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与 unconscious 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is a form of the animus, and reveals to the hero the nature of the collective unconscious.


The autonomy of the collective unconscious expresses itself in the figures of anima and animus.


Transformation - refers to mental pain and anxiety into physical symptoms manifested, thereby avoiding the anxiety and psychological suffering, such as the hysterical patient's inner psychological conflict, anxiety or somatization symptoms often manifested, such as paralysis, aphonia, seizures , syncope, spastic torticollis, etc., patients themselves totally to this perception, the transformation is completely unconscious motivation, is patient awareness can not be recognized.

转 化——指精神上的痛苦,焦虑转化为躯体症状表现出来,从而避开了心理焦虑和痛苦,如歇斯底里病人的内心焦虑或心理冲突往往以躯体化的症状表现出来,如瘫痪、失音、抽搐,晕厥、痉挛性斜颈等等,病者自己对此完全不知觉,转化的动机完全是潜意识的,是病者意识不能承认的。

This behavior makes it plausible to imagine a fisherman being struck and knocked unconscious by a frantic arapaima.


There is a vast difference between the ascending initiate opening unto the unconscious and the schizophrenic however.


There is in your unconscious memory a sense of having done something for which you must atone and sacrifice.


The social life gives the unconscious unity and the background of all his efforts and of all his attainments.


In the unconscious cases, e.g. of epilepsy, automatism , etc., the same test can be used.

在癫痫、自动[MS15] 等无意识的情况中,也可作同样的判断标准。

Unconscious heroes no longer get selected when bandbox selecting multiple units.

当选框 选了数个单位,失去知觉的英雄不再能被选

Doctors at Mackay Base Hospital decided the best method of saving the unconscious man's life was to reverse the effect of the poison, ethylene glycol, by giving him pharmaceutical-grade alcohol.


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Unconscious Reality
You Were King Now You're Unconscious

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
