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与 typical 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of gathering data from previous study and researching the stabilization and reinforcing technique of the typical high slope in west approach road, through in-situ tracking investigation and monitoring to the west road, and by way of studying the interaction between slope body and anchoring structure, monitoring data, the result of grey prediction and fuzzy comprehensive assessment, and adopting the idea of integrating prototype investigation and indoor experiment analysis, mechanism analysis and simulation research method, safety factor analysis and interacting relationship study, in-situ monitoring and safety evaluation, and using the theories of engineering geology, geotechnique, rock body mechanic, finite element method and fuzzy mathematics, this paper studies the long-term safety of the typical high slope specially.


The dramatist and musical characters and the perfect combine between music and drama are the purports. The thesis is divided into three parts: the preface, four chapters and the conclusion. In the preface it is explained that what in this thesis is expounded and what kinds of study about the opera there are in Chinese and in the other area of the world. The first chapter is a summary about Gounod and his"Faust", which is the typical work in lyric operas. In the second chapter analysis on drama, the character and figures of the roles in the opera is made, and the characteristic of the plot ,the creation of opera and framework is put together. In the third chapter the music in the opera is studied, and the characteristics are put together on the base of particular analysis on typical passage of aria chorus ensemble. In the last chapter, perfect combine between drama and music is presented by study on Faust's character and psychology,and it is discussed that music implied the plot. And the conclusion is a whole comment of the opera and it's musical characteristics


Water-rock interaction demonstrates that, a gold-boring formation , i. e., a set of light metamorphic clastic gritstone, sandy slate, and tuffaceous slate in Wuqiang Runnel Formation, Ban Stream Group, act as the source of gold deposits in South-West Hunan. The gold is originally derived from volcanic eruption materials in Wuling-Xuefeng period; for the typical single gold deposit such as Mobin, which is short of sulphide, chlorine is very important in the metallogenic process; sulphur and chlorine perform as the major negative ions to form complex ions with Au throughout the gold activation and migration movement. The complex ion of chlorine and gold may keep stable in a wide range of temperature; the physical-chemical conditions in typical geothermal fluid system are of deciding significance for gold activation, migration and precipitation.


After finding the reason which causes the sands to sink, weGived a improving measure, which is opening some litter holes at the pipe,similarly thepulse immixture the typical,in the subsequent experiment, the pulse was proved that it isbetter than the typical on many performances, include an important performance—watertlow rate.


Results These two patients were confirmed to suffer from DMD. They were characterized by typical features of DMD including typical clinical manifestations, increased serum enzymes, EMG presenting myogenic impairment, HE staining presentation belonging to DMD, negative dystrophin in brother, and inconstantly positive on the sarcolemma of sister. Furthermore, no deletion or duplication was found in the 1-79 exons of dystrophin gene. The suffering brother and sister carried the same maternal X chromosome.

结果 兄妹二人符合DMD诊断,具有典型的DMD临床表现,肌酸激酶、肌酸激酶同工酶、乳酸脱氢酶、羟丁酸脱氢酶和谷草转氨酶的水平均显著高于正常值,肌电图呈肌源性损害,肌肉HE染色符合DMD,男患者的抗肌萎缩蛋白表达阴性,女患者的少量肌纤维仍可见不连续膜阳性,两患者抗肌萎缩蛋白基因的1~79号外显子未见缺失和重复突变,女患者与男患者携带相同的母源性X染色体。

The senior class students in primary school are a special group who is on the tuning from jejuneness to mature and have their own typical character of this age. On the understanding of the typical character of them is the basic step of efficient class management and educational work.


In fact, typical 'scans' use only 6 kilobytes of data, less than a typical email.


In an Oriental atmosphere, enjoy the " Kanun " a typical Turkish musical instrument, discover the delights of a typical " fasil" orchestra and then a programme extravaganza to experience the flavour of words and customs of our folklore and belly dancing. Have Turkish coffee in a Turkish home furnished with lacework all around. And as a final, enjoy a nostalgic journey into the very heart of entertainment.


These painted faades are typical of Liguria, really typical.


Chapter three (the methods of generating chaotic signal and its applications): In this chapter firstly the mechanism that a simple kinetic system, subsection linear map system, can generate chaotic phenomena is affirmed, the characteristics of correlation function of the chaotic signal generated by this system are simulated, on this basis a simple applicable method for generating chaotic signal is given; secondly some typical circuits generating chaotic signal are designed, also use operational amplifier to design a third -order autonomous circuit with chaotic dynamics. The basic mechanism and typical structures of chaos in the application of communication are introduced systematically and a simple method is provided for generating pseudo random code signal; At last Chaotic signal is applied into the analysis of system characteristic.


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Typical Situation
No Typical Thursday Night
Typical Average
Typical Nigga
Typical Miracle
A Typical Sound Check
Typical Me
T.P.S. (Typical Party Song)

When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
