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与 united 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xu Yi said that the United Nations on the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, made the "ABC" principle. A representative of Abstinency, which means "abstinence", to a total ban may be some difficulty, then step back and to "exercise restraint", in particular young people, we must avoid premature sex. B is Be faithful, which means "loyalty" and replaced by a modern language is to be monogamous or have a fixed partner, not a stranger to have sexual relations. C is the Condom, that is, condoms, this is the last step.

徐克沂表示,联合国对预防性病,提出了"ABC"的原则。A代表Abstinency,意为"禁欲",要完全禁止可能有些难,那就退一步,做到"节制",尤其是青少年,一定要避免过早发生性行为。B是Be faithful,意思是"忠诚",换成现代语言就是要做到一夫一妻制或是有固定的性伴侣,不要和陌生人发生性关系。C就是Condom,即安全套,这是最后一步。

ABSTRACT The business group is a kind of united firms. It has played an important role in economic development in many countries (and will continue play in the future), including in China after nearly twenty years'development.


Strategic issues in customer relationship management implementation Christopher Bull Department of Business Information Technology, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, Manchester, UK Keywords Customer relations, Customer information, Integration, United Kingdom Abstract The number of customer relationship management implementations has grown dramatically in recent years.


There is a historic explanation for the abysmal state of Chinese cuisine in the United States.


The United States has no compulsory saving plan, and it has an abysmally low – in fact, negative – personal saving rate.


Some people say that in the united states the most academically fulfilled college are those who have fallen in love .


Movies from the United States and several other countries are competing to win Academy Awards.


Acadia is the only national Park in the northeastern United States.


If, for any cause whatsoever, there exists at the time in question no rate of exchange generally current in Los Angeles for effective cable transfers of the sort above provided for, we agree to pay you on demand an amount in United States Dollars equivalent to the actual cost of settlement of your obligation to the payor of the draft or acceptance or any holder thereof, as the case may be, and however and whenever such settlement may be made by you, including interest on the amount of dollars payable by us from the date of payment of such draft or acceptance to the date of our payment to you at the rate customarily charged hy you in like circumstances.


At present, our company employs advanced technology, through long-staple ballot, selected fine wool sorting parabolic mercerizing mercerizing produce high-strength cotton line acceptance by the country 93 years has reached the highest standards, selling more than a decade, the United States, Asia, Europe, Hong Kong, the prevalence of exclusive products to become the military.


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Leeds United
United Together
We're The United States Of America
Live For Love United
Fifty Nifty United States
United State Of Pop 2007
United State Of Pop 2008 (Viva La Pop)
United State Of Pop 2009 (Blame It On The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2010 (Don't Stop The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2011 (World Go Boom)

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
