查询词典 ui
- 与 ui 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
After four weeks of foxtail millet feeding, the low dosage group (10%) was significantly decreased UI and increased level of gastric NPSH and disaccharidase activities compared to the negative control group.
研究结果显示餵食小米四周后,低剂量小米组(10 %)与负控制组相比显著减少水浸润拘束紧迫法所造成的溃疡指数、增加胃黏膜非蛋白质硫基化合物的含量并提高双醣酶活性。
Import notes from other addons, such as Gatherer ckknight
I also found Richard Gavel's excellent on-going work on Creating the Outlook UI with WPF
Golden Section is an adjustable transparent design grid for web, graphic, logo and UI designs.
黄金分割是一个可调的透明设计网格的Web ,图形,标识和用户界面设计。
We'll be releasing screenshots of the new Honor System UI next week
At Gensdesign, we create custom solutions that bring clients tangible and measurable results to help grow their business and enhance their brand image. We do this by providing our clients with design services for digital products, electrical household appliances, instrument products, fashionable furniture and public facilities.
High iodide intake may aggravate patient's clinical symptoms such as thyrocele and ophthalmopathy, but there is no relation between level of UI and thyroid function .Improper iodine supplement to AITD patients may strengthen the immune function disorder .The abnormal increase of cytokine IL-1? and expression of CD80、 HLA-DR on PBMC may involve in the mechanism.
Because of some unknown mistakes, the inextricability Add-in could not load normally ,then I have to make the revision to the UI.
With the freeware utility Tweak PDF, you are allowed to set the initial view preferences of a PDF document, such as whether to center window of the PDF file when opened, whether to display document title, to fit window, to hide menubar, to hide toolbar, and to hide window UI.
与免费软件工具调整PDF格式,你可以设置的初步看法的喜好PDF文件,例如是否为中心的窗口, PDF文件打开时,是否显示文件标题,以适合窗口,隐藏menubar ,隐藏工具栏上,并隐藏窗口的
In turbulent flow the instantaneous velocity at a point will vary about the mean value of ui .
- 推荐网络例句
For a big chunk of credit-card losses; the number of filings (and thus charge-off rates) would be rising again, whether
Eph. 4:23 And that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind
弗四23 而在你们心思的灵里得以更新
Lao Qiu is the Chairman of China Qiuyang Translation Group and the head master of the Confucius School. He has committed himself to the research and promotion of the classics of China.