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triple alliance相关的网络例句

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与 triple alliance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the help of Clearwing and the SB-2, ASU hosted a capacity crowd of more than 70,000 who witnessed President Obama's commencement address under triple-digit temperatures.

在Clearwing Productions公司和SB-2的帮助之下,亚利桑那州立大学体育场容纳了70000多人,在三位数高温之下见证了奥巴马的演说。

They recalled Max Cleland, the former Georgia incumbent, a triple-amputee war veteran who had lost his seat in the previous cycle after being accused of insufficient patriotism, of aiding and abetting Osama bin Laden.

他们还回想起了前佐治亚州参议员 Max Cleland 。这位在越战中失去了双腿和右臂的政治家在被职责缺乏爱国心和同情并援助本·拉登后早早离开了国会。

With an investment of over one billion RMB by Clifford Group, the construction and management of Clifford Hospital are in full compliance with both China's benchmarks for Grade "Triple-A" hospitals and international hospital standards.


I'd like to try a triple-decker club sandwich.


Club sandwich, three-decker triple-space

n。 三倍之数,三个一组

Li Rui's narratives of Cultural Revolution adopt neither a moralistic stance nor a posture of"refusing to regret"assumed by some intellectual youth. Rather, he offers a penetrating reflection of Cultural Revolution from the triple levels of mass ignorance and fervor, intellectual unreflectiveness, and the modern characteristics of revolutionary ideology. His narration of the complex observation, interrogation, denial, co-optation, and mythologization between intellectuals and the mass deepens the theme of alienation since May Fourth movement.


For more than 11 years, the Undertaker has been a WWE mainstay. He's feuded with all the greats -- from Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior to Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock,Triple H -- and lived to tell about it.


Sengor(1992)proposed a triple classification, but it can not cover all collis ion orogenic belts.In this paper a new classification on basis of units that take part in the collision is put forward.


We prove that the Jordan semi-triple derivable maps of the algebra of all n×n matrices over a 2-torsion free commutative ring with unity is the sum of an inner derivation and A_φ, where A_φis the image of A underφapplied entrywise andφis an additive derivation over R.


Each triple corresponds to a single arc in the graph, complete with the arc's beginning and ending nodes (the subject and object of the statement).


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Triple 6 Mafia
Triple Double
Unholy Alliance
Gotcha Shakin'
Triple Beam Dreams
Triple Up
Plan C
Triple Optics

This time, we do not want to colorize the image. I've dragged my Hue slider to the left to a value of -123


A timely report from an independent prosecutor would surely be helpful in buttressing and justifying that order.


We have equipped a set of modernized production pattern and implemented the concept of Total Quality Management.
