英语人>网络例句>up to 5 相关的网络例句
up to 5相关的网络例句

up to 5

与 up to 5 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to the characteristics and construction requirements, to develop the basis of elevation from the beginning of silo slipform construction used, sliding up to 4.3 meters above sea level, the reinforced air slide 5.15 meters; Party to begin construction within the building and the warehouse floor, after the completion of sliding mode Then slide up to 26 meters warehouse roof, sliding mode to remove.


It is pointed out that under the condition of the temperature of 1120℃, the reaction time of 16 mm and the carbon content of 27%, the metal transformation rate of sponge iron used for general metallurgy is up to 90%. But the optimal carbon content is 29% for iron sponge to treat DSD acid oxidation wastewater. Under condition of the wastewater's pH value of 3 to 5 and the reaction time of 40min, the removal rates of COD and color are 68% and 90%, respectively. The BOD/COD ratio is up to 0.425 when DSD oxidation acid water is treated with sponge iron.


Leaves tufted; stipes stout, up to 1.2 m long, densely covered with golden brown hairs at base; lamina up to 2 m long and 1 m wide, tripinnatifid; pinnae alternate, sparsely spaced; pinnules linear-lanceolate, to 15 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, short-stipitate; ultimate lobes linear, more or less falcate, shallowly serrate, dark green and shining above, light green to glaucous below.


Awn 1.5–3.5 mm, included within spikelet or exserted up to 1.2 mm.

Awn 1.5-3.5毫米,在小穗或者外露的可达1.2毫米内包括 5 A。

Styles contain variety, and share the bodywork greater half the part first black that design that machine from originally take intoed the 镀 aluminum with the design of the 镀 chrome, enter the spirit the way,侧 cover, empress the tail lampshade all draw with black, however and before avoid the earthquake the part is silvery, and still have attention to see the ex- round the 毂;Ratio it 85,86 毂 be prop upped by 5 roots the form change for the sake of the disc the type always prop up, combine along use up to now, by so doing,87 biggest special features of styleses are cars foreparts the cent seem to be more violent.


Transcriptional activity of ACL recombinants normalized by Renilla was significant difference with pGL3-Basic expect for construct -27 and -15 (P<0.01). Construct -919 contains highest activity. 3 times reduction of transcriptional activity from-919 to -679bp indicated that negative regulation factors located probably in this region. The activity started on construct -73 suggested the basal promoter activity was located within the -73 to +77bp region; Transcriptional activity of IDHβrecombinants was not significantly different between the recombinant -58 and pGL3-Basic. The activity started on construct -82, decreasing with the length of the fragment up to -164 in despite of a bit of fluctuation, and kept increasing from construct -164 up to -279. Thus, the basal promoter activity was located within the -82 to +16bp region, whereas the upstream 197bp conferred maximal transcriptional activity.


While Microsoft has lost around 5 percent brand value as compared to last year in the face of stiff competition from Google and Apple, IBM has benefited from hiving off its PC division to Lenovo, and its brand value has gone up by 5 percent.

面临 Google 和 Apple 的夹击,与去年相比, Microsoft 的品牌价值下降了5个百分点。 IBM 得益于将旗下的个人电脑部出售给联想,身家上升了5个百分点。

Results:One hundred and twenty one cases (2.5%) with disease of cervical artery were found among them. Eightynine cases with intima-media thickening and 32 casas with plaque formation were diagnosed. Its coincidence was up to 100%. Detection rate of thyroid disease lesion was up to 9.2% in 428 cases of 4655 cases health screening. More nodoles goiter were found and next to thyroid cyst,thyroid adenomas,hyperthyroidism,thyrditis and thyroid cancer.

结果: 4 655例中,经超声筛查颈部血管病变121例,检出率为2.5%,其中单纯颈、椎动脉内膜-中层厚度增厚89例,合并粥样硬化斑块32例,诊断符合率为100%;筛查甲状腺疾病428例,检出率为9.2%,发病以结节性甲状腺肿居多,其次为甲状腺囊肿、甲状腺腺瘤、甲状腺功能亢进、甲状腺炎、甲状腺癌等,诊断符合率为82%。

The pension reform that triggered a crippling nine-day strike last November touched only the 1.6m people in "special regimes": train drivers, railwaymen, gas and electricity workers and others entitled to a full pension after 37.5 years'-worth of contributions, against 40 for everybody else. Now that the special-regime workers have accepted a longer contribution period, the overall rules are up for review. At the very least, the period is likely to go up to 41 years, but this change will be fiercely contested.


Abstract] objective to investigate anus sphincter preserved surgical method and indication for low rectal cancer.methods 15 cases with low rectal cancer were operated with eversion and pull-through anus preserved colorectal anastomosis through anus.results no patients died of operation,no patients was with fistula and stricture of anastomosis,no defecation incontinence happened after postoperative 20 weeks,only one patient was with local recurrence.following up for 8 months to 5 years,5 cases were with distant metastasis,4 of these died,one of these had lived with liver metastasis for 3 years.conclusion the indication of anus preserved operation should be chosen according to clinical stage and biological characteristic of rectal malignancy; eversion and pull-through anus preserved colorectal anastomosis through anus is a better anus preserved operation for low rectal cancer.

目的 探讨低位直肠癌保留肛门括约肌功能的手术方法和手术适应证。方法对低位直肠癌经腹经肛门直结肠外翻拉出保留肛门吻合术15例。结果全组无手术死亡,未发生吻合口漏和吻合口狭窄,局部复发1例,20周左右恢复正常排便排气功能,无大便失禁病例。随访8个月~5年,5例为远处转移,死亡4例,其中1例肝转移3年仍生存。结论根据直肠癌的临床分期和肿瘤的生物学特性选择保肛手术适应证,经腹、肛门齿线上直肠癌根治性切除,行肛门直结肠外翻拉出吻合是低位直肠癌较好的保肛术式。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
