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His winning fish - a 29-inch brook trout - may eclipse a 90-year world record.
The, uh, brook trout and wild smoked salmon.
嗯 溪红点鲑和烟熏三文鱼
Brook Trout live in clear, cold waters.
The cold, clear water that Brook Trout prefer no longer exists like it use to.
Instead, Brook Trout are mainly found in the Western United States in the colder rivers and lakes of the Rocky Mountains - especially in higher lakes that often require hiking to reach.
HUMOR A fisherman went /into/ a sporting goods store. The salesperson offered the man a wonderful lure for trout: It had beautiful colors, eight hooks, and looked just like a rare Buckner bug.
Buhl, Idaho, United States is the world s largest producer of farmed rainbow trout.
美国爱达荷州的 Buhl 是世界上最大的虹鳟养殖地。
If you find the Kokanee you will find the Bull Trout.
The best time to catch a large Bull Trout is in March and April.
If you are interested in pursuing Bull Trout check the authors'' web site for more helpful information, links and pictures.
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