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与 traditional 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While traditional students could devote full-time effort to the class, non-traditional students had to fit in their classwork around full-time jobs.

当时traditional学生可能致力全时努力于 class,非传统的学生必须适合他们的功课 around全天工作。

The study was funded in part by Traditional Medicinals Inc., the Sebastopol, Calif., company that sells the tea.

这项研究的部分资金由位于加州塞瓦斯托波尔的Traditional Medicinals Inc。提供,该公司经销这种茶。

translation is a cultural activity;it's more than the transformation between two languages.what translation should achieve is to explain and spread culture between two languages.under the guidance of susan bassnett and andre lefevere,urger and impeller of'cultural turn',translation has been elevated to the height of cultural construction.culture discussion has become one of the newest headings in translation research.traditional chinese medicine is the embodiment and one of the most important parts of traditional chinese culture.as a result,in the procedure of translation of traditional chinese medicine,translation of culture characteristic is the most important thing.translation research of traditional chinese medicine has always been focused on what method should be used,such as the discussion about literal translation or free translation,the discussion whether use foreignizing method or domesticating method in the translation of traditional chinese medicine.it is only the argument of whether convey traditional chinese medicine culture in english translation and how much the culture should be conveyed.

翻译本身是一种文化活动。翻译不仅是两种文字的相互转化,翻译活动所完成的是将文化内涵在两种语言之间阐释和传播。在翻译研究"文化转向"的两位主要倡导者和推进者susan bassnett和andre lefevere研究进展的启发之下,翻译被提到文化构建的高度。从文化角度研究翻译成为翻译研究的前沿课题,为翻译理论的发展注入了新的活力。中医体现了中国传统文化,是其重要组成部分,对文化内涵的处理得当与否决定了翻译的好与坏。中医翻译学术界在操作层面上一直有直译与意译之争,归化与异化之争,说到底不过是对中医传统文化在英译文中是否体现以及体现多少的争论。

However, during New Trend '85, Gu Wenda differentiated himself from most artists of Chinese Painting of the time and showed his contemporary consciousness by experimenting on traditional ink painting materials and techniques. This brought out a new possibility for the contemporaneity of Chinese Painting. Since then, unremitting efforts have been made to "modernize" Chinese Painting through traditional abstract elements like ink-wash and Calligraphy. These efforts streamed into a new trend called "modern ink"(or "abstract ink","experimental ink") in late 1980's, though seemed not widely acknowledged for its resemblance to Abstract Expressionism of 1960's and 1970's American art. What is interesting is that while some artists are endeavoring to "westernize" their art, a new trend grouped as "Neo-literati Painting" appears with very traditional form and mood. This can be explained as a group of people's resistance to the reformation of traditional culture as well as their nostalgia to traditional ideals. However, this school tends to be artificial for the absence of the particular context, and the expression with traditional brushwork is also regionally limited. Of all the efforts of reformation, Chinese Painting that accordingly adopts the tradition heads the list because of the cultural identification of the big number of population and greater market as a result of the economic growth of China. Meanwhile, the immense conservative inertia of traditional Chinese culture can also be detected.


Four aspects of the traditional cultures of ethnic groups (cultural beliefs, medicinal culture, food culture, folklore customs), and their impacts on plant resource management and biodiversity conservation were studied and analyzed in Northwestern Yunnan using ethnobotanical approaches.

中文题名滇西北山地传统民族文化与生物多样性保护副题名外文题名 Traditional ethnic cultures and biodiversity conservation in the mountain areas of northwestern Yunnan,China 论文作者罗鹏导师裴盛基研究员学科专业植物学研究领域\研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位中国科学院昆明植物研究所学位授予日期2001 论文页码总数156页关键词植物资源民族文化云南民族植物学生物多样性传统文化馆藏号BSLW /2003 /Q948 /23 运用民族植物学原理,采用野外面上调查、定点社区调查和文献研究相结合的办法,对滇西北少数民族传统文化中四个主要方面,即传统信仰文化、医药文化、饮食文化和民俗文化对植物资源的利用和管理的影响、与生物多样性的关系进行了调查和分析,对其中的一些&文化利用植物&进行了编目:运用生态学手段,对信仰文化在生态系统水平上对生物多样性的保护作用进行了定量分析;并采用参与式的典型社区调查的方法分析了民族传统文化对社区资源管理的影响以及传统文化机制的衰退与生物多样性变化的关系。

