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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

NBA 2K Online Features - 2K Sports' industry leading online service gets all-new features like 5-on-5 Multiplayer mode with Total Team Control and a new ranking system--from Bench Warmer to Rookie to Pro to Superstar--that shows you how to match up against your opponents.

NBA2K的联机功能- 2k Sports在联机的新功能,如5对 5多人游戏模式和一个新的排名系统–使你从替补等级,新秀等级,专业等级到超级巨星等级-都能找到合适的对手和你比赛。

Can estimate so: A cup of water makes an appointment with 250 milliliter, water of one side basin makes an appointment with 5000 milliliter, a pail of water makes an appointment with 10000 milliliter, one cuspidor water makes an appointment with 2000-3000 milliliter, one spoon disinfectant is equivalent to powder of 10 grams solid or 10 milliliter liquid about, if need to make up 10 thousand milliliter 0.5% second crossing oxygen are acerbity, 5 spoon can be joined to cross former fluid of oxygen second acid in 1 pail of water and into.


Abstract] objective to analyse kawasaki disease' s clinical characteristic to improve the cognition and cure kawasaki disease.methods 52 kawasaki disease's clinical data from 1996 to 2005 in our hospital were reviewed.results in the 52 examples,34 were males,18 were females,the proportion was 1.89∶1.patients in 1~5 years old,took up 68.35%.symptom was pyrexia for over 5 days,antibiotic cure was useless.in the whole 52 examples,50 were exanthem,44 were eye conjunctiva congestion,50 lip bleeding with evaporation and dehiscence,46 myrica tongue,44 apyetous lympha denectasis in the neck area of the body,42 hand and foot-tip stiff swell,48 membrane peeling from hand foot-tip and the skin around anus after two weeks,12 cadiovascular expansion.

分析川崎病的临床特征以提高对川崎病的认识及治疗。方法回顾性分析1996~2005年我院收治符合川崎病标准的52例川崎病临床资料。结果 52例川崎病患儿中男34例、女18例,男女比例为1.89∶1。患儿年龄多在1~5岁,大约占68.35%。症状均为发热5天以上,抗生素治疗无效,其中皮疹50例,眼结膜充血44例,口唇干裂出血50例,杨梅舌46例,颈部非化脓性淋巴结肿大44例,手足末梢硬肿42例,2周后手足末梢及肛周皮肤膜状脱屑48例,冠状动脉扩张12例。

According to several years practice, comprehensively sum up measures of forcing culture technology of scale and dwarf on potted Bougainvillea as: a propagation of cuttage, which choose a mixture of 50%peat, 33% vermiculite and 17 sharp sand as cutting soil, and choose a semi-wooden shoot cut into 5~10cm length with 2~3 leaves as cuttings then touch 1% AA root powder, is lower cost and higher survival rate than that of tissue culture; Bougainvillea growth can be efficaciously regulated by pruning and using 2~5g/L PP333; bougainvillea can be induced to flowers by spraying 2.5~4.0g/L B9 and administering no more 11 hours daylight every day continuously; the florescence can be more prolonged about 20 days by spraying 50mg/L NAA while selling; and prevention and cure of pest and disease, etc.

根据多年的生产实践,从科学育苗、栽培管理、售前处理和病虫害防治等方面综合总结了叶子花的规模化矮化促成生产技术措施:选择泥炭土、蛭石和黄沙按3:2:1比例混合均匀的扦插基质,采用半木质化当年生枝条,剪成5~10cm长的2~3叶节一段,沾染1%自制生根粉的扦插育苗较组培育苗成本低,成活率高;结合修剪用2~5g/L的多效唑进行叶面喷洒能有效控制生长,矮化植株;选择2.5~4.0的丁酰肼叶面喷洒和每天保持不多于11h的短日照处理,能有效促进开花;销售前全株喷洒脱50mg/L NAA可延长花期20天左右;整个生产过程加强肥水管理、温湿度控制和环境清洁能有效防治病虫害发生。

Nansheng Ceramics Co.,Ltd,mainly produces high-grade inner wall bricks,small floors and pseudo-classic small floors at present,The company keeps the management idea of"fashionable life and classical art"and inherits ancient ceramic culture,The products are featured as novel variety,numerous varidties,stable unified color,good anti-pollution and frostproof,Their,main specifications are inner wall bricks of 250X330mm,300X450mm and 300X600mm;small floors and pseudo-classic floors of 300X300mm and 330X330mm and 600X600mm Above-mentioned products meet the A-class demands of National GB/T4100.5-199,There are unrestricted in producing,we set up a strict examination standard to ensure our product quality,While paying attention to product quality,we streng then to the marketing service management and set up the sales network in the whole country to make consumers more convement and understand directly the products of our company.


Results A total of 51 cases of patients with 6 cases of pacemaker dysfunction occurred: Pacing electrode catheter dislocation example 1 (1.9%), electrode fracture example 1 (1.9%), electrode insulation layer breakdown of example 1 (1.9%), 4 cases of perceptual dysfunction (7.8%), pacemaker-mediated tachycardia I example (1.9%), adopted to adjust the pacing parameters or replacement of pacemakers and pacing electrode catheter, pacing function returned to normal; 5-year follow-up, 3 cases of capsular hematoma and capsular rupture (5.9%), out by local hematocele, antibiotic rinse, closed cavity, in severe cases, re-incision and drainage to remove blood clots after compression bandaging article, in severe cases of infection, clear sinus, closed cavity, catheter inserted in the contra-lateral re-production of capsular bag implantation of pacemaker, to strengthen the anti-inflammatory treatment, made a very good effect. Two cases with pacemaker syndrome, 13 cases with cardiac dysfunction, 8 cases with cerebral infarction.


