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与 unleashed 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

U have unleashed Furies u don't even know their powers!


Nearly 25 years ago, Mikhail Gorbachev unleashed the forces of perestroika and glasnost in the Soviet Union.


Glasnost unleashed ,like Promitheus unbound,can ignite a holocaust as easily as it can warm a conversation,and the shift from a planned economy to a market economy may work only if the central government is willing to loosen its stranglehild on commerce.

Roger Rosenblait"开放"的力量一旦敞开发挥,就会像解放了的普罗米修斯一样,它既可能是鼓励对话也可能轻而易举地引起一场大灾难。要从计划经济转入市场经济,中央政府必须愿意解除对商业的严格管制。

"Let the true power of the Gorgon be unleashed on Aurax."


Even worse, something deadly has been unleashed underneath theisnow with them - The Ice Queen. Thrown from theicrash, she has awakened from theigold, gruesomely deformed, viciously powerful, anditerrifyingly evil.With little air left anditheiresort collapsing around them, theisurvivors must makeia deadly gamble - face theiIce Queen, or succumbito certain death.

最糟糕的是,可怕的怪物,有着无穷力量,邪恶无比,更令人恐怖无比的The Ice Queen----冰雪女魔,空难把它带到了这里---已经苏醒,就在这些幸存者的附近,面对恶劣的环境,加上空气也所剩不多,这些幸存者面临者生死抉择:要么去勇敢面对女魔,要么就屈服而死。

Once unleashed however it is a powerful gunship able to contend with any Imperial or Ork class.


On this day ten years ago, Half-Life was unleashed on the world.


Mareccu couldn't hold him down for long, as he sensed his second's ire harden from simple defensive into full combat mode, and his last rational thought before letting his own fury run unleashed was that they were going to end up killing each other.

Mareccu 无法把他捉住下来为长的,当他感觉,他的秒忿怒从简单的守势到完整的战斗模态变硬,而且在使他自己的愤怒跑之前解放的他最后的理性想法是他们将要结束杀害的彼此之时。

One disconcerting aspect of the fall was the invective it unleashed within China, particularly on the Internet.


Using the newly unleashed observing power of the orbiting Chandra X-ray telescope, astronomers have now imaged the center of our near-twin island universe , finding evidence for an object so bizarre it would have impressed many 60s science fiction writers.


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Helena/Kong Unleashed
Dogs Unleashed

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
