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与 twisted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It looks little different to a normal shirt but containsstainlesssteel wires twisted around viscose yarn, which means itworks as anelectrode.


Panicle spikelike, dense, linear to ovate or oblong in outline, lower part sometimes interrupted, 1.5–11 cm; branches short, appressed, pubescent to tomentose. Spikelets 4–9 mm, florets 2(or 3); rachilla hairs 1–1.5 mm; glumes subequal or slightly unequal, lower glume 4–8 mm, upper glume 5–9 mm, apex acuminate, occasionally briefly aristulate; lemmas lanceolate, 4–7 mm, scaberulous to pubescent, awned from upper 1/4–1/3, apex usually 2-denticulate, teeth often mucronate, occasionally subentire; awn 2–7 mm, weakly geniculate with loosely twisted column, or recurved at base, or almost straight; palea keels scaberulous.


This atramentous apparition carred with it a large pole arm known simply as Herleif, a twisted, organic staff to which was attached a beautifully crafted and deceptively resplendent blade cast completely out of the rarely seen resin of the Hist Trees of Argonia.

那个黑色的幻影肩上配备一把叫做 Herleif的大刀样的武器,把柄上装饰异常精美并且隐约有光线流动着的利刃,散发出少见的阿格里亚松香气息。

Spikelets 3–4 mm, brown; callus hairs a little shorter than spikelet, brown; lower glume oblong-lanceolate, papery becoming herbaceous toward apex, back brown-hirsute, apex narrowly truncate; lower lemma 3/4 length of glumes; upper lemma oblong, obtuse and awnless or minutely mucronate, varying to shortly 2-toothed and awned from sinus; awn twisted, bent, up to 6 mm.


Spikelets all alike, somewhat laterally compressed, with 1 to several fertile florets; rachilla usually disarticulating below each floret, occasionally strictly 3 florets with lower 2 staminate or barren and of different appearance from upper fertile floret, then disarticulating above glumes and florets falling together; glumes persistent, often equal to spikelet or at least longer than first floret, commonly membranous with broad, shining, hyaline margins; floret callus bearded; lemmas hyaline to leathery, 3- to several-veined ( Coleanthus 1-veined), apex entire or denticulate, awned from back, rarely awnless; awn usually geniculate with twisted column; palea hyaline, subequaling or much shorter than lemma.

全部一样的小穗,有点侧面压扁,具1到数个能育的小花;脱节的通常小穗轴在下面每小花,偶尔严格加雄蕊或者无意义的更低的2的3小花和上面肥沃小花的不同外表,然后脱节的上述颖片和小花结合起来;宿存的颖片,等于小穗或长于前小花,宽的膜质具,发亮,透明边缘的通常的至少的通常;公然反对的小花结茧;透明的外稃到革质,3-到数枚脉(Coleanthus 1脉),先端全缘或具小齿,从背面,很少awnless那里具芒;用盘旋的柱子通常膝曲的芒;透明的内稃,近相等或者远短于外稃。

Unlike the crossbow the Ballista derives its force from twisted animal sinew and not tension from the frontal arms .


Unlike the crossbow the Ballista derives its force from twisted animal sinew and not tension from the frontal arms.


The Roman ballista was powered by torsion derived from two thick skeins of twisted cords through which were thrust two separate arm s joined at their ends by the cord that propelled the missile.


The Roman ballista was powered by torsion derived from two thick skeins of twisted cords through which were thrust two separate arms joined at their ends by the cord that propelled the missile.


The Roman ballista was powered by torsion derived from two thick skeins of twisted cords through which were thrust two separate arms joined at their ends by the cord that propel led the missile.


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