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与 union 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

All the cases got bony union 3 to 4 months after operation.


Result Followed up for 11 months in average,72 cases with displaced fragments were achieved bony union.

结果 其中有移位的72例获得平均11个月的随该一部获得骨性愈合。

Results 4 cases were followed up for 4~16 months, all got bony union, the average healing time was 16 weeks.

结果 4例随访4~16个月,骨折均获愈合,平均愈合时间为16周。

He had a boogie board with the Union Jack on it.


BHis income derived from illicit activities -bookmaking, gambling, Shylocking , and questionable union activities.


Based on the proposed data structure for merging, the Boolean operation for modeling in our system is studied deeply with four kinds of operation-union, difference, intersection and glueing given.


In the fourth chapter, firstly it introduces the Boolean functions algebraic expressions of the 2-value clock-controlled stop-and-go generator and Gunther generator. It reveals the balanced property of the two kinds of Boolean functions, and studies the Walsh cycle spectrum and the autocorrelation function. It also obtains the coincidence rate of their output sequences with affine sum of some bits of input sequences, and analyzes their ability of resisting the best affine approximation cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis. Secondly, we properly present a new definition of the Best Affine Approximation, namely BAA on the Boolean vector functions, followed by the spectral characteristic of such defined BAA attacks through using the decomposition formula of the union distribution for random variables. A lower bound of such BAA attacks is proposed. Finally, we also study the spectral characteristic of the second kind of nonlinearity of Boolean vector functions, followed by a higher bound of such nonlinearity. Furthermore, the limited relationship between the second kind of nonlinearity of Boolean vector functions and the linear structure of the linear combination of every component is analyzed.


And using Boolean Union connect it to the other part.


They are the European Union's frontier states, bordering Russia.


Sculptor Gutzon Borglum chose to sculpt these four presidents for their unique contributions to the U.S.: Washington for his struggle for the nation's independence, Jefferson for expanding and settling territories, Lincoln for accomplishing the permanent union of the states and emancipation of the slaves, and Roosevelt for his role in world affairs and industrial growth.

雕刻家Gutzon Borglum创作时选择了对美国有杰出贡献的四位总统:为国家独立而战的华盛顿,扩张领土的杰斐逊,完成统一大业并解放奴隶的林肯,以及在二战和工业发展中有重要地位的罗斯福。

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One Big Union For Two
World In Union
Union City Blue
Union Sundown
State Of The Union
Gravity's Union
State Of The Union
Hey Western Union Man
Hero Of The Soviet Union

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
