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Under president Pusey (1953-71), Harvard undertook what was then the largest fundraising campaign in the history of American higher education


Under president Pusey(1953-71),Harvard undertook what was then the largest undraising campaign in the history of American higher education,the $82.5 million Program for Harvard College.


In 1833, a young priest of the diocese of Le Mans, Dom Prosper Guéranger, undertook the restoration of benedictine monastic life on the site of an old priory at Solesmes, after forty years of interruption due to the French Revolution: he seized upon the restoration of Gregorian chant with enthusiasm.

1833年,一位Le Mans教区的Solesmes的一个古老的小修道院里的叫Dom Prosper Guéranger的年轻牧师。狂热的他在因法国大革命而遭到打断的40年后恢复了格立高圣歌。

More perceptive than his prexleceseor, Herbart undertook to rid psychology of its rickety assumption④.


In 1819 he undertook a daring attack on New Granada, leading some 2,500 men over route s considered impassable.


When the pope, in 1892, undertook to unite in one order the three Congregations of La Trappe, His Holiness caused the Congregation of Bishops and Regulars to address a letter to the Cistercians of the Common Observance inviting them to join their brethren of the Reformed Observance of La Trappe.

当教宗,在1892年,答应团结在一阶三个教区的La Trappe ;,他的圣洁引起会众的主教和常客,解决了一封信给cistercians的共同遵守,邀请他们参加,他们兄弟的改革,遵守镧

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It involves one less indirection, making your patterns match a little faster.


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However, these interrogatories also may be use d in superior courts.
