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与 triumph 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A League Cup triumph in 1987 was built upon, and in 1989 the league championship returned to Highbury after an 18 year absence when Arsenal pipped Liverpool to the title on goals scored.

联赛杯的胜利,在1987年后建成,并于1989年联赛冠军,回到海布里后, 18年缺席时,阿森纳打破了利物浦冠军进球。

As for bishops, we urge and appeal by the tender mercy of our God that, while attending to the friars with well-disposed affection, treating them with kindness and encouraging them, they present themselves to them as in no sense difficult or hard or peevish, but rather as easy, mild, well-disposed and liberal in loving generosity, and that in all the above-mentioned matters they welcome them with ready kindness as co-workers in the Lord's vineyard and as sharers in their labours, and that they guard and defend their rights with all charity, so that both bishops and friars, whose works as burning lamps set on a hilltop ought to provide light to all Christ's faithful, may move forward from strength to strength for the glory of God, the triumph of the catholic faith and the salvation of peoples, and in consequence deserve to obtain from the Lord, the most generous recompenser of all good deeds, the reward of eternal life.


Stary Night shows Van Gogh ' s journey from the darkness of the inside of a church, with its reference to his Dutch past, to the triumph of the mystics communication with God through nature.


It claims he is different from us by degree, not by kind, and that his cross is the climax of his vicarious identification with suffering mankind rather than a substitutionary death offered on our behalf to turn away the wrath of God and triumph over sin, death, and the devil.


But this year, unapologetic triumph is in the air.


With confidence in our armed forces,with the unbounding determination of our people,we will gain the unevitable triumph.


Let those who are in favour with their stars Of public honour and proud titles boast, Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars, Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.


Let those who are in favour with their stars Of public honour and proud titles boast, Whilst I, whom fortune of such triumph bars, Unlook'd for joy in that I honour most.

二五 让那些人到处夸说他们的显位和高官,至于我,命运拒绝我这种荣耀,只暗中独自赏玩我心里所欢。

There are many ways in which to diffuse anger such as unplugging yourself from the situation, going for a walk, reframing the situation, engineering some small triumph for yourself to lift your mood, and so on.


The most important thing in the Team is not to win but to take part, just as the most impor-tant thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.Popularity: unranked


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Dark Triumph
Triumph Of A Heart
The Triumph Of General Ludd
Triumph Of The Swill
Triumph Of The Pig Children
Give Wings To My Triumph
Triumph (Already Done)
Tragedy & Triumph
Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into The Water, Triumph Of
Triumph Of Disintegration

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
