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与 triumph 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cesare Prandelli who tragically lost his wife this season has found admirable strength in leading his team to this triumph.


Henry's hat-trick helped the champion triumph over the chal—lengers.


Although tactically the outcome of the Battle of Chalons was indecisive, it was a great triumph for Aetius and the Romans. Attila was forced to retreat beyond the Rhine and never threatened Gaul again.


Under an arch of triumph Bloom appears, bareheaded, in a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing Saint Edward's staff the orb and sceptre with the dove, the curtana.


It has been attacked as a mixture of "narcissism" and "nihilism" by former United States vice-president Al Gore; it has been defined as the triumph of the spectacle by French Marxist theorist Guy Debord; it has been lamented as the abolition of reality by simulacra in the works of philosopher Jean Baudrillard; and it has been defended as the liberation of communication from hegemonic narratives by the philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard; and so on and so on.

美国前副总统Al Gore讥之为「自恋」与「虚无」的结合;法国马克思理论家Guy Debord则赞扬它代表了「景象」的巨大成就;Jean Baudrillard的哲学作品中则感叹后现代主义的「拟象」消除了真实;哲学家Jean-Francois Lyortard则为它辩护,认为后现代主义解构霸权论述,是一种沟通的解放。

Triumph comes with diligency.


Come together ecumenically, universally, and globally. Raise your petition of my Triumph's fulfillment as never before.


If the eschaton, the "last thing" which is the proper object of eschatological hope, came in the ministry, passion, and triumph of Jesus, then it cannot be the absolute end of time, for time has gone on since then.

如果eschaton ,&上次的事&,这是正确的对象eschatological希望,排在财政部,热情和胜利的耶稣,那麼,它并不一定是绝对的结束时间,时间紧迫,已进行了自那时以来。

Regina was soon joined by competitors Capitol cuff, Criterion, Olympia, Euphonia, Crown, Sterling, Imperial Symphonion, Mira, Empress, Perfection, Monarch, Triumph, and other makes of disc music boxes in America.

里贾纳是尽快加入由竞争对手国会袖套,标准,奥林匹亚, euphonia ,皇冠,英镑,帝国symphonion ,米拉,皇后,完善,君主,凯旋,和其他使光碟音乐盒在美国。

Regina was soon joined by competitors Capitol cuff, Criterion, Olympia, Euphonia, Crown, Sterling, Imperial Symphonion, Mira, Empress, Perfection, Monarch, Triumph, and other makes of disc music boxes in America.


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Dark Triumph
Triumph Of A Heart
The Triumph Of General Ludd
Triumph Of The Swill
Triumph Of The Pig Children
Give Wings To My Triumph
Triumph (Already Done)
Tragedy & Triumph
Pigs That Ran Straightaway Into The Water, Triumph Of
Triumph Of Disintegration

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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
