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与 together with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 85 Where the any information disclosure obligors are is involved in the calculation of their its shareholding proportion, they it shall calculate its their securities of the listed company that can be converted into stocks together with their its shares in the same listed company, and compare the said shareholding proportion with the proportion calculated on a consolidated basis after the non-equity securities are converted into shares, and the higher will prevail.


In applying for registration, all applicants have to produce the original or notarised copies of the following supporting documents, together with two passport size photographs with the applicant's name printed at the back


Together with the cited sequences of other species (cattle, zebu cattle and buffalo), the molecular phylogenetic tree was therefore built to probe phylogenetic relationship between Bovine subfamilies, Total 5 variation sites were examined and two types of mutation, transition and transversion, were observed, with the overage percentage of nucleotide variation of 1.66%. It demonstrated the poverty of polymorphism at exon 5 of GH gene of three bovine species. There was only one missense mutation out of 5 mutation sites which led to the shift between leu and val amino.


Served together with the mashed potatoes, red wine sauce topped with sliced apple and fried onion.


Wire electrode based on the trajectory of the different forms of control, WEDM can be divided into three types: one is shaped by the imitation controlled cutting in line in advance and work to create the same shape by mold, when processing the workpiece at the same time rough and on the mold clamping in the machine tool table, in the process of cutting wire electrode tightly against the mold on the edge of the track for the mobile, thus cutting out and die on the same shape and precision to the workpiece; another One is the electro-optical tracking control, to carry out the cutting line, before the basis of certain parts to enlarge the proportion of drawings depicts an electro-optical tracking map-processing machines will be placed in design stage of electro-optical tracking, tracking platform Photoelectric first line of graphics has always been to follow the track of the Mexican campaign, and then through the use of electrical, mechanical linkage to control the machine tool table, together with the workpiece so相似形wire electrode relative movement, thus cutting out the same shape and design to the workpiece; again a digital control, the use of advanced automatic control of digital technology-driven machine tool in accordance with the pre-processing parameters according to the workpiece geometry pre-processing procedures for the preparation of a good CNC auto-complete processing, the production does not require appearance on board the need to map to enlarge map of the previous two form of control has a higher machining accuracy and a broad range of applications, both at home and abroad more than 95% have adopted WEDM NC.


Nanbei Lake is a good place for planting tea trees for it has excellent natural enviroment with three sides embrace by hills. Together with the scientific and meticulous care of tea trees, Yingkeding tea possesses the innate superiority for only high-quality tea trees can produce high-quality tea.


Admittedly, half of this impressive number was comprised of either hopelessly outdated Renault FT tanks, unarmed tracked supply carriers or ramshackle tankettes and armoured cars, but some two hundred marginally useful tanks, mostly Skoda S-II-as together with seventy-odd Renault R-35s, half having been obtained when Polish Army formations were interned in Romania in the fall of 1939, provided the Royal Romanian Army's newly-constituted First Armoured Division with a modicum of an armoured force for the opening stages of the campaign.

当然,这个另人印象深刻的数字中有一半是那些古董般的雷诺FT坦克,无武装的运输车和快散架的小坦克,另一半则是差不多凑合着能用的坦克,主要是Skoda S-II-a和70几辆雷诺R-35,其中有一半是从波兰陷落后逃到罗国境内的波兰部队里扣下的。

The new ideas from this paper: using mechanics principle study of soil, create a practical test to prove that it could change the physical mechanics character of base soil completely, reducing distortion, improving strength, and eliminating wet or sinking of base soil by seal extrusion during hole formation process at certain replacement rate; it could strengthen the loessial soil base to high bearing capacity to standard value of 300 to 400kPa through seal extrusion to hole formation technology together with rammed cement soil pile. Some value of the parameters adopted by bearing capacity calculation of the composite base of rammed cement soil pile with seal extrusion to hole formation exceeded the criteria of 'Technical Regulation on Building Ground Treatment'.(JGJ79-2002) This technology meet the design requirements and save investment.

本课题的创新点:1 利用土力学原理进行研究及理论推导,并经实践:证明了在置换率为某一定值的情况下,在成孔过程中通过挤密作用可以从根本上改变地基土的物理力学性质,使地基土的变形减小,强度提高,湿陷性消除;2 挤密成孔工艺与夯实水泥土桩的组合,可使低强度的湿陷性黄土地基变成高强度的复合地基,其承载力特征值可达 300~400kPa;3 挤密成孔法夯实水泥土桩复合地基承载力计算所采用的有关参数取值范围超出了《建筑地基处理技术规范》JGJ79-2002 中的有关规定;4 在节省投资的前提下,解决了地基高承载力、低变形及黄土湿陷性问题,达到了设计要求。

"Yu" combines with Chinese seal together with Chinese character "Songyuan"to form a whole sign"Yu songyuan", which is rich of Chinese cultural background and modernness.


Forming a picture in our minds in which John Kennedy, Jr., wearing untidy hair, was removing the spilled milk with cloth together with sad-looking Nixon .


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Together With The Sundown
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
Tied Together With A Smile

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
