005年12月至2007年6月间,对8例合并寰枢关节脱位的寰椎枕骨化患者在行颅骨牵引治疗一段时间(12~16 d,平均135 d)后采用枕骨大孔后缘扩大,寰椎后弓切除减压取自体髂骨枕颈融合Cervifix系统内固定术,手术后采用日本骨科学会神经功能评分分析临床疗效。[结果]8例患者随访6个月~2年,平均为15个月。8例患者无一例出现术后并发症,术前寰齿前间隙为5~9 mm,经颅骨牵引后为5~7 mm,寰枢关节脱位未能完全复位。手术前后JOA评分示神经症状均有不同程度恢复,影像学检查示枕颈区减压充分植骨区获得骨性融合,无一例出现内固定松动或断裂。[结论]合并寰枢关节脱位的寰椎枕骨化患者术前仔细评估影像学改变,采用颅骨牵引一段时间后行后路减压枕颈融合内固定术的治疗方案是合理可行的,且临床效果满意。

Thirty-seven of 38 patients with follow-up are alive without disease and 1 is alive with disease (median 59 mo follow-up duration, range: 8 to 108 mo). Six cases showed myxoid liposarcoma with spindled growth (spindle cell myxoid liposarcoma); these arose in 5 females and 1 male (median age 14 y) and involved the thigh in 40% of cases.


With assets being bid up, they're not getting enough return from ordinary investments from stocks and bonds. Then silver-tongued people came along and said you don't have to suffer low returns. Give us the money, we'll lever up, pay us a lot of compensation and we will give you 15% not 5%.


In 1992, there were 143 categories of products subject to export licencing which accounted for 48.3 per cent of the total value of the China's exports, but by 1999, the total number of products subject to export licensing had been reduced to 58 categories and 73 items with an export value of US$ 18.5 billion, taking up only 9.5 per cent of total exports.


The film editing shall be done in accordance has an altruistic and with my own way and manner (2004/51; Cambridge) Facing the film editing, I have to convince considerably my intuition and inner aesthesia; do not rely on someone else, and trust yourself the inner guidance (2004/5/2) Attentions between teacher and child, mother and child, as well as child and child…children have to grow up under an environment of Love, so as to be healthy and happy, spilling only if his inner mind were full of compassionate and altruistic conception.


We pitched in 5 cents each and bought a 50-metre rope and some carabiners. Unfortunately, eight of us had to tie into the rope, so we took turns: two at a time would go up, and then they'd throw the rope down and up went the next two.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
