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与 unique 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What is important is to recognize that by no means everything in a particular language is arbitrary and unique.


In the northern exhibition meal abundant convention area's 12th exhibition hall, on afternoon also will have every day will come from "the master chef four valuable China kitchen skill unique skill performance group" the cooking unique skill unique skill to perform, like the manufacture will need 90 meter long radish silk which several dozens people will pick up together, will carry on the carving manufacture with the bean curd "Shui Fuyu the bird play peony", will also have "rides the bicycle to clutch the piece, the top of the head knife bevel","on the balloon to cut the shredded meat","to play blindman's buff the carving", to succeed reported that Guinness the world record "the hand will roll the gold thread surface".


With its unique location as the main artery for traffic and trade in southwest China from time immemorial, the south " Silk Road " and the transfer station of " Ancient Tea Horse Route " from Tibet to, Lijiang plays an important role in transmitting flows of trades from central China to southeast Asia and communications between Chinese culture and foreign culture and keeps numerous historical cultural heritages here: Lijiang Ancient City with a reputation of " Plateau Gusu " and " Eastern Venice " firstly estabilished in Nansong Dynasty, protected completely and operated energetically now with national characteristics and local characteristics; Mu ' s Residence called the " Concretionary Ancient Naxi Music ", which was Mu ' s hereditary local office in Lijiang and rebuilt as the ancient town museum in 1998; and numerous ancient temples including Wenfeng Temple, Fuguo Temple, Puji Temple and Yufeng Temple etc. combined with central Chinese culture and local national culture and influenced by Tibetan cultural characteristics; the Baisha Mural with magic Dongba culture taking Naxi ancient religion as carrier and Dongba Classics as the main record manner and reflecting the unique national cultural history of Naxi minority with the only living Dongba hieroglyph in the world and the integration of Taoism, Han Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Dongba culture, which becomes the state-level key protected cultural site; and those national culture and national traditional art with abundant cultural content, including Baisha residential buildings and Shuhe residential buildings with long history and unique characteristics and Moso folklore still with matriclan characteristics at Lugu Lake bank, which compiles a colorful article for civilizations.


The key is the unique identifier on global and the deamon maintains its uniqueness,that is,by coordination of deamons each other, data structure have a unique key on global which is founded and used for communication, processes required communication can access the data structure by this unique identifier,thereby,to achieve purpose of com


Pu'er Tea is hot because its habitat of high elevation and fogy growing environment, in is pollution-free in nature, is mellow in taste and long in the aftertaste; Moreover, the unique manufacture, transportation, packaging of Pu'er Tea made it become a unique second fermenting tea, thus has formed it's the unique crusted fragrance and the health care function.


Students from Shanxi Minxian Senior High School toured many scenery spots in New Zealand during the seven-week length study tour period. And also, they attended the English class which was designed according to their requirements and English level in Unique New Zealand,(the particular course in Unique New Zealand was required by our company). Moreover, accompanied by the tour guide and interprer from our company, they had visited Selwyn College and Taylors College, and talked to the International Director of these two colleges.

山西民贤中学学生在新西兰进行7周的游学期间游览了新西兰的各个著名景点,并在Unique New Zealand进行了学习,所学课程由我公司负责人要求学校,尔后学校根据学生的需要和自身的基础而设置的课程;并且,这些学生在我公司的带领下还对新西兰著名的塞尔文高级中学(Selwyn College和泰勒预科学院(Taylors College进行了参观并跟这两所学校的国际部负责人进行了谈话,通过这些,他们对新西兰的高等教育体制有了一些了解,如何进入新西兰的高中或预科学校读书,这些学校对国际留学生年龄的要求,英文能力的要求都已有所了解;并且知道了西方教育同中国教育的区别,他们打算回国后就开始进行日后到新西兰进行长期留学的准备。

Three, S, M Series Atomic Absorption Spectrometer using a new Echelle optical system, providing unmatched detection limit; unique four-button background deuterium lamp technology, a more accurate calibration results can be as high as 3A background correction ; patent protection Stockdale two-beam technology, has been very high sensitivity and signal to noise ratio; communicate unique background deduction Zeeman graphite furnace technology; unique ELC Long Life graphite tube; GFTV unique visualization technique by graphite furnace

三、 S 、 M 系列原子吸收光谱仪采用全新的中阶梯光栅光学系统,提供无与伦比的检出限;独特的四线氘灯扣背景技术,校正结果更准确,可校正高达3A 的背景;专利保护的 Stockdale 双光束技术,得到极高的灵敏度和信噪比;独特的交流塞曼石墨炉扣背景技术;独特的 ELC 长寿命石墨管;独特的 GFTV 石墨炉可视技术

S, M Series Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in a new Echelle optical system, providing unparalleled detection limit; Four unique background deduction of deuterium lamp technology, the results more accurate calibration can be as high as 3A background correction; Patent protection Stockdale dual-beam technology, are the sensitivity and high signal to noise ratio; unique exchange Zeeman background deduction graphite furnace technology; ELC unique long-life graphite tube; GFTV unique graphite furnace visualization technique

一、 S 、 M 系列原子吸收光谱仪采用全新的中阶梯光栅光学系统,提供无与伦比的检出限;独特的四线氘灯扣背景技术,校正结果更准确,可校正高达3A 的背景;专利保护的 Stockdale 双光束技术,得到极高的灵敏度和信噪比;独特的交流塞曼石墨炉扣背景技术;独特的 ELC 长寿命石墨管;独特的 GFTV 石墨炉可视技术

In the study, SAM (selectively amplified microsatellite) was used to isolate the SSR locus of Setaria italica and in all 163 clones containing SSR sequence were obtained, of which 106 were unique SSRs, accounting for 65%.

首次将SAM法用于谷子SSR位点的分离,共获得163个含有SSR序列的克隆,其中unique SSR106个,占所有SSR序列的65%,60个SSR序列的3'端成功设计特异引物,占unique SSR的56%。

Listening to the late quartets on that little gramophone, I experienced the most infinite musical joy that I have ever known. See Usage Note at unique

在留声机上听了最新的四重奏后,我经历了在欣赏音乐中前听未有的巨大的快乐参见 unique

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Rather Unique
Terminally Unique
Unique Is My Dove

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
