英语人>网络例句>up the wind 相关的网络例句
up the wind相关的网络例句

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与 up the wind 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here Pilgrims roam, that stray'd so farr to seek In Golgotha him dead, who lives in Heav'n; And they who to be sure of Paradise Dying put on the weeds of Dominic, Or in Franciscan think to pass disguis'd; [ 480 ] They pass the Planets seven, and pass the fixt, And that Crystalline Sphear whose ballance weighs The Trepidation talkt, and that first mov'd; And now Saint Peter at Heav'ns Wicket seems To wait them with his Keys, and now at foot [ 485 ] Of Heav'ns ascent they lift thir Feet, when loe A violent cross wind from either Coast Blows them transverse ten thousand Leagues awry Into the devious Air; then might ye see Cowles, Hoods and Habits with thir wearers tost [ 490 ] And flutterd into Raggs, then Reliques, Beads, Indulgences, Dispenses, Pardons, Bulls, The sport of Winds: all these upwhirld aloft Fly o're the backside of the World farr off Into a Limbo large and broad, since calld [ 495 ] The Paradise of Fools, to few unknown Long after, now unpeopl'd, and untrod; All this dark Globe the Fiend found as he pass'd, And long he wanderd, till at last a gleame Of dawning light turnd thither-ward in haste [ 500 ] His travell'd steps; farr distant he descries Ascending by degrees magnificent Up to the wall of Heaven a Structure high, At top whereof, but farr more rich appeer'd The work as of a Kingly Palace Gate [ 505 ] With Frontispice of Diamond and Gold Imbellisht, thick with sparkling orient Gemmes The Portal shon, inimitable on Earth By Model, or by shading Pencil drawn.


But I was still excited at that time. I can remember that therewas an old worn-out hooker, grounded on the beach. Its sail was hauled down, leavinga bare mast piercing into the sky lonely; and there were many little crabs staying in the sand. The forane sky was dark and deep. Awaiting the next high tide, the seawater surged anxiously, like a huge wing raising up and beating down forcefully, catharsising the anxiety accumulated in a long time. The aesthetic and decadencefeelingof the movement was beyond description; thespoondrift bursting out was smashed to pieces, like fluff torn from the wings. Water vapor danced all over the sky, not blowed on the face, rather enwrapped the whole body. The fishy sea wind bored intoone's lungs without notice to finish the baptism of sea for you.


After we had fisht some time and catcht nothing, for when I had Fish on my Hook, I would not pull them up, that he might not see them; I said to the Moor, this will not do, our Master will not be thus serv'd, we must stand farther off: He thinking no harm agreed, and being in the head of the Boat set the Sails; and as I had the Helm I run she Boat out near a League farther, and then brought her too as if I would fish; when giving the Boy the Helm, I stept forward to where the Moor was, and making as if I stoopt for something behind him, I took him by Surprize with my Arm under his Twist, and tost him clear over-board into the Sea; he rise immediately, for he swam like a Cork, and call'd to me, begg'd to be taken in, told me he would go all over the World with me; he swam so strong after the oat that he would have reacht me very quickly, there being but little Wind; upon which I stept into the Cabbin and fetching one of the Fowling-pieces, I presented it at him, and told him, I had done him no hurt, and if he would be quiet I would do him none; but said I, you swim well enough to reach to the Shoar, and the Sea is calm, make the est of your Way to Shoar and I will do you no harm, but if you come near the Boat I'll shoot you thro' the Head; for I'm resolved to have my Liberty; so he turn'd himself about and swam for the Shoar, and I make no doubt but he reacht it with Ease, for he was an Excellent Swimmer.


