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与 united 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Has launched three wars with great influences: Gulf war, Afghanistan war and Iraq war, it further attests to that the United States has the great interests in the Middle East which can not be easily abnegated. And also shows that this area is an important stage which the United States could archive its strategic goal across the world.


They play with a similar shape to the one-up-front formation United use away; the difference is that it suits them, whereas it blunts United.


United in the clear over bungs: Ferguson - Manchester United have nothing to worry about with the FA's illegal payments inquiry, according to manager Sir Alex Ferguson....


She clerked for Judge David Bazelon of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit and then for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the Supreme Court of the United States.

她曾在美国华盛顿特区巡回上诉法院David Bazelon法官手下任职,随后为最高法院大法官Thurgood Marshall工作。

It then is written down and codified in the United States Code and the United States Code Annotated.


In the Zhou Dynasty of China, the highly authoritative and holy Rite played an important role in cohering people and promoting unity of the nation in the development of feudal system, while in the Middle Ages in Western Europe, Christianity appeared as the rival of the King's power and hindered the forming of a united nation though it had promised the probability of establishing a united empire.


A large number of colonies in the United Kingdom, the United States is an exception.


Huang is completely recovered Doctor 《the education for all-round development speaks of in the United States 》 one book, at the United States, if have the student takes the thing which disallows to take to go to school, like pager machine, cellular phone, the school all confiscates, and no longer return to the student.


In order that the reunion of the church may be possible and that a beginning may be made which is fitting and pleasing to God, since the most important part of any matter is its beginning, and in order that the two obediences--namely the one claiming that the lord John XXIII was formerly pope and the other claiming that the lord Gregory XII is pope--may be united together under Christ as head, this most holy general synod of Constance, legitimately assembled in the holy Spirit and representing the catholic church, accepts in all matters the convoking , authorising, approving and confirming that is now being made in the name of the lord who is called Gregory XII by those obedient to him, insofar as it seems to pertain to him to do this, since the certainty obtained by taking a precaution harms nobody and benefits all, and it decrees and declares that the aforesaid two obediences are joined and united in the one body of our lord Jesus Christ and of this sacred universal general council, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy Spirit.

为了使团聚的教会也有可能与这是一个开始,可取得哪些是装修及天主所悦纳的,因为最重要的一部分,任何事情,是其开端,但为了这两个obediences -即一声称主约翰二十三世的前身是教宗和其他声称主格雷戈里十二教宗-可能会团结起来下,以基督为元首,这个最神圣的总主教的人C onstance,合法地聚集在圣灵和代表天主教教会,在接受所有事项 convoking ,授权,核准,并确认这就是现在正在取得主的名字,他们是所谓的格雷戈里第十二那些听话的他,就好像是关于他要做到这一点,因为确定性获得通过采取防范危害,没有人,并造福所有国家,它的法令,并宣布了上述两个obediences都加入并统一在一个机构,我们的主耶稣基督,并把这一神圣的普及总理事会中,在父亲的姓名和子和圣灵。

China in recent years for political, economic, military, cultural and educational fields in the rapid development of Chinese architecture is the structure of the United States and the United States, as well as the beauty of rhythm, the beauty of artistic conception, in the structure, base, brackets, cornices and other architectural elements add a lot of beauty , combined with the vestibule, double eaves and other landscape architecture, for building adds a lot of rhythm and mood.


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Leeds United
United Together
We're The United States Of America
Live For Love United
Fifty Nifty United States
United State Of Pop 2007
United State Of Pop 2008 (Viva La Pop)
United State Of Pop 2009 (Blame It On The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2010 (Don't Stop The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2011 (World Go Boom)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
