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A cataloged classification of books consists of general works and specific works, and the traditional practice of classifying books into specific classes and special classes should be given up. Edition study classifies editions into written editions, which are reclassified into hand-written, copied, and photo-offset manuscripts, and printed editions, which are re-divided into carved, typed, lithographic and block-printed editions. All these will be re-reclassified according to time region, subject and craftsmanship.

摘 要:&文献&内涵有古今之分,不宜模糊;文献学的研究对象是&文献的文本&而不是我们通常所说的&文献&;&分类&与&编目&是目录学两大基本内容,不宜混而不清;目录学中的书目分类应分为综合性书目、专门性书目两大类,不宜再继续所谓专科目录、特种目录等旧的分类方法;版本学中的版本分类宜分为写本与印本两大类,其下写本再分为稿本、抄本、影写本,印本再分为刻本、活字本、石印本,刻本之下再根据时间、地区、主体、工艺等划分类别,这样方可层次清楚、泾渭分明。

Good editions of ancient books: rubbings from stone inscriptions, hand-written editions and printed editions of the eras before Yuan Dynasty, the manuscripts, hand-copied editions that were written or arranged and revised by famous scholars and bibliophiles of the two dynasties of Ming and Qing, and that have important values in some subject area, printed editions (including block-printed editions, typed-editions, printed editions with exquisite prints, and process printed editions), and hand-copied books of the Ming and Qing dynasties that are characteristic of that two dynasties in book contents, carving levels, sheets, printing, binding and layout, and other aspects, printed editions, hand-copied editions that have the prefaces and postscripts annotated and revised by famous scholars and bibliophiles of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the contents of the prefaces and postscripts annotated and revised have important values as academic references.


A unique sliding-chute-typed demoulding system was designed at the connection part of the inner chase and the middle chase.


To meet this demand,this article,through analyzing the current situation of preparation research in hospitals,discusses the process of antivirus preparation and common Dreparation of western medicine,Chinese traditional medicine preparation,the new—typed Chinese traditional c0Hlmon medicine preparation,the processing of Chinese traditional medicine,Chinese traditional medicine decoction preparation and the architectural combination,architectural plane and design requirement for the preparation loom.


The main research contents of the dissertation are given. In chapter 2, the machining principle of arc-typed non-circular section, controlling model of tool path, and the equations of section contour curve are studied systematically and deeply.


The calcium carbonate crystal is needle short fiber-typed, its length is 2-8 micron and width is 0.3-1.5 micron, the ratio of length and diameter is 5-10, its content of vaterite calcium carbonate is larger than 90% with small particle on the surface of.


Firefox 3 Location Bar AutoComplete function will automatically search for possible matching sites from browsing sites, typed URLs, tagged websites and bookmarked sites while user typing in term, and this mixture of website addresses also applied to the drop down list of Location Bar.


Taking a certain typed shock absorber of inertia platform as an object of study,the finite element analytical method on the elastic property of rubber shock absorber was approached.


As his parents bought armfuls of newspapers and teachers printed articles for his class to discuss,"I typed my name into Google and saw how many stories my name came up in," Mr Robson said on Friday.


In this study, We typed the the gene of β〓-AR from genomic DNA of asthmatic patients and made the further analysis: The distributing condition of genetic polymorphisms at positions 16 and 27 in β〓 AR coding region and at position 19 in 5'Leader Cistron (5'LC) among southwest Chinese asthmatic population; The relationship between the each polymorphisms at the above three positions and the asthmatic phenotypes (FEV〓 or nocturnal asthma); The effect of each polymorphisms at the above three positions on bronchodilator responsiveness induced by β〓- agonists(initial bronchodilator response, pharmaco-dynamic); The relationship between the haplotypes of polymorphisms in the 5'LC or in positions 16, 27 of β〓AR coding block and asthmatic phenotypes or bronchodilator responsiveness induced by β〓-agonists.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
