英语人>网络例句>up to 5 相关的网络例句
up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ACCOUNTS RECEIVALBE and INVOICE WRITING: Up to 10,000 customers - Allows over 30,000 transactions per month - Up to 5000 Sales Codes - Two Auto Bill amounts - Each customer can be set for one of five tax rates, or as tax exempt - Reports include: Customer Listing, Statements, Invoices, Accounts Receivable Ledger, Sales Tax Summary, Charges and Payments Listing, Customer Activity, Sales Summary, and Delinquent Customer Listing - Saves up to 99 months of data - Can post the charges and payments to Medlin General Ledger.

receivalbe帐目和发票写作:高达10000客户-让超过3 。0万,每月的交易-高达50 00销售守则-两个自动条例草案的数额-每个客户可以设定为1 5税率,或作为税豁免-报告包括:顾客上市,报表,发票,应收账款总账,销售税,总之,收费和付款上市,客户活动,销售的概要,以及拖欠客户上市-节省多达99个月的数据-可以张贴收费和付款medlin总分类帐。

The special tribo-electdc tester with high sliding speed and electric current was developed,which mail working parameters are, current density up to 2.5 A/mm~2, the sliding speed 100 m/s,the load over 500 N (3.2 MPa) and the pulsant strike pressure within 20 N. This testersuccessfully simulates the tribological and electric properties of strip materials. 2, By using the above tester, study on tdbological properties and carrying currentperformances of copper-base powder metallurgy material and metal impregnation carbonmaterial are carded out.

本论文开展的主要研究内容和所取得的成果如下: 1、首次开发了大电流、高速度和重载荷的载流摩擦磨损专用试验机,能够稳定提供恒定交流电流密度2.5 A/mm~2,相对滑动速度100 m/s(12000 r/min),载荷可达500 N(3.2MPa),脉动冲击载荷可达20 N,为研究提速接触网和滑板的高速载流摩擦学特性及其机理,以及开发新型高耐磨性、高载流性能滑板材料提供了先进可靠的试验手段(该机已获得一项实用新型专利,ZL 2006 2 0096036.5)。

The new iPod boasts up to 20 hours of battery life(5), five hours more than before.

新的 iPod 支持长达 20 小时的电池使用时间(5),比以前多出 5 个小时。

NaCl-tolerant clones of Z. sinica and Z. matrella (LRM and LCG, could retain a few green leaves at 7.5% NaCl for 3 weeks) and two sensitive clones of Z. matrella (HB and KE, showed 100% and near 100% leaf necroses in 3% NaCl) were used for this study. Plants were grown in nutrient solution supplemented with NaCl up to 3% under controlled conditions.

本研究选取耐盐性高(LRM及LCG,在7.5% NaCl浓下培养三周尚能维持一些)及低(HB及KE,在3% NaCl浓下培养三周后,片全枯及近於全枯)者各二营养系为材,将之培养於含有NaCl之营养液中,浓从0.5%渐增至3%,探讨其在盐逆境下之生反应。

Trade after finishing, china net investment was bought from inside hand of 11 independent load holders add up to the bond of 39.5 million dollar, hold total bond face value nearly 23.5% of 168 million dollar.


Enzyme activity in supernatant from flask fermentation after 132 boors induction was 167 umL^(-1) Its expression products was active under pH2.0~8.0 and the activity was up to the the highest under pH5.5. The optimum temperature for enzyme activity was 55℃.


This arduous traveler has one of the greatest known wingspans of any bird, measuring up to 11.5 feet (3.5 meters), and has been recorded flying 500 miles (805 kilometers) in a single day.

这一艰巨的旅客之一,最大的已知翼展任何鸟,测量到十一点五英尺( 3.5米),并已录得飞行500英里( 805公里)在上一次单日。

There was significant difference in signal intensity between the cell concentration group and unlabelled cell group during 2 weeks. And significant difference occurred in the 5×105 SPIO-labeled cells per milliliter medium group and unlabelled cell group during 3 weeks.3. In kidneys of ischemia-reperfusion injury,the labeled BMSCs were demonstrated as signal intensity loss in renal medulla on T2*WI sequence in days 1,3,and5.The signal intensity loss was visualized up to 8 days after transplantation,and the signal intensity in the third day was the lowest. Histological analyses showed that most Prussian blue staining-positive cells were well correlated with the area where a signal intensity loss was observed in MRI.


In this study, in utero transfection plasmid DNA method was set up to embryonic mouse. The GFP expression vector pCAGGS-IRES-EGFP was microinjected into the lateral cerebral ventricle of E 14.5d mouse embryos through the uterine wall. Then, the 30 V square-wave pulse was delivered across the head for 5 times and interval 50m sec by electrodes in parallel with the median raphes.

本研究旨在通过子宫内电穿孔法,建立鼠胚大脑皮层体内基因转移体系:将带有绿色荧光蛋白的表达载体pCAGGS-IRES-EGFP显微注入胚胎期14.5 d的鼠胚侧脑室中,电极沿与脑中缝平行的方向夹持鼠脑,在电压30 V,脉冲时间50 ms,脉冲数5的条件下方波电击,将外源基因转移到室管膜层细胞。

The Asian elephant weighs about 5,500 kg and has a shoulder height of up to 3.5 metres.

亚洲象 ,重量约为5500公斤,有一个肩膀的高度可达3.5米。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
