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与 traits 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their six generations F1, F2, backcrosses B1 and B2 and their parents P1 and P2 were used to study the inheritance of eggplant fruit color traits with joint analysis of multiple generations.


The inheritance of branch number and length of maize tassel was re-studied by means of a mixed inheritance models of quantitative traits of a major gene plus polygene based on parents, F_1, F_2 and backcrosses from two different combinations of maize.

以478×CMI312和丹340 ×CML322等两个组合的 6个世代(P_1,P_2,F_1,F_2,B_1,B_2)为材料,采用数量性状的主基因-多基因混合遗传模型,重新研究了玉米雄穗分枝数和雄穗长度的遗传。

32B is a key Chinese maintainer line used for hybrid rice breeding. However, it isof poor quality because of a high AAC, a high gelatinization temperature, andnon-fragrant. It is known that the AAC, GT and fragrance traits are controlled by the Wx,starch synthaseⅡa and fragrance genes. The quality ofⅡ-32B was improved byintrogressing the Wx, SSⅡa and fgr genes from YixiangB, another maintainer line, that has alow AAC, a low GT and fragrant sensory, with the assistance of the functional markers. TheWx microsatellite [_(17) allele] SSⅡa single nucleotide polymorphism and fgrinsertion/deletion allele (8 bp), were transferred toⅡ-32B by two backcrosses and twoselfings.


In the backcross breeding of maize, the donor parent is suggested for consideration at priority, and backcrossing only once is acceptable on the basis of strict selection of target traits in combination with determination of GCA.


We all have genetic predispositions for various personality traits -- it is our struggle against baser biologic urges that distinguishes us from the rest of the animal kingdom.


Then the forming process and traits of financial canters are discussed.


It is also one of the traits of human beings. Virtualization characterizes all the practices of human beings.


The GCA and SCA between various parents and cross combinations were significantly different. The GCA effect value of 582 was the highest in these three traits. The sum of breeding value and SCA of cross combination 582×Kangda was significantly superior to other combinations in amount of cocoon crop and cocooning rate to newly hatched larvae. The best cross combination of breeding value and SCA was 582×9906 in thousand-cocoon weight.


We suggest that one answer is their character, construed in terms of positive traits.


The mode of courtyard eco-agriculture suits for little scale production conducted by single family. With the traits of autarky and reversing the history tide to counter collaboration of courtyard eco-agriculture, the ecological and economical benefit is very low, which contuses farmer's enthusiasm to conduct eco-agriculture and blocks the sustainable development of eco-agriculture.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
