英语人>网络例句>tune 相关的网络例句
与 tune 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In light of the Yankees' success with the YES Network, which broadcasts Yankees games and general hagiography, the Mets started their own cable network, SportsNet New York, this year. Last year, when most Mets games were carried on two cable channels, the games attracted an average of about 110,000 households. This year, on SNY, 215,000 households tune in.(While the Yankees continue to wallop the Mets in television ratings, drawing an average of about 318,000 households, for their games on YES, the Bronx Bombers are down slightly compared with last year, when they averaged about 324,000 households.)For the Yankees' part, Lonn A.

受到洋基成立主要用以转播洋基球赛以及播放洋基球员介绍的YES Network获得了巨大成功的启发,大都会也在今年成立了SportsNet New York ,去年主要由两家有线频道转播的大都会比赛,平均每场比赛吸引了110,000家庭观看,而今年由SNY转播的比赛,则平均吸引了215,000家庭收看(在此同时洋基仍然在收视率上领先大都会, YES频道平均每场比赛吸引318,000家庭收看转播,不过比起去年平均324,000家庭观看的数据略有滑落),在洋基这方面,球队的营运总管Lonn A。

Obviously, such an orthodox view of the" five transport on behalf of the move, all the pro-tolerance, quality text phase times, hairbreadth "argument is out of tune, and this is the result of moral education since the Song Dynasty.


The brothers jump for joy in 1971, the halcyon days of the Jackson Five, but the cracks would begin to show less than a year later when Michael made a bid for solo success with the theme tune for the film Ben.

年是 杰克逊五兄弟走红的一年,兄弟们欢呼雀跃-尽管裂痕已开始产生。不到一年后,迈克尔以电影《本》的主题歌开始了他的单飞生涯。

I can tune the harpsichord as well as play it.


Now, everyone in the world (who has a decent internet connection) can tune in to the live Nama Hatta broadcast.


The star-like mountain looked increasingly narrowing and shrinking, but in my eyes still glittered a patch of golden light and sounded a heart-stirring tune.


The overall spacious interlinked space, taking into account 开party; Wai came out to the hemicycle bar district, the scenery in China is only good, the most suitable two passes; District to receive visitors a sofa side table-tune Louis Vuitton, Gucci and supplier of decorative accessories, atmospheric and dignity implicit, classical Chinese breed change.

这个整体宽敞相通的空间,考虑到开party的需要;以落地窗围出的半圆形酒吧区,风景这边独好,则最适合两人对酌;会客区以Louis Vuitton一套沙发茶几为主调,点缀Gucci和CK的装饰品,大气而不失含蓄,经典中孕育变化。

Its opening notes sound just like an ending, a passage of apparently clinching finality, after which we are introduced to a little snippet of tune that seems stuck in its own narrow groove, unable to get anywhere. All of this is then repeated almost verbatim in another key, and then, within another bar or two, we suddenly realize that somehow, despiteall this nonactivity, we're actually off and running. These are high jinks of the very highest order.

还有这段不太为人所熟知的四重奏末乐章( http://img.slate.com/media/10/6_haydn76_5.asf ),起始的曲调听起来像是典型的结尾,随之展开的旋律片段又仿佛将乐曲带入了山穷水尽疑无路的境地,转调后仍逐字逐句地重复,形式虽显呆板,但是继续听过一个或者两个小节之后,听众会突然意识到他们实际上摆脱了形式上的一切束缚转而在音乐中驰骋,这就是最高水平的恶作剧。

When everyone is low, you can tune high-profile, but can't.


I'm sure it was a hippie tune my dad didn't approve of.


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Out Of Tune
Luney Tune
Hand-Me-Down Tune
What A Wild Tune
D.O.A. (Death Of Auto-Tune) (Remix)
Three-Cornered Tune
Daddy's Tune
Lay Down Your Weary Tune
Etta's Tune
American Tune

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
