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up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the synthesis reaction of chalcone, cyclohexanone aldolization and biodiesel,γ-Al_2O_3-NaOH-Na solid superacid has a satisfactory catalytic activity. With hypnone and phenylaldehyde as raw material, amount of catalyst 7.5% wt% of material, mole ratio of hypnone and phenylaldehyde 1:1.1, reaction temperature 40℃, after 3 hours, the yield of chalcone can be up to 96.88%. With cyclohexanone as raw material, amount of catalyst 10% wt% of material, reaction temperature 190℃, after 3 hours, dimmer of cyclohexanone can be up to 85.66%.


The word still must speak of from the beginning, zhang Mou belongs to Yao to bring person of the village on end of Zhenjiang of prefectural smooth salary, culture of junior high school, humanness is laborious, will a few years be planted from the open up wasteland on the barren mountain that sends this villager panel crops, be planted the place of crops is Guang Lucun appoint meeting and river end village appoint the have a common boundary of the meeting, place name calls Zhang Jiashan, person of river end village call his small Song Ping again, fertilizer of ground of this barren mountain is careless luxuriant, it is kind of crops and the good place that depasture, in last few years, ten farmer of group of the village on river end are planted in here open up wasteland crops, year answer can obtain good crop one year, arrive again in an instant in May 2006, zhang Mou follows as one used to do same, plant on ground of him place open up wasteland went up maize, apply went up to change


When the filter coating surface of the appropriate thickness (1.5 ~ 2mm) of the diatomaceous earth layer, ultra-precision oil filters up to 2 ~ 5μm.


Finally, three patients underwent long-term follow-up (6.5~16.5 months), and only one of them was found to have complete glottic closure.


Spikelet callus 0.2–0.5 mm; glumes scabrid on keel, evenly hirtellous on back; leaf blades 2–5 mm wide; inflorescence up to 12 cm

Spikelet结茧0.2-0.5毫米;在在背面上龙骨状,平均具微糙硬毛上粗糙的颖片;叶片2-5毫米宽;花序可达12厘米 2 P。

In 1991, Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu, a new species of mite, was first found damaging passionflower in Zhangzhou, south Fujian, China. It propagated 8-9 generations annually in laboratory in 1991-1992. Its egg stage ranged 6.0-25.0 days, larva stage 3.0-14.0 days, nymph Ⅰ stage 2.0-12.0 days, nymph Ⅱ stage 5.0-21.5 days, preoviposition stage 2.0-30.0 days, and the female adult longevity exceeded 30 days, longest up to 2 months while overwintering.

首次在福建省南部发现一种为害西番莲的新害螨,形态学鉴定为卵形短须螨。1991-1992年在室内饲养该螨,共8-9代,卵期6.0-25.0 d,幼螨期3.0-14.0 d,若螨Ⅰ期2.0-12.0 d,若螨Ⅱ期5.0-21.5 d,产卵前期2.0-30.0 d,以雌成螨越冬,其寿命超过30 d,最长达2个月。

Water uptake by seeds rapidly increased with imbibition, and did not exhibited a typical triphasic pattern of water uptake. Rate of electrolyte leakage and relative leakage from seeds dramatically increased up to 3 h of imbibition, and then declined. The time and thermal time required for 50%germination seeds were 5.5 h and 7 degree days, respectively.

在吸胀过程中,种子含水量迅速增加,不表现出典型的吸水三阶段模式;种子的电解质渗漏速率和相对电导率显著增加直到3 h,然后下降。50%种子萌发需要的时间和热时间分别是5.5 h和7℃d。

It comes up to 97% when the aluminum sulphate dose is 10 mg, coagulation time 10 min and pH 5.5-6.0

硫酸铝质量10 mg,絮凝时间10 min,pH在5.5~6.0范围内,去除率可达97%左右

Green eggs with a shell of the egg is different from other nutritional content and structure of the green shell of the egg yolk than Cao Ji 8% of the large egg yolk, egg white thick, easily digested and absorbed by the body, egg yolk pigment Roche up to 13 About class (ordinary egg yolk pigment Roche for the general level 4 -5), lecithin, a living -A, B, E, amino acid content than the 5-10 times higherthanordinary eggs, the yolk of the egg ball ammonia β White and γ-globulin were higher than other kinds of chicken, the best is good tonic, Green Egg high-quality, nutritious, high-selenium, high zinc, high-PC PE, high Amino acid, high-vitamin A, E, the high non-saturated fatty acid, low-fat, low cholesterol, high Flavin light, the lightpigment αβγ and unknown immune globulin antibodiesanddiseaseresistantfactorisextremely desirable Health food, the scientists as "the ginseng eggs."


Border irrigation can be used with slope gradients between 0.2 % and 2 % for cultivated crops, up to 4 % or 5 % for small grain or hay crops, and up to about 8 % for pastures.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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