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与 traits 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One could mention many lovable traits in Smee.


The result studying is indicated: Develop the approach making use of tradition home village sports resource to be that improving rural area middle and primary school sports educational quality\\\s is effective actively , be also to improve important rural area middle and primary school sports quality of teaching act; Need to deepen the reform of sports of rural area middle and primary school course , ought to lead into more tradition sports projects entering rural area middle and primary school; Build the tradition sports resource warehouse; Strengthen directing on tradition sports propagating, atmosphere building campus tradition sports culture actively; Bring due tradition sports resource advantage into play, elasticity and local characteristic embodying rural area sports; Embody tradition sports culture knowledge moves the technical ability Smriti , the tradition sports ability , emotion and cultivate and fine outlook on values psychological traits cultivate; Embody the healthy actual effect and student movement interest looking at and appraising an unification.


No significant asˉsociation was difference of polymorphism and5-HTTSin2polymophism in different nation.Conclusion Our findˉings of the association study provided no evidence for an association between the5-HTTLPR,5-HTTStin2polymorˉphisms with anxiety-related personality traits in Han Chinese.


The two target children were repeatedly measured using the "Sociometric Method" and "Behavioral Traits Assessment Questionnaire" at pretreatment posttreatment, and 4-week follow-up assessment time.


The correlations between the phenotypic traits of fruits and seeds of Sorbus pohuashanensis and geographical and ecological factors were significant at latitude, altiturde, annual mean temperature and annual mean rainfall.


Ninety-eight backcross inbred lines derived from a subspecific cross of Nipponbare/Kasalth// Nipponbare and its genetic linkage map were used to identify quantitative trait locus controlling rice appearance quality traits such as grain length, grain width, length-width ratio, percentage of grains with chalkiness, square of chalky endoperm, degree of endosperm and grain endosperm transparency by composite interval mapping over two year.

利用由98个家系组成的Nipponbare / Kasalath // Nipponbare回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)及其分子连锁图谱,采用复合区间作图的方法,在2个不同年份对粒长、粒宽、粒形、垩白率、垩白大小、垩白度和透明度等7个稻米外观品质性状的数量性状基因位点(Quantitative trait loci, QTL)进行了定位分析。

Ninety-eight backcross inbred lines derived from a subspecific cross of Nipponbare / Kasalath // Nipponbare and its genetic linkage map were used to identify quantitative trait locus controlling rice appearance quality traits such as grain length, grain width, length-width ratio, percentage of grains with chalkiness, square of chalky endosperm, degree of endosperm chalkiness and grain endosperm transparency by composite interval mapping over two years.

利用由98个家系组成的Nipponbare / Kasalath // Nipponbare回交重组自交系(backcross inbred lines,BILs)群体(BC1F9)及其分子连锁图谱,采用复合区间作图的方法,在2个不同年份对粒长、粒宽、粒形、垩白率、垩白大小、垩白度和透明度等7个稻米外观品质性状的数量性状基因位点(Quantitative trait loci, QTL)进行了定位分析。

With the development of information techniques,there will have great changes in 4 fields.They are:future war traits,causing the achievement of new technology,the suppling change in the war and renewed manage model.The paper analyzes its influence to future munitions packaging.

从信息技术发展改变未来战争特征、促进高新技术发展、作战保障手段的变化、改变传统的管理模式 4个方面,分析了信息技术发展对未来军品包装的影响;从重新构建军品包装管理模式,加速该领域科技进步的角度,分析了信息技术在军品包装中的应用趋势。

Objective The GJB2, GJB6 and GJB3 genes are related to hereditary deafness and keratoderma. To investigate the genetic causes, we recruited a Chinese family and screened the proband with syndromic deafness and palmoplantar keratoderma for mutations in these three genes and analyzed the phenotype and hereditary traits.

目的 GJB2、GJB6、 GJB3基因与遗传性耳聋及角化病有关,以GJB2、 GJB6、 GJB3基因为候选基因,研究1例伴有掌跖角化病的综合征型耳聋先证者的分子病因,探讨其表型及遗传特征。

The traits of a worldly man endowed with tamas are sleep, lust, anger, egotism, and the like.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
