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与 traps 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I love the way Las Vegas morphs from one to the next. I love the way that they're always inventing new ways to bait the traps.

Curtis 说:&我喜欢拉斯维加斯变来变去,我喜欢他们总是不断想出新招数来引诱人跌落陷阱的做法。&

I love the way Las Vegas morphs from one to the next. I love the way that they're always inventing new ways to bait the traps. ABCNEWS


Other experiments have used individual electrons, positrons, negatively charged hydrogen ions and antiprotons in electromagnetic traps, and muonium( an" atom" made of an electron orbiting a positive muon particle).


Biologists say it's highly implausible that onions could attract flu virus as a bug zapper traps flies.


As we ponder how heavy is the burden and how damaging the loss to the vicars of Christ on earth that counterfeit elections would be, and how great the hurt they could bring to the christian religion, especially in these very difficult times when the whole christian religion is being disturbed in a variety of ways, we wish to set obstacles to the tricks and traps of Satan and to human presumption and ambition, so far as it is permitted to us, so that the aforesaid letter shall be better observed the more clearly it is established that it has been approved and renewed by the mature and healthy discussion of the said sacred council, by which it has been decreed and ordained, though it does not need any other approval for its permanence and validity.


There are practical upshots as well. Coupled with certain design improvements, nonanal might make mosquito traps so efficient that they can become a new weapon in the fight against mosquitoes.


Based on measured data,we advance the viewpoint that the interface trap has current conductive property besides being charged up, and the conduction is assumed to be the generation or recombination current caused by new interface traps, which can not be simply identified quantitatively from the I - V curve.

根据所测数据,明确提出了有自退火效应样品的新增界面陷阱除了电荷效应外还具有传导电流能力的观点,初步认为该电流是表面费米能级和陷阱能级相互作用导致的产生复合电流,该电流不能简单地从 I - V 曲线上定量分

It seems to me that once eyesight goes under weaponry's scalpel It can see through human flesh Seems to me that desire pushes the world from behind It never misses a beat Seems to me the word "thrill" gets lashed by a storm Before it reaches climax Seems to me that to a starving person The world is divided into edibles and non-edibles Seems to me our life-force gets dominated by smooth breathing And coughing is definitely an insurrection Seems to me the wealth accumulated by old men Is a frozen lake for springtimes to skate on Seems to me the thriftiest folks end up treating others to envy Seems to me once you make the mirror's acquaintance, it has you dressing up for a lifetime Seems to me the person furthest ahead is not there to enjoy the view He would rather turn and watch the scene behind Seems to me two rows of teeth are nature's way of proving collective strength Which is why individuals lean toward organizations Seems to me it would take nothing more than a power blackout To unseat the 21st Century from history's stage It seems to me Peace is the minimal quest of our animal nature But the spiritual realm is filled with traps of ideals And so It seems to me the speed of bullets is most persuasive In this world, no other kind of civilization works quicker


Were you educated in the finest boarding schools, or did tanners who left their homestead only to check their traps raise you?


Were you educated in the finest boarding schools, or did tanners who left their homestead only to check their traps raise you?


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Skin Traps

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