Our company is a professional granite manufacturer, mainly produces various specifications and various standards and measuring plate: angle square, feet, flat feet, surveying Block, V-block, parallel rules, such as granite box measuring, components, such as: coordinate measuring machine base, the base circuit board equipment, a variety of projector base, the company's projector to enter the base in Shenzhen and the Pearl River Delta region south by customers, U.S. Products are mainly exported to Germany, Spain and China Taiwan etc. countries and regions, and Machinery Factory Qingdao outpost set up a partnership sells its products in Japan, Germany, the test of DIN, JIS, product packaging in line with international export standards, at the same time The company has advanced production equipment, one large double-housing planer Units, bridge-type cutting machine 1 Units, Units 1 rail grinder, large CNC Drilling Units 1, 5 Units Vertical Drilling Machine, 10 tons lane 2, 5 tons lane 2 Department of 3 tons lane 2, and has 2000 square meters large thermostat workshop for high-precision measuring and cutting granite, laid the foundation meter.

我们公司是一家花岗石专业生产厂家,主要生产各种规格及各种标准的平板及量具:角尺、方尺、平尺、测量座、V 型块、平行规、方箱等花岗石量具、构件,如:三坐标测量机底座,线路板设备配套底座,各种规格的投影仪基座、本公司生产的投影仪基座打入深圳及南方珠三角地区,深受客户的好评,我们的产品主要销往德国、西班牙及中国台湾等多个国家和地区,并与青岛前哨机械厂建立了合作关系,其产品销往日本,德国,检验标准DIN、JIS,产品包装符合国际出口标准,同时本公司拥有先进的生产设备,大型龙门刨床1台、桥型切机1台、导轨磨床1台,大型数控钻1台,立式钻床5台,10吨行车2部,5吨行车2部,3吨行车2部,并拥有2000平方米的大型恒温车间,为高精度的花岗石量具、量仪奠定了基础。

Heb 9:15-17 7:22 Lu 22:20 1Co 11:25 5 This covenant was administered differently in the time of the law, and in the time of the gospel; 2Co 3:6-9 under the law it was administered by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to the people of the Jews, all foreshadowing Christ to come, Heb 8:1-10:39 Ro 4:11 Col 2:11,12 1Co 5:7 which were for that time sufficient and efficacious, through the operation of the spirit, to instruct and build up the elect in faith in the promised Messiah, 1Co 10:1-4 Heb 11:13 Joh 8:56 by whom they had full remission of sins, and eternal salvation; and is called the Old Testament.

以弗所书9:15-17 7时22卢22时20 1co 11:25 5 )这个公约是管理不同,在当时的法律规定,而且在时间的福音; 2co 3:6-9根据法律规定,它是经管所承诺的同时,预言牺牲,割礼,逾越节的羔羊,以及其他不同类型和条例交付予人的犹太人,都预示着基督来,希伯来书8:1-10:39滚装4时11中校2:11,12 1co 5时07分,其中分别为当时的足够和有效的,通过手术的精神,指示,并建立起选出在信仰中所承诺的弥赛亚, 1co 10:1-4希伯来书11时13 joh 8时56分由谁来他们全部学费的罪,和永恒的救赎;并被称为旧约。

This article that focuses on the systematic and in-depth research in the current primal problem about abnormal burst pressure reservoir depress burst pressure has procured following main fruits:1 It forms the method which could obtain massive vertical static state mechanics parameters.2 In a foundation of acquisition of rock mechanics parameters,apply bent lamella that as mechanical model along with characteristic of actual geologic characteristics to analysis curvature for anticlinal strcture, get homologous tectonic stress value throug relation between the curvature and stress and different principal curvature in anticlinal structure,consequently set up laminational stress model for anticline reservoir. The block lamination for existed fracturing date has formed method of setting up mechanical model of lamination terrestrial stress by abtaining the block tectonic stress coefficients which are got by complex utilization test, laboratory test and fracturing date playback.3 Analysesing the main reason which lead to high burst pressure by considering the characteristic of reservoir geology,reservoir,and rock mechanics and reservoir damage,etc.Establishing burst pressure quantitative prediction model which provide gist for depressing construction risk and optimizing construction craft under the condition of open hole completion ,gun-perforated completion and damaged reservoir.4 Provding theoretical basis for interpreting acidification pretreatment which could depress busrt pressure by finding the relation between the influencing factors and rock machanics parameters and analysing the factors that have effect on rock mechanics parameters. Expounding the mechanism of reaction of mixed monomineral and acid from the angle of microcosmic element, evaluating quantitatively acid sensilility of different kinds of mineral effectively, and determing the first-order reaction dynamical equation of each mineral.5 Revealing rock mechanics property chage as a result of acid flooding in different condition by sandstone traumata experiment in different temperatures which combined with rock mechanics triaxial stress experiment.6 Associating damage mechanics with sandstone acidizing, established sandstone damage mechanics model in the foundation of the recognition on the rock mechanics parametric variation which is caused by acid-rock reaction in both macroscopic view and microscopic view ,also demonstrated those processes and quantitative estimated the acid busrt pressure to direct the site operation.


You may abhor those damn bicycle thieves when you are in BJU. You may get up at five minutes to class beginning, then walk leisurely to class. When you work, you most probably get up at six in the morning, impatiently take a bus which is crowded as a sardine can, waiting for your bus squeezing forward in a jam traffic. Congratulating on yourself for the boss hasn't arrived and you have been five minutes late to work due to a traffic jam on your way to work, one of your good colleagues has got ready to report on you to the boss.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
