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And they host millions of species of invertebrates, and so they are ecologically really key to tropical marine ecosystems.


Tree cover in tropical areas such as El Salvador and the Dominican Republic has grown in recent years.

在最近几年,热带地区(例如El Salvador and the Dominican Republic)的森林面积增多。

Night time Journey to the moon On the back Of a big firefly Take me up above the city Your hair Picks up all the light Tropical fish in sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a Come on Take me for a ride Open window's the sign Staining blue, soaked into my cotton skin See now tinkerbell's in bloom Leave your room for the sky Take a ride take a ride take a ride take a ride Nightline glowing from the wall Little god Scare away, keep at bay Elfish shadows want to fool me Dimly, dimly lt's the road Creatures move very slow Coming close coming close coming close coming close Join them underneath the fern Lit right through from the moon Looking down, I don't mind if she can see me

夜间 月球之旅背面一个大萤火虫请带我去了城市上空你的头发拿起所有的光线热带鱼的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐采取来吧以我的车打开窗口的标志染色蓝,湿透了我的棉皮看到现在的Tinkerbell在盛开给您房间的天空坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐坐一坐夜线从墙上发光小神吓跑,保持海湾如小精灵的阴影要骗我昏暗,隐约失怙的道路生物移动速度很慢逼近逼近逼近即将结束加入他们的行列下方的蕨类通过点燃权从月球展望未来,我不介意,如果她能看到我

A chronic disorder that occurs in tropical and nontropical forms and in both children and adults; nutrients are not absorbed; symptoms include foul-smelling diarrhea and emaciation .


This is a peaceful paradise with tropical plants surrounded, and at the meantime this is also the embodiment of the mystical romantic Li Miao culture. The fantastic artworks in the hotel, backdrop with the Li and Miao patterns, spouting water animal, embossment full of natural patterns, all these reflected how the Li and Miao people love the nature.


A low - growing tropical American shrubhaving roots and rhizomes that yield emetine.


The most revolutionary innovation was made by John Claudius Loudon, the famous horticultural encyclopedist, when he invented the iron sash bar, Previously the wooden frames of palm houses or other greenhouses, which enclosed humid, tropical climates, had a limited life.

最革命的创新由约翰 Claudius Loudon做,著名园艺百科全书编纂者,当他发明了铁框格酒吧,以前木制框架温室或其他温室,附上的潮湿,热带气候,有有限的生活。

In the tropical jungle, Carl and Russell find more than they bargained for: Charles Muntz, a crazed explorer whose newsreels once inspired Carl and Ellie; Kevin, an exotic bird with a weakness for chocolate; and Dug, an endearingly dim golden retriever fitted with a voice box.


Protected from the cold winds and effects of El Ni?o, Coiba's Pacific tropical moist forest maintains exceptionally high levels of endemism of mammals, birds and plants due to the ongoing evolution of new species.


The heat source in mid-Africa presents weaken mutation in 70 's, but that in the Philippines in the tropical western Pacific and the southwest of Caribbean present enhancive mutation.


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Tropical Loveland
Tropical Disease
Tropical Depression
No Me Ames (Tropical remix)
Post Tropical
No Me Ames (Tropical Remix)
Tropical Chancer
Tropical London
Vereda Tropical

The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
