英语人>网络例句>up the wind 相关的网络例句
up the wind相关的网络例句

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与 up the wind 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While "Aerie of the Northern Wind" is face-up on your field, once per turn, return 1 set card on the field to its owner's hand.

当"Aerie of the Northern Wind"在你场上存在时,1回合1次,将场上1张SET卡返回持有者手卡

While this monster and "Aerie of the Northern Wind" remain face-up on the field, your opponent cannot select another Winged Beast-Type monster on your side of the field as an attack target.

当此卡与"Aerie of the Northern Wind"在场上存在时,对方不能选择你场上的其他鸟兽族卡兽作为攻击对象

Look at road side, those trees are stationary, and know that today calm wind, electric vehicles passing it to five, 60 yards, the wind tears up, and head and neck coolish My hands are feeling a bit numb, feet chilly.


Tomorrow southerly wind 9- 11 level; Surface : the east of Hangzhou Bay, turn east to southeasterly winds up the night. wind are 9-11 or 11 and above.

明天偏南风9- 11级;杭州湾水面:偏东风,夜里起转东到东南风,风力都是9-11级或11级以上。

At noon today until noon tomorrow : the northern coastal areas of Zhejiang coastal waters : the east wind, turn east to southeasterly winds up the night. Wind is 10-12 or 12 and above.


5 Automatic start-up 自动启动 If the wind turbine was shut down after exceeding a cut-out wind speed, an autom atic restart may take place without clearance if the wind speed has fallen to a per missible value according to the system concept and there is no fault in the installat ion.


HMS Renown was clawing her way southward under reefed topsails, a westerly wind laying her over as she thrashed along, heading for those latitudes where she would pick up the northeast trade wind and be able to run direct to her destination in the West Indies.


The project area has three shopping malls in a row not to fight the fire area, with a total length of the circumference of more than 1 / 3, Road fire engines from the inside edge of the wing wall construction materials to highlight the edge of not less than 5.00m, and fire engines to meet the Road Fire The largest car turning radius of 12m, to fight the fire site with a width of 18m, and this is not tall tree planting; and fire fighting facilities of not more than 5% of the slope, fire engines, fire fighting facilities should be able to carry a large set of fire engines Weight; Combined air-conditioning unit: for department stores, supermarkets, large bays, such as the lobby room, a new unit set up wind, ventilation and air return, setting up a new, back to the wind and the proportion of exhaust valve, according to the outdoor temperature of the new regulation, the ratio of air return, Back to the water main unit based PI control valve and in accordance with return air-conditioning temperature valve opening.

本项目商场三个面设有不连续消防扑救面,总长度大于周长的1/3,消防车道内边路缘距建筑外墙突出物边缘不小于5.00m,且消防车道满足消防车最大12m 的转弯半径,消防扑救场地的宽度为18m,且此范围内没有种植高大乔木;此外消防扑救场地的坡度不大于5%,消防车道、消防扑救场地应能承载大型消防车的载重量;组合式空调机组:用于百货商场、超市、大厅等大开间房间,机组设新风、回风及排风,设新、回风及排风比例调节阀,根据室外温度调节新、回风比例,机组回水管设比例积分调节阀并根据回风温度调节水阀开度。

Came to the lava cliffs fall zone, take the left side of the road directly in a group of birds where there are two columns below, the jump down (not dead, I am sleepy in this place as long as two hours), skip left after the first go, be reminded to observe, and now moving about in the magma, but can only be waist high magma, there is a need to see more of the terrain, do not waste HP, now jumped down, back to the left跳崖Department, went to is located in Magma, Fire Dragon Shou equipment can move around a half height of magma, first up, get a weapon, and then down, has been in the end, to continue filing filed walk inside the wind can be magic, the way to the red chest is a green precious stones, to increase the wind magic attack, and get back only to return to bandage things MM has emerged, but said a few left, and then returning to fight BOSS, the BOSS to attack his tail, the beginning of the head is of no use, finished BOSS, while red chest after using wind magic jump can be achieved


It was found that the rolling-up vent had a higher ventilation rate (up to 2.32 times) than the continuous roof one, the better ventilation (more than 60% at the wind speed of 3.0 m/s) could be achieved with vents near the ridge of the roof instead of near the gutter, and the obvious reduction (18%-22% at the wind speed of 3.0 m/s) in the rate values when an insect-proof screen was fitted to it, in the case of full opening of the vents.

研究表明,在试验条件下,当通风口完全打开时,卷膜通风系统比天窗开启式具有可高达2.32倍的通风率;在风速为3 m/s时,位于拱顶脊部的通风口比位于拱底部的通风率大60%;在同样条件下,防虫网可把通风率减少18%~22%。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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