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up the wind相关的网络例句

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与 up the wind 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After the transfer roll back will be immersed in the chicken soup with (the role of color is the epithelium, to the bloody cavity of chicken and some water, Ruwei), the Baptist to mature on June 7, picked up the chicken, salt, MSG Even rub cavity, 2 green onions, a money wine, ginger slices, star anise, pepper, ginger sand, into the chicken cavity, the wind lifting air to dry body.


The results show that the wind anomalies in spring in many key regions like upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in the tropics, which is closely related to the East Asian monsoon, may persist for up to 4 to 5 months. Thus, climate predictability may be partly originated by the internal processes of the atmosphere.


The Snow covered up the grass with her great white cloak, and the Frost painted all the trees silver. Then they invited the North Wind to stay with them, and he came.


While I sat thus, I found the Air over-cast, and grow cloudy, as if it would Rain; soon after that the Wind rose by little and little, so that, in less than half an Hour, it blew a most dreadful Hurricane: The Sea was all on a Sudden cover'd over with Foam and Froth, the Shore was cover'd with the Breach of the Water, the Trees were torn up by the Roots, and a terrible Storm it was; and this held about three Hours, and then began to abate, and in two Hours more it was stark calm, and began to rain very hard.


On the other hand, he plays as a writer who reflects on history actively in the works including A Slow Boat to China, A Wild Sheep Chase, Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.


The baby elephant behind her held up his head, waving his trunk to sample the suspicious smell in the wind.

suspicious 可疑的,怀疑的译文:身后的小象仰起头,摇晃着鼻子嗅着风里飘来的可疑的气味。

The baby elephant behind her held up his head, waving his trunk to sample the suspicious smell in the wind. suspicious s?

s 可疑的,怀疑的译文:身后的小象仰起头,摇晃着鼻子嗅着风里飘来的可疑的气味。

As here, for they had only the roof to cover them, through which the wind howled,although the largest holes had been stopped up with straw and rags.


Her father would certainly beat her; besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to cover them, through which the wind howled, although the largest holes had been stopped up with straw and rags.


Her father would certainly beat her; besides, it was almost as cold at home as here, for they had only the roof to cover them, through which the wind howled, although the largest holes had been stopped up with straw and rags.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
