英语人>网络例句>uk 相关的网络例句
与 uk 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cinderella, a UK pig, is perhaps the first pig in the world who is diagnosed with mysophobia.


Clinderella,a UK pig,is perhaps the first pig in the world who is diagnosed with mysophobia.


Not all the 0.99p goods from China are fake goods or scamming, a realy silver sterling nacklace in China is really sold just 1 to 5 pounds.(I promise both the nacklace and the sold price is ture) That is why more and more Chinese seller sell their product at UK.

此外,不是所有99p的东西,都是假货或者欺诈,一个纯银的项链在中国也就是卖1-5gbp (我发誓项链和价格都是真的)这也是为什么越来越多的中国卖家卖东西到英国的原因。

Anita Naik is a UK based freelance journalist and the author of numerous books for the adult and teenage market.

Anita Naik是英国的新闻记者也是市场上很多畅销书的作者。

Course, including the Open University of Hong Kong, HKU SPACE – Napier University, Ulster University UK


I'd had it for 20 years when I found out that I was not alone with the symptoms and that thousands of people in the UK had Narcolepsy.


This should not be a problem however if you use the UK's National Health Service.


The move to nationalise Kaupthing prompted a diplomatic row between the UK and Iceland.


Chinese students have been the biggest group of foreign nationals at UK schools and universities for several years.


Mr. Xue has offered legal services to National Development Bank, Construction Bank of China, Natwest bank and other leading businesses both in China and the UK .

薛律师曾为中国国家开发银行、中国建设银行、国民威斯敏斯特银行(NatWest Bank 及中国和英国的其他主要企业提供法律服务。

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Start It Up (UK Remix)
Don't Forget About Me (UK Version)
It Ain't A Crime (Uk Remix)
UK Jive
How We Do It (In The UK)
Repeat (UK)
UK Vica Versa
Surfin' UK
L'Anarchie Pour Le UK
Right Here (UK Back To Black Mix)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
