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twenty third相关的网络例句

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与 twenty third 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One third of twenty million euro.


In 2006, the volume reached twenty thousand, occupying one third, which created a miracle in home an aboard.


The twenty years since the third Plenary Session of the Eleventh National Congress of the CPC, especial after advancing the important thought of Three Represents, there appears a boom of research on the cultural history of CPC, and a great amount progress has been achieved thereby.


The 12th dimensional sun that remained was only 1/3 of Maldek's original size; and now there was a series of five fifth dimensional suns and twenty five third dimensional planets that were born as a result of her explosion.


Objective We provided the reference for diagnoses in Othodontics of total dental space analysis. Method This study randomly collected 140 Chinese students(60 male, 80 female) who were from eithteen to twenty five years old with third molars completely erupted.

正畸诊断和治疗应考虑全牙齿及其周围环境的影响,解除牙列中各个区域的牙量骨量不调,但目前国内正畸医师在错畸形的诊断、治疗中,比较注重牙弓前、中段的牙量骨量分析,却忽略了牙弓后段的分析[1] 。

In the twenty-first century, logistics is the third profit source of enterprise.


But rates in the United States have increased by more than one-third in the last twenty-five years.


Seven years later, in 1675, the three volumes for April appeared, preceded by preliminary treatises, the subjects of which were respective: in the first volume, the two most ancient collections of notices on the popes (catalogues of Liberius, and Felix) and the date of St. Ambrose's death, both by Henschen; in the second, the attempt at a diplomatical treatise by Papebroch,"whose chief merit", as the author himself was fond of saying with as much sincerity as modesty,"was that it inspired Mabillon to write his excellent work:"De re diplomatica"; in the third, a new revised edition of the new revised edition of the "Diatribi de tribus Dagobertis, which had made the name of Henschen celebrated twenty years previously.

七年之后,在1675年,共三册,为4月出现,在此之前的初步论文,课题,其中分别有:首先是体积,这两个最古老的收藏告示教宗(目录的利比里奥,和Felix )当日圣刘汉铨之死,无论是由亨申,在二,图谋在diplomatical伤寒由papebroch &,其主要好处&,如作者自己喜欢说的,与作为有多少诚意,因为谦虚,&就是它灵感mabillon写他出色的工作:&去重新diplomatica &,在第三,一个新的修订版的新修订版的& diatribi德tribus dagobertis ,其中已作出的名义亨申庆祝二十年以前。

A lay person who blasphemes, if he is a noble, is to be fined a penalty of twenty-five ducats; for the second offence the fine is fifty ducats, which are to be applied to the fabric of the basilica of the prince of the apostles in Rome; for other offences he is to be punished as set out below; for a third fault, however, he is to lose his noble status.

一位非法律界人士谁亵渎,如果他是一个崇高的,是要被处以罚款25 ducats ;第二罪行的罚款是50 ducats ,这是适用於织物的大殿的王子使徒在罗马;因其他罪行,他将受到惩罚按以下规定;第三次故障,但是,他失去他的崇高地位。

The second was at seventy-five and the third and fourth were down in blue water at one hundred and on hundred and twenty-five fathoms.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