At modern times, national traditional sports face socialchange, Olympic Movement shock and background of socialculture in global integration promote it to develop with newideas toward the way of conking its own cream and theexcellent achievement of modem sports. Facing world and futuredevelopment,it presents multiple modernized developmentpatterns.

national traditional sports/innovation/development/China,论文来源体育科学,论文单位京,点击次数 1,论文页数 65~67页2004年2004月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_37669621/民族传统体育在当代面临着社会转型、奥林匹克运动冲击和全球一体化的社会文化背景,促使它向着汲取自身精华和借鉴现代体育优秀成果相结合,面向世界,面向未来的方向发展创新,在实践中呈现出多态并存的多级现代化发展格局。

This paper mainly includes two parts The first part falls into three main sections. First, it analyses the formative causes of the Chinese traditional house interior display art through five aspects, including the structure and forms of Chinese traditional architecture, the productive mode of Chinese traditional society, Chinese traditional philosophy, the idea of ethics and grading and custom of Chinese traditional society. Second, it briefly introduces the history of Chinese traditional house interior display art's development. Finally, it focuses on the analysis of Chinese traditional house interior display art's design ideas and concludes that its design ideas embodies the five sides as follows: respect for nature and imitate artfully nature, practical-oriented and function incorporated into form, images of space of what the theory and practice forms, balanced natural pattern of the display, artifacts with the thoughts and respect for poetic imagery. Another part of the article further researches on the application of Chinese traditional house interior display ideas to the contemporary home display, and leads to the author's view, that is that each era should has its own character when it inherits the traditional culture. What's more, the contemporary Chinese-style home display design not only have to take over the spirit of the tradition but also have to give full consideration of the contemporary aesthetic concepts, principles and methods. In the 21st century, humanistic care is greatly proponed in the interior design. The interior display art should develop towards the ecological, personalized and comfortable direction and the cultural dimensions. It should absorb the traditional cultural elements to decorate contemporary living space. In order to upgrade the simple and primary "appearance likeness" to a higher level of "spirit likeness", it must effectively grasp the poetic imagery of space, which can reach the artistic effect of "both appearance and spirits".


In order to intensify the research work of the folk traditional sports, we should put into the practice in the following aspects: Firstly, quickening the research of its subject systems, embodying characteristic of time, totally programming, sticking out its feature, complementary, and expanding applications; Secondly, strengthening the research, bringing its items in dividing into four parts: fossil type, origin type, developing type, les-matured type, and fully-matured type, and build up the museum of the folk and traditional physical culture, new items and international "popular sports"; Thirdly, reinforcing the building of the cultivating systems of professionals in the field of the folk traditional sports; Once more, intensifying the applying research in combining the folk traditional sports with school education; Fifthly, the applying research that makes the folk traditional sports be one of the most efficient means for "sports for all" in China; Finally, research about the folk traditional sports and athleticism, which makes use of various games to promote the industrialization and socialization of the folk traditional sports.


According to a new World Health Organization strategy "WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005" lanched on 16 May in 2002, it promoted that countries must integrate TCM into their national existing health care systems. WHO also asked government to evaluate the curative effects of TCM and by developing policies to regulate "alternative "medical practices to make it safer to their people.

世界卫生组织於2002年5月发表「2002-2005世界卫生组传统医学策略」「WHO TRADITIONAL MEDICINE STRATEGY 2002-2005 」,WHO建请各国将传统医学纳入现有医疗政策体系中,并将透过提供技术指南来确保传统医学疗法被适当、安全且有效地使用。

In summary, the dissertation makes a profound study of traditional festivals with a new angle, visual field of philosophy and aesthetics, and mainly completes some work as follows: have a deep study of traditional festivals'phenomenon, discover the connotation of traditional festivals; explain the philosophical naissance of traditional festivals, analyze the dual-movement of time and its essential function to the logic process of traditional festivals'naissance; unfold the ontological foundation of traditional festivals, search out headstream of festival feeling which is rhythmized existence and experience of actual life, discuss the mode, character and significance of festival feeling; narrate the changes of traditional festivals in the process of modernization, explore the possible way of traditional festivals'transformation in modern society.


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Angels We Have Heard On High (Traditional)
Away In A Manager (Traditional)
Traditional Stand-Up
Finnegan's Wake (Traditional)
Skinhead On The MBTA (Traditional)
Fighting 69th (Traditional)
Amazing Grace (Traditional)
The Rocky Road To Dublin (Traditional)
The Wild Rover (Traditional)
Juice Head (Traditional)

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
