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与 united 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present, apart from the United Kingdom and Belgium, the European Union in most countries the basic cancellation or exemption investors stamp duty on stock transactions; and the United Kingdom despite the traditional reliance on stamp duty, but still many times lower the stamp duty, the British Royal Taxation and General Administration of Customs announced in November 2007 exempt from engaging in stocks, options trading stamp duty on financial intermediation, while the abolition of share repurchases and margin trading in stamp duty.


An alien convicted of ,or who admits having commited ,a crime involving moral turpitude or violation of any law relating to a controlled substance or who is the spouse ,son or daughter of such a trafficker who knowingly has benefited from the trafficking activities inthe past five years ;who has been convicted of 2 or more offenses for which the aggregate sentences were 5years or more;who is vowing to the United States to engage in prostiution or commercialized vice or who has engaged in prostitution or procuring within the past 10 years ;who is or has been an illicit trafficker in any controlled substance;who has committed a serious criminal offense in the United States and who has asserted immunity from prosecution;who ,while serving as a foreign govement official and within the previous 24-month perios ,was respinsible for or directly carried out particularly severe violations of religious freedom ;or whom the president has identified as a person who plays a significant role in a severe form of trafficking in persons ,who otherwise has or daughter of such a trafficker who knowingly has benefited from thetrafficking activities within the past five years.

外籍人承认被犯,a 罪介入道德的被判罪,or 卑鄙或侵害任何法律与一种受控物质相关或谁是配偶,熟悉受益于交易这样交易者的儿子或女儿活动inthe 通过五年;who 的被判了罪2 次或更多进攻聚集句子是5.years 或more;who 发誓到美国参与prostiution 或商业化的恶习或谁参与了卖淫或获得在过去10 年之内;who 是或是一名违法交易者在任何受控substance;who 做了一个严肃的刑事罪在美国并且谁断言了免疫从prosecution;who,当担当外国 govement 官员和在早先24 个月的perios 之内,是respinsible 为或直接地被执行的特殊严厉侵害宗教自由;or 总统辨认了作为充当一个重大角色以严厉形式的人交易在人,否则有或这样交易者女儿熟悉受益于thetrafficking 的活动在过去五年之内。

The most representative of the United Kingdom and the United States two-party system.


Tolba, Executive Director of the United Nations Environmental Program Under Secretary General of the United Nations.


UNGA resolution 2758 has not only reflected the aspirations of the vast number of Member States, but also given expression to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and enhanced the universality of the United Nations.


Any partner of the United States acting in the same good faith will find the United States a not unreasonable or ungenerous associate.


It should all be done through the United Nations and not unilaterally by the United States.


It should all be done through the United Natio and not unilaterally by the United States.


And we way that these are bound and united with one another in such a way that they are not absorbed, or confused, or mixed, but are united or joined together in one person--the properties of the natures being unimpaired and permanent.


The first overseas office in 1989, the setting up of New York in the United States. 1993 in order to meet the increase in the United States orders, and portlandpolice offices, the Union Jack in Tokyo, London, Paris, France has set up a branch office or offices.


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Leeds United
United Together
We're The United States Of America
Live For Love United
Fifty Nifty United States
United State Of Pop 2007
United State Of Pop 2008 (Viva La Pop)
United State Of Pop 2009 (Blame It On The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2010 (Don't Stop The Pop)
United State Of Pop 2011 (World Go Boom)

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
