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与 union 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By H.E. Song Zhe, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to The European Union


As you know China is inroaded by Japan.So I couldn't feel the ambience of the Chinese union.


Plus the amerce previously, the total amount that the European Union fines Microsoft reached about 2 billion dollar.


Congress failed to act on this proposal. But its lack of action did not stop the rise of a labor organization that had been formed a few years earlier. The group soon would become the most important labor union in the United States. It was the American Federation of Labor, or A.F.L.

国会未能就总统的这项建议有所作为,但国会的不作为并不能阻止几年前成立的一个劳工组织的兴起,这个劳工组织很快就成为美国最重要的工会组织,这个工会组织就是美国劳工联合会(the American Federation of Labor,简称A.F.L),美国劳工联合会由塞缪尔。

Marxism was attractive to Gompers during his early years working in the factory and being involved in local union activities. However, under the instruction of Karl Ferdinand Laurrell and his own observation in the Tompkins Square riot of 1874, he rejected socialist radicalism as the philosophical orientation while he led the American Federation of Labor for 37 years.

尽管Gompers深受马克思主义薰陶,但是由於Karl Ferdinand Laurrell的思想导引以及早年参加工运的经验,他排拒社会主义的激进改革路线,选择了务实哲学领导工会运动,与美国资本主义经济的发展并肩而行,形塑出美国工会运动的独特性。

It is hardly surprising that so many other governments are trying to "Americanize" their economies--- whether through the European Union's Lisbon Agenda or Japan's Koizumi reforms.


The European Union has outlawed both brown amphibole and white chrysotile asbestos and the World Health Organisation has classified all types as human carcinogens.


You can take out money in bank with the symbol of union or AMT.


The Formula of Concord deals with the following articles of faith:(1) original sin;(2) bondage of the will (affirming monergism in conversion and salvation by grace alone);(3) justification (stressing the forensic nature of justification);(4) good works;(5) the distinction between law and gospel;(6) the third use of the law (ie, the necessity of preaching law in the Christian community);(7) the Lord's Supper (confessing the Lutheran doctrine of the sacramental union and the real presence);(8) the person of Christ (emphasizing the communication of attributes of the two natures);(9) the descent into hell (Christ's actual descent and victory over the forces of evil);(10) adiaphora;(11) predestination (to salvation by grace for Christ's sake, but not to hell);(12) various heresies Anabaptism, Schwenckfeldianism, Neo-Arianism, etc.

该公式的康科德涉及下列条款信念:( 1 )原罪;( 2 )枷锁的意志(申明monergism在转换和救赎恩典,由单);( 3 )的理由;( 4 )具有良好的工程;( 5 )之间的区别,法律和福音( 6 )第三届使用的法律(即,有必要鼓吹法在基督教社区),( 7 )主的晚餐(供认路德教义的圣事联盟和真实存在),( 8 )该人的基督(强调沟通的属性的两个性质);( 9 )后裔到地狱(基督的实际后裔和战胜的力量邪恶);( 10 ) adiaphora ;( 11 )宿命(救赎恩惠为基督的缘故,而不是地狱);( 12 )各种异端邪说( anabaptism , schwenckfeldianism ,新arianism等)。

Based on analytic method and set operation method,the geometric characteristic s of the intersection and union of two or three cylinders with their axes intersecting perpendicularly were studied.


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One Big Union For Two
World In Union
Union City Blue
Union Sundown
State Of The Union
Gravity's Union
State Of The Union
Hey Western Union Man
Hero Of The Soviet Union

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
