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More of this research will bring economic and psychological traditions together and provide a more complete view of the antecedents of turnover.


Abouit the national antem Fabio say:We suung it together,for real,let's stop saying we do not do it.I've sing it for real,with low voice,as all did.


Because Anthuriums are produced in the greenhouse, you should avoid to do all research from your desk. Like with sales and after-sales, direct communication with growers is important. Together with our staff and our agents in China, we have done many interviews among the majority of the Chinese Anthurium growers.


The slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean, American's colonialist slave system and the advocates by European scholars had together played important role in the formation of anti-black racism.


The object of the Covenants was to band the whole nation together in defense of its religion against the attempts of the king to impose upon it an episcopal system of church government and a new and less anti-Roman liturgy.


We watch with great anticipation as you stand together for what is right....


Right single Chinese medicine and the compounds with antidotal effectiveness used together with Tripterygium can withstand Tripterygium-induced toxicity.


Homolegoumena and antilegomena together = 27 of our New Testament canon.

前者﹐与后者中应被接纳的书信﹐加起来= 27本我们的新约书信。

As every schoolboy knows, if you bring a particle and an antiparticle together, they annihilate each other in a burst of energy.


The directors combine the singing of folk songs and fishing nets together to create an impression of singing in an antiphonal style.


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Medley: This Is My Story / We Belong Together
Let's Stay Together
Come Together
Fall Together
We Should Be Together
Shapes That Go Together
Let's Stay Together Tonight
Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together
Together We Live, Together We Love
Let's Stay Together (Together Forever)

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
