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与 unit body 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The screw entry point was located at the tip of transverse process. The average inclination angle should be 10°-20° headward and 30°-40° toward neutral line respectively. The screw was inserted and entered into the vertebral body along the external cortex of pedicle. The integrity of cortical bone around screws, the distance to segmental blood vessels and the penetration of cortex were observed after operation to evaluate the accuracy and safety of screw placement. Among 160 thoracic pedicle screws that were implanted in 34 cases, 148 screws (92.5%) were accurately inserted inside the costotransverse unit, and 12 screws (7.5%) were misplaced according to the image of X-ray and CT thin-slice scan.

应用椎弓根外内固定技术2004/2007年在中山大学附属第三医院骨科治疗34例患者,固定前采用CT加密扫描测量进钉点、进钉点至椎体前缘的深度、进钉角度和直径,固定中椎弓根钉入点为横突尖,进钉方向为平均向头侧倾斜10°~ 20°、与中线成角30°~40°,顺椎弓根外侧皮质进入椎体,固定后CT加密扫描观察螺钉周围的皮质骨是否完整、是否靠近节段血管、是否穿透皮质骨,评价置入钉的准确性和安全性。34例患者共置入160枚胸椎椎弓根螺钉,固定后CT加密扫描和X射线片观察到148枚(92.5%)螺钉置入准确,12枚(7.5%)螺钉发生错置。

Stress Ulcer indicates that the Superficial mucosal locates stomach、duodenum congests., debaucjeds and cankers acutely. SU usually occurs at the mucosal of gastric bottom and body. along with the development of pathological changes, SU can spread to gastric antrum 、 duodenum, e"en mucosal of oesophagus" s bottom, even presents emanatory focus. Su generally appears to the critical patient of central nerve system damnification severe wounds blood poisoning、 shock、 the functional debility of heart、 lung、 liver、 kidney etc or after the big operation. The occurrence rate of Su in intensive care unit reachs 60%, it is one of the hackneyed severe syndrome in ICU , and its death rate is relatively high.

应激性溃疡(Stress ulcer,SU)是指位于胃、十二指肠的急性表浅性粘膜充血、糜烂和溃疡,通常发生在胃底、胃体部粘膜,随着病变的发展,病变可扩展至胃窦、十二指肠,甚至食管下端粘膜,且呈现散发性病灶,该病多见于中枢神经系统损伤、严重创伤、败血症、休克、心肺肝肾等多器官功能衰竭及大手术后等危重病人,其在重症监护室的发生率达60%,是ICU中多见的严重并发症之一,并有较高的死亡率。

Marketing ethic come down to corporation and sellers two arrangement:one side,to the maine body,modern enterprise are in a complex society system,its management campaign is meetly embodyed by marketing campaign.on the otherhand,to the marketing personnel,during the marketing they directly represent the behavior of corporation,namely marketing ethic is put up by the unit of marketing.reversely,customers and publics judge if it is good law and moral by marketing action of enterprise and carrying through marketing activity according to the corporation marketing ethic.


Body massindex, preoperative blood pressure, ASA class, anesthetic duration,IV fluid administration, and use of analgesics and antiemeticsin the postanesthetic care unit were not different in subjectswho demonstrated OH compared with those with a normotensiveresponse.

血压正常组与 OH 组在健康指数,术前血压, ASA 评分,麻醉过程,静脉补液和镇痛药物以及麻醉后抗呕吐药物的使用方面没有差异。

To satisfy the operating requirements, between the withdrawable type function units and the switchboard body a mechanical interlock is placed, which only allows a function unit to move when both the main circuit and the auxiliary circuits are cut off.


Exhausts in a crowd of ability remarkable engineer mental, uses the newest speaker science and technology diligently, only then had the ORIEL birth, he has the 1.78M height, works the fine semblance, artistic refined, and uses the best speaker unit, the best frequency divider module, with the best box body material, causes him to become world one of minority several section of top speakers, just like British AUDIOPHiLE magazine regarding ORILE section of evaluations:"…A section has the unique style speaker".


According to the characteristics of the project, construction and technology of the unit determined Silo body chimney-free sliding mode synchronous hydraulic derrick new technology (that is lined with refractory brick corbels) construction, in order to ensure safety and quality and progress.


The virtual subsistence of undergraduates is the behavior that the group of undergraduates do some- thing like learning,working,disporting and so on by taking advantage of modern electronic communication, net information and resources, under the state of physical body in absence, in the digital condition of bit in unit.


Perhaps another limit is the student forever also could not change, is the sex, the body higher physiology condition request, honest said this aspect female student's bitter experience had also to have to be drearier than the male student, were very many with the human unit unintentional manufacture sex difference, got employed for the university student has established the giant barrier, fundamentally said discriminates against the female.


At that date , female body and mind suffered from most tribulation of their life , but we find that the tribulation is covered with unprecedented liberation sense at interview . the reason is that china tradition confucianism enthralls female thoughts , and after new china come into , communist party ensure female sovereign status in legally past unit system form . such emancipation of woman is based on marxism proletariat revolution theory , and is impacted by the semi - feudal and semi - colony historical of china new modern times , and is ministrant with people class liberation and social practice


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