Therelationship between the turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate,whichis widely used to parameterize the dissipation rate in turbulence closure models,is found to hold well for both reversing and rotating flows,but with differentcoefficients.Microstructure profiling measurements at two comparative stations (a deepercentral basin and a local shelf break) in the stratified Yellow Sea are analyzed,with emphasis on tidal and internal-wave induced turbulence near the bottomand in the pyenocline.The water column has a distinct three-layer thermohaline structure,consisting of weakly stratified surface and bottom boundary layers anda narrow sharp pycnocline.Turbulence in the surface layer is controlled by thediurnal cycle of buoyancy flux and wind forcing at the sea surface.while thebottom stress induced by barotropic tidal eurrents dominates turbulence in thebottom boundary layer.The maximum level at which the tidally enhanced mixingcan affect generally depends on the magnitude of the tidal current,and it canbe up to 10-15 m in the Yellow Sea.This suggests that,in the deeper regionsof the shelf seas,turbulent dissipation and mixing are very weak at the levelsbetween the near-bottom tidally enhanced layer and the pycnocline.Therefore,these levels provide a significant bottle neck for the vertical exchanges.In theshallow regions,however,the tidally-induced turbulence can occupy the wholewater colum below the pycnocline.A quarter-diurnal periodicities of the turbulentdissipation rate and eddy diffusivity are found at different heights with evidenttime lag.In the relatively flat central basin,the pycnocline is essentially non-turbulent and internal-wave activity is very weak.Therefore,vertical fluxes acrossthe pycnocline decreased to molecular levels.In contrast,internal waves of variousperiods can be always found near the local shelf break.

对强层化季节黄海两对比性站位(分别位于中央海盆区与局地陆坡区)处层化、内波以及湍流混合特征的研究结果表明:1、强层化季节的陆架海水体一般呈现显著的三层热盐结构,在水体近乎混合均匀的上混合层与潮流底边界层之间为强跃层;2、近表层水体的湍流混合强度主要由海表浮力通量的日变化与海表风强迫控制,而在潮流底边界层内,潮混合是水体热量、物质、动量与能量垂直交换的主要机制;3、潮混合影响的深度由潮流大小决定,在黄海,一般可达10-15 m,因此,在水深较深的区域,在跃层与潮混合所至深度范围的上界之间存在湍流混合非常弱的区域,这显著抑制水体内物质的垂直通量,为物质垂直交换的瓶颈,而在水深较浅的区域,潮混合影响范围可至跃层底部,因此物质在跃层以下整个水体中混合非常均匀,当跃层内间歇性强混合发生时,可以产生显著的跨跃层物质输运;4、近底潮致强湍流耗散缓慢地向上传播,底上不同深度处垂直湍扩散系数也具有显著的位相差异,且二者均随时间呈现四分之一周日周期的变化;5、在地形较为平坦的中央海盆区,内波活动非常微弱,因此跃层内湍流混合非常弱,垂直扩散系数为分子扩散水平,跨跃层物质通量受到显著抑制,而在地形变化较为显著的局地陆坡区,内波活动非常活跃,除内潮的影响外,高频内波与内孤立波的影响也很显著,因此跃层内存在很强的间歇性强混合,内孤立波存在的区域,水体湍流混合显著增强。

For strong convective weather , it classified all historical sample events into 4 weather patterns (like northwest , trough area ,west wind and southwest current), established 4 characteristic fields of 400hPa height of HLAFS , then according to the principle of the pattern match calculate and compare the real-time HLAFS forecast products-2-using the similar method inside the big and small key areas , establish forecast equation , finally gain conclusion .To duststrom weather, the historical samples were sorted into duststrom and severe duststrom types in 5 regions (they are whole area, west, central, middle-west and middle-east of Inner Mongolia ),moreover set up different sample databases about ECMWF fields (including 500hPa height, 850hPatemperature and sea-level pressure).In order to making duststrom forecast at different time level , we first filtered the real-time data by FAX data ,and then used the method of similar range degree to compare the historical data to the actual data of ECMWF .To precipitation weather ,they were divided into 2 types that suit or unsuit airplane artificial precipitation stimulation in line with their emergence time and district .The appropriate weather physical factors come from T106 were chosen to establish the artificial precipitation stimulation prediction model . In the actual application , we can get prediction result as long as use the real-time forecast data of T213 in the prediction model .


