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The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion from two or more than two kinds of honey source plants, or the mixture of two or more than two kinds of unifloral honey.


Before the two-hour interaction of male-male individuals , we found there were obviously fewer and lighter stained ERp immunoreactive neurons (ER|3-IRs) in both main olfactory bulb system project regions and vomeronasal system project regions in the mandarin voles than in the reed voles, but no significant difference in numbers of AR immunoreactive neurons between the two species through the examining of immunoreactive neurons, moreover, there were significantly fewer AR-IRs than ERp-IRs in two species of vole before the two-hour interactions.


At 35, she has published four novels, two books of short stories, two works of literary history, two anthologies and two plays.


The heart drum is beaten by invisible hands with music Oh, they are kissing, the young lovers So devoted, so spongy, and so rioted Gaze twists gaze, permeating cool green Don't know if a vine enlaces a tree or a tree wraps a vine as if when mouth touches mouth a magic wand comes out to turn stone into gold and freezes the flowing time to eternity The wind is fanning, like Cupid is calling The lawn under feet is turning into a flying carpet and carrying the young lovers blessed by Aladdin lamp flying to the sky of poetry flying to two people's castle Their bodies are made by water So soft, just like water Sunlight kisses water wave Fishes spring to the surface from the bottom as if two mouth leaning close to each other Oh, don't disturb them Let them send out ripple to the surface from heartbeat of spray and finally makeup a perfect ring Many years after, when time elapses like water memory wash gray hair on head you still can recognize that moment dyed by sunshine those two faces, two sunflowers


I observ'd, that the two who swam, were yet more than twice as long swimming over the Creek, as the Fellow was, that fled from them: It came now very warmly upon my Thoughts, and indeed irresistibly, that now was my Time to get me a Servant, and perhaps a Companion, or Assistant; and that I was call'd plainly by Providence to save this poor Creature's Life; I immediately run down the Ladders with all possible Expedition, fetches my two Guns, for they were both but at the Foot of the Ladders, as I observ'd above; and getting up again, with the same haste, to the Top of the Hill, I cross'd toward the Sea; and having a very short Cut, and all down Hill, clapp'd my self in the way, between the Pursuers, and the Pursu'd; hallowing aloud to him that fled, who looking back, was at first perhaps as much frighted at me, as at them; but I beckon'd with my Hand to him, to come back; and in the mean time, I slowly advanc'd towards the two that follow'd; then rushing at once upon the foremost, I knock'd him down with the Stock of my Piece I was loath to fire, because 1 would not have the rest hear; though at that distance, it would not have been easily heard, and being out of Sight of the Smoke too, they wou'd not have easily known what to make of it: Having knock'd this Fellow down, the other who pursu'd with him stopp'd, as if he had been frighted; and I advanc'd a-pace towards him; but as I came nearer, I perceiv'd presently, he had a Bow and Arrow, and was fitting it to shoot at me; so I was then necessitated to shoot at him first, which I did, and kill'd him at the first Shoot; the poor Savage who fled, but had stopp'd; though he saw both his Enemies fallen, and kill'd, as he thought; yet was so frighted with the Fire, and Noise of my Piece, that he stood Stock still, and neither came forward or went backward, tho' he seem'd rather enclin'd to fly still, than to come on; I hollow'd again to him, and made Signs to come forward, which he easily understood, and came a little way, then stopp'd again, and then a little further, and stopp'd again, and I cou'd then perceive that he stood trembling, as if he had been taken Prisoner, and had just been to be kill'd, as his two Enemies were; I beckon'd him again to come to me, and gave him all the Signs of Encouragement that I could think of, and he came nearer and nearer, kneeling down every Ten or Twelve steps in token of acknowledgement for my saving his Life: I smil'd at him, and look'd pleasantly, and beckon'd to him to come still nearer; at length he came close to me, and then he kneel'd down again, kiss'd the Ground, and laid his Head upon the Ground, and taking me by the Foot, set my Foot upon his Head; this it seems was in token of swearing to be my Slave for ever; I took him up, and made much of him, and encourag'd him all I could.


In the invention, two or more than two interleaved devices are respectively provided with different interleaved patterns; moreover, in the interleaved process, the two or more than two interleaved devices respectively interleaves the inputted data according to the configured interleaved patterns.


Obama to task for self-consciously italicizing parallels between himself and Lincoln, there are in fact a host of uncanny correspondences between these two former Illinois state legislators who had short stints in Congress under their belts before coming to national prominence with speeches showcasing their eloquence: two cool, self-contained men, who managed to stay calm and graceful under pressure; two stoics embracing the virtues of moderation and balance; two relatively new politicians who were initially criticized for their lack of experience and for questioning an invasion of a country that, in Lincoln's words, was "in no way molesting, or menacing the U.S."


And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.


And forty sockets of silver he made under the twenty boards; two sockets under one board for his two tenons, and two sockets under another board for his two tenons.

36:24 在这二十块板底下又作四十个带卯的银座,两卯接这块板上的两榫,两卯接那块板上的两榫。

And he made forty bases of silver under the twenty frames, two bases under one frame for its two tenons, and two bases under the next frame for its two tenons.


第20/100页 首页 < ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ... > 尾页
Two For The Price Of One
Track Two
Two's Up
Two By Two
Two By Two
Two Of Me, Two Of You
Two By Two
Two & Two
Two By Two
Two And Two

Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.


This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.


In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).
