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与 unconscious 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Why, maidy'(he frequently, with unconscious irony, gave her this pet name), 'the prettiest milker I've got in my dairy; you mustn't get so fagged as this at the first breath of summer weather, or we shall be finely put to for want of 'ee by dog-days, shan't we, Mr Clare?


Cultural mistranslation includes unconscious and conscious mistranslation, which should be treated individually.


When Mohr was unconscious, Williams discovered the right ear was not that serious, but the left was infected.


After the monologize of a vivid and dramatic that should listen to routine, the person that call in asks: So say, are you Deng Di of unconscious · of understanding love heart this?


If you are unconscious of the beam in your own eye, you should at least bear other's mote.


As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is "man" in a higher sense - he is "collective man," a vehicle and moulder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.


As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aim s, but as an artist he is "man" in a higher sense - he is "collective man," a vehicle and moulder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.


As a human being he may have moods and a will and personalaims, but as an artist he is "man" in a higher sense - he is"collective man," a vehicle and moulder of the unconscious psychiclife of mankind.


Moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist heis "man" in a higher sense - he is "collective man," avehicle and moulder of the unconscious psychic life of mankind.


It was utterly unconscious that its every answer was a mystification or a whimsical invention; in fact, it gained mastery over men's minds by the astonishing completeness, minuteness, and consistency of its assertions.

它完全是无意识的,它的每一个答案是一个神话或异想天开的发明,事实上,它涨主宰男子的头脑惊人的完整性, minuteness和一致性的说法。

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Unconscious Reality
You Were King Now You're Unconscious

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