Here Pilgrims roam, that stray'd so farr to seek In Golgotha him dead, who lives in Heav'n; And they who to be sure of Paradise Dying put on the weeds of Dominic, Or in Franciscan think to pass disguis'd; [ 480 ] They pass the Planets seven, and pass the fixt, And that Crystalline Sphear whose ballance weighs The Trepidation talkt, and that first mov'd; And now Saint Peter at Heav'ns Wicket seems To wait them with his Keys, and now at foot [ 485 ] Of Heav'ns ascent they lift thir Feet, when loe A violent cross wind from either Coast Blows them transverse ten thousand Leagues awry Into the devious Air; then might ye see Cowles, Hoods and Habits with thir wearers tost [ 490 ] And flutterd into Raggs, then Reliques, Beads, Indulgences, Dispenses, Pardons, Bulls, The sport of Winds: all these upwhirld aloft Fly o're the backside of the World farr off Into a Limbo large and broad, since calld [ 495 ] The Paradise of Fools, to few unknown Long after, now unpeopl'd, and untrod; All this dark Globe the Fiend found as he pass'd, And long he wanderd, till at last a gleame Of dawning light turnd thither-ward in haste [ 500 ] His travell'd steps; farr distant he descries Ascending by degrees magnificent Up to the wall of Heaven a Structure high, At top whereof, but farr more rich appeer'd The work as of a Kingly Palace Gate [ 505 ] With Frontispice of Diamond and Gold Imbellisht, thick with sparkling orient Gemmes The Portal shon, inimitable on Earth By Model, or by shading Pencil drawn.


SHE《月桂女神》的歌词 The fable long vast like epic poem record this section of fearful restless color golden yellow Apollo's ray compares actually does not reach higher authorities the lotus ni brave one kind of love not to be possible to reach the lotus ni wound incarnation grecian laurel stubborn grecian laurel above the freedom to float the fragrant that night of wind to love the moonlight on my love dissimilar element only face ever not to wipe very much thickly make-up persisted oneself liked the grecian laurel fluttering the fragrant cloud winding star light I to have to have the speech to speak boundless sea that vast imagination in to pursue compared to everybody extraordinary forest river bank Apollo cries to put on reaches the lotus ni laurel crown the love which fettered already not to have to reach the lotus ni wound to love dearly warm the millenniumSpread likes swaying likes approach shoring my direction front to seek the laurel crown


Vast lawns that extend like sheets of vivid green,with here and there clumps of gigantic trees,heaping up rich piles of foliage:the solemn pomp of groves and woodland glades,with the deer trooping in silent herds across them;the hare,bounding away to covert;or the pheasant,suddenly bursting upon the wing:the brook,taught to wind in natural meanderings or expand into a glassy lake:the sequestered pool,reflecting the quivering trees,with the yellow leaf sleeping on its bosom,and the trout roaming fearlessly about its limpid waters;while some rustice temple or sylvan statue,grown green and dank with age,gives an air of classic sanctity to the seclusion.


Vast lawns that extend like sheets of vivid green, with here and there clumps of gigantic trees heaping up rich piles of foliage; the solemn pomp of groves and woodland glades with the deer trooping in silent herds across them, the hare bounding a way to the covert, or the pheasant suddenly bursting upon the wing; the brook, taught to wind in natural meanderings or expand into a glassy lake; the sequestered pool, reflecting the quivering trees, with the yellow leaf sleeping on its bosom, and the trout roaming fearlessly about its limpid waters; while some rustic temple or sylvan statue, grown green and dark with age, gives an air of classic sanctity to the seclusion.


The north wind rolls the white grasses and breaks them; And the Eighth-month snow across the Tartar sky Is like a spring gale, come up in the night, Blowing open the petals of ten thousand peartrees.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
