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与 twisted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Spikelets 5–6.5 mm, green tinged purple; glumes glabrous or rarely setose, scaberulous along veins; lower glume 4.5–5.5 mm, 3 (–5)-veined; upper glume 5-veined; lower floret staminate or barren, shorter than glumes or equaling lower glume; upper floret 2.5–3 mm, lemma apex awned, awn flanked by 2 slender erect bristles; bristles mostly 1–2.5 mm; awn geniculate with brown twisted column, 6–10 mm; callus hairs 1/4–1/3 length of lemma.

微染的小穗5-6.5毫米,绿色紫色;颖片无毛的或很少具刚毛,微糙的沿脉;更低的颖片4.5-5.5毫米,3(-5)脉;上面颖片5脉;无意义的下部小花雄蕊花或,短于颖片或等长下部的颖片; 2纤细的直立刚毛从侧面包围的上面小花2.5-3毫米,外稃先端具芒,芒;多数的刚毛1-2.5毫米;用棕色的盘旋的柱子,6-10毫米膝曲的芒;胼胝体毛1/4-1/3段外稃。

Leaves needlelike, slender or stout, straight or twisted, triangular, flabellate-triangular, or semiorbicular in cross section, stomatal lines several, on 1, 2, or all surfaces, vascular bundles 1 or 2, resin canals 2-10 or more, marginal or median, rarely internal, base enclosed by persistent or deciduous, membranous sheath. Pollen cones usually borne in spikelike clusters at base of 1st-year branchlets, sessile, cylindric or ovoid; pollen 2-saccate.

叶针状,纤细的或粗壮,直的或扭曲,三角形,扇形三角形,或半圆形在横断面上,气孔线数个,在1,2上,或全部表面,在第1 年的小枝,无梗,圆筒状的或卵球形的穗状的簇生在基部里的雄球花通常着生;花粉2囊。

Mature capsule straight or spirally twisted, usually densely hairy, often with soft setae which are themselves hairy.


Simon stepped back; an innocent breeze twisted the sagging body so that the face tipped away to stare sightlessly across the fields.


Simon stepped back; an innocent breeze twisted the sagging body so that the face tipped away to stare sightlessly across the fields.


At intervals, which may be irregularly or regularly spaced, the yarn is left either untwisted or slackly twisted to produce soft, bulky areas.


At intervals, which may be ir regularly or regularly spaced, the yarn is left either untwisted or slackly twisted to produce soft, bulky areas.


Medivh is gone, but the slavering, hungering creatures of his twisted nightmares still remain, forever stalking the gloomy shadows of Karazhan.


Medivh is gone, but the slavering , hungering creatures of his twisted nightmares still remain, forever stalking the gloomy shadows of Karazhan.


Reto continues joking around and twisted his face with many wrinkle he already got for himself. Then he stops and looks at me with a bitching face and asks soulfully,at the very last moment, don ' t you have anything to say to me?


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