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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For fishes that exposed to water with 40 mg/L nonylphenol, vitellogenin in study fish plasma, ranged from 8.21 to 12.2 mg/mL was about eight times higher than that of controls, by two-week follow-up. After four weeks,the vitello genin contents rised to 5.38-75.4 mg/mL.

雄鲤鱼於壬基苯酚暴露后第二周即发现血浆内之卵黄前质浓度明显增加(8.21-12.22 mg/mL),约为空白对照组之8倍;第四周为5.38-75.36 mg/mL,其中餵饲处理者为空白对照组之46倍,壬基苯酚确具干扰生物内分泌生理效应。

Follow-up for 5 years is hit by result to 160 fat example crowd , 10 examples develop for blood sugar is damaged (IFG on an empty stomach, 6.2%), 28 examples develop for candy is able to bear amounts abnormal (IGT, 17.7%), 13 examples develop for 2 type glycuresis (T2DM, 8.12%), 79 examples develop for hypertension (HT, 49.4%).

结果 对160例肥胖人群5年的随访中,10例发展为空腹血糖受损(IFG,6.2%),28 例发展为糖耐量异常(IGT,17.7%),13例发展为2型糖尿病(T2DM,8.12%),79例发展为高血压病(HT,49.4%)。

The white low-density powder of the the sodium salt of polyaspartic acid was got by dropping the hydrolyzable solution to wiscked high speedly carbinol which Consumption amount is about 3-6 times to the amount of solution, the powders density is about 0.35g/ml.4 Polyaspartic acid was characterized by NMR and IR.5 The scale inhibition behavior of polyaspartic acid was studied and result shows: The calcium carbonate inhibition rate is up to 99% at the dosages of 12.5mg/ Land when pH value is 9.0, Ca2+ concentration is 120mg/L and HCO3- concentration is 366mg/L.6 The primary design was put forward for industrialized production of PASP.

在此工艺下得到聚天冬氨酸钠粉术,外观为白色的轻质粉术,堆积密度0.35g/ml,不用进行脱色和粉碎。 4。用红外光谱和核磁共振谱图对聚天冬氨酸进行了表征。 5。对合成的聚天冬氨酸钠对CaCO_3的阻垢性能进行了研究。结果表明:在Ca~(2+)离子浓度120mg/L(以碳酸钙计300mg/L),HCO_3~-离子浓度为366mg/L(以碳酸钙计600mgL),PH值=9.0的条件下,阻垢剂浓度达到12.5mg/L时阻垢率可达99%。

Jatropha is drought resistant, which eliminates risk, it is a non-edible plant, easy to establish, grows relatively fast (20cm in the first month and up to 2,5 m in the first year).

麻疯树是抗旱,从而避免了风险,它是一个非食用植物,容易确立,增长较快( 20cm的,在头一个月高达2,5米的第一年)。

The results show that the composite coating is metallurgically bonded to the substrate and the microstructure is fine and uniform. The hardness of the composite coating is up to 400 HV, which is 2.5 times that of the substrate. Under room temperature and oil lubrication condition, the sliding wear tests indicate the friction coefficient and weight loss of the composite coating are smaller than those of substrate. The worn surface of the composite coatings is much smoother than that of the substrate, without grooves and crater.


The three so-called pseudepigraphical works were allegedly written by or under the influence of the antediluvian patriarch Enoch, who was taken up to heaven by the Lord, an event described in the Book of Genesis (5:24); pseudepigraphical writings are those that are noncanonical (meaning not accepted into the body of biblical books) and were composed in a style intending to resemble or appear as authentic biblical literature, often assuming the title of some personage known to the audience.


Basal and lower cauline leaves petiolate; petiole 2–7 cm; blade triangular-ovate to ovate-lanceolate in outline, up to 20 × 17 cm; pinnae ovate-lanceolate, 2–6 × 1–2.5 cm.

基部和下部茎生叶peti? olate;叶柄2-7厘米;叶片三角状心形到卵状披针形轮廓,可达20×17厘米;羽片卵状披针形, 2-6 * 1-2.5 厘米。

Leaves toward base of stem: petiole ca. 0.8-1.3 cm, tomentose, prophyll up to 1/2 as long as petiole; leaf blade ovate or narrowly ovate, 10-18 × 5-10 cm, papery, glabrous to abaxially tomentose, adaxially pilose along veins, base cordate, oblique, apex acute or acute-acuminate; veins 9, apical pair arising 1-3 cm above base, others basal; reticulate veins conspicuous.

约的对于scircapetiole的基部的叶0.8-1.3厘米,被绒毛,先出叶可达1/2的倍于叶柄;叶片卵形或狭卵形, 10-18 * 5-10 厘米,纸质,无毛到背面的被绒毛,正面具柔毛的沿脉,基部心形,偏斜,先端锐尖的或锐尖尖;脉9,出现的顶端的对超过基部1-3厘米,其它人基部;网脉明显穗状花序对生。

For AC current, the electrode is either pure tungsten or tungsten with a small amount (up to 0.5%) of zirconia to aid arc reignition and to reduce electrode erosion.


objective to discuss treatment of acute perforation of peptic ulcer,to elevate i stage operation recovery rate.methods 208 cases in 20 years were retrospectively analysed,86 cases (41.35%) were recovered by subtotal gastrectomy;18 cases (20.93%) were undergone billroth i anastomosis;68 cases (79.07%) billroth ⅱ;42 cases (61.76%) billroth ⅱ precolonic anastomosis;26 cases (38.24%) retrocolic anastomosis.results in 86 cases,1 case was complicated by gastroparesis,others all recovered.all cases were followed up for 5 years.conclusion the procedure can shorten the recovery time and increase quality of life.

目的 探讨消化性溃疡急性穿孔的治疗方法,旨在提高ⅰ期手术治愈的成功率。方法回顾性总结分析20年间手术治疗消化性溃疡急性穿孔208例,其中86例(41.35%)采用胃大部连同病灶切除ⅰ期治愈,胃肠重建采用billrothⅰ式吻合18例(20.93%),billrothⅱ式吻合68例(79.07%),billrothⅱ式结肠前吻合42例(61.76%),结肠后吻合26例(38.24%)。结果 86例中除1例billrothⅱ式吻合术后发生胃瘫并发症,经保守治疗月余治愈外,其余病例术后恢复顺利,均随访5年以上情况良好。结论消化性溃疡急性穿孔的ⅰ期手术治疗,解决了因溃疡穿孔单行修补术后再次复发穿孔、出血、幽门梗阻、粘连、溃疡恶变而重复手术等问题,缩短了治愈周期,提高了生存质量。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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