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与 together with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People-oriented is the enterprise aim of Duole to meet the demand of clients, Duole gathers a group of professional personnel and cooperates with colleges and universities at home and abroad to improve the quality of products and innovate the research and development, Duole develops together with customers, becomes stronger and stronger based on the enterprise policy that building up top systems, top talent, top products, and top services.


People-oriented is the enterprise aim of Duole to meet the demand of clients, Duole gathers a group of professional personnel and cooperates with colleges and universities at home and abroad to improve the quality of products and innovate the research and development, Duole develops together with customers, becomes stronger and stronger based on the enterprise policy that building up top systems, top talent, top products, and top services.


Specifically, itcontains 8 chapters.In chapter 1, the formation, structures, properties and the futureprospect of liposome were thoroughly reviewed;In chapter 2, the stibility and permeability of phopholipid -eleostericacid liposome were studied together with the effect of polymerizationof eleostearic acid. This membrane system was very sensitive to 〓,the effect of 〓 was clarified to increase the aggregation/fusion ofliposomes and made the permeability of mixed liposomes much higher;In chapter 3, two polymerizable conjugated diyne bolaamphiphiles were synthesized. They could form very stable mixed liposome, andthe diyne could be polymerized by UV light in bilayer liposomes, as aresult, the stability of mixed liposome against solvent or surfactantafter polymerization were enhanced. In chapter 4, two kinds of amphiphilic amino acids were synthesized andstable liposomes were formed therefrom After the condensationpolymerization of amino acid in bilayer liposomes, stable polypeptide liposomes were obtained, which had lower phase transition temperatureand higher permeability.In chapter 5, four kinds of glycolipids were synthesized and theiraggregation behavior in water was comparied. When incorporated intophospholipid bilayer membranes, they could increase the phase transitiontemperatures and inhibit the aggregation and fusion of mixedliposomesat lower temperature.In chapter 6 and 7, three kinds of steroidal bolaamphiphiles withdifferent chain lengths were synthesized. Incorporation of steroidalmoiety to the center of lipid bilayer membrane obviously increased themobility of lipid membrane and shifted Tc to lower temperature side incomparasion with cholesterol. The bolaamphiphile which was shorter thanthe hosted lipid bilayer membrane thickness influenced the lipid packingmore obviously.

全文共分8章:第一章对脂质体的形成、结构、性质及展望进行了较为详细的文献综述;第二章研究了磷脂-桐酸脂质体的稳定性,通透能力及桐酸的聚合对这些性质的影响;磷脂-桐酸混合脂质体为一类对〓灵敏的脂质体,〓的作用首先是使脂质体集聚然后使脂质体融合,并加速内包荧光物的释放;第三章通过合成两种可聚合共轭双炔双极性双亲分子DDCA,DDOL,研究了共双炔分子在双分子层脂质体膜上的聚合及对脂质体性质的影响,聚合可以提高脂质体相对于溶剂及表面活性剂的稳定性;第四章合成了两类氨基酸为极性基团的双亲分子,它们均可以在超声下形成稳定的脂质体结构;氨基酸基团可以在脂质体上进行缩聚反应,若聚合后脂质体表面仍有足够的亲水能力,则可得到稳定的多肽型脂质体;聚合后脂质体的相变温度降低,通透能力增加;第五章合成了四种亲水基团为单糖基的双亲分子GL-l,GL-2,GL-3, GL-4,研究了它们在水中的分散情况、集合体形态与分子结构的关系;在DMPC双分子层膜中加入糖脂分子可以使脂质体的相变温度提高,阻止脂质体在低温放置时的集聚与融合;第六章-第七章合成了三种不同碳链长度的双极性含胆甾环双亲分子 CL-1,CL-2,CL-3;它们可以象胆固醇一样与磷脂混合形成稳定脂质体,胆甾环基团位于脂质体双分子层膜的中间;与胆固醇的作用相反,它们可以增加磷脂双分子层膜的流动性,降低混合脂质体的相变温度;三种分子的作用与其碳链长度和磷脂双分子层膜的厚度有关,比膜厚度短的分子影响最大。

Amy adhered to a customary self psychological stance with "Lisa", empathically developing understanding, and then explicating that understanding, together with connections between Lisa's feelings of shame and defectiveness and her childhood relational experiences.


Neurons treated with 20-mmol/L-theophylline did not show 180bp ladder characteristic of endonuclear activation on its DNA gel electrophoresis. The [cAMP]i of the neurons rose after being incubated together with different concentration theophylline (5-80 mmol/L) for 15 minutes in CO2 incubator and the prometed range relied on the dose of theophylline.

100%,量效关系有高度显著性(P.01),EC50=2.97mmol/L;经茶碱(20mmol/L)处理的细胞,其DNA凝胶电泳带没有&梯子&状分布;与不同浓度茶碱(5-80 mmol/L)在CO2培养箱孵育15 min,小脑颗粒神经元内cAMP均升高,且是剂量依赖性的。

Commencing from the basis of carrier's liability established in Hague Rules, this paper analyzes the relation between the ship interests'fault and general average contribution in conjunction with an introduction of the respective judicial practices and doctrines in United Kingdom, United States and China in this respect together with the understanding as to Rule D of York-Antwerp Rules 1974, and therefore concludes as follows:(1) No contribution may be collected from cargo where the general average was occasioned by the ship interests'fault, whether exemptible or actionable.

本文从《海牙规则》所确立的船东责任制度出发,结合英美两国及我国的司法实践和观念以及对《1974年约克-安特卫普规则》的规则D的理解,针对船方的过失与共同海损分摊之间的关系进行了探讨,并得出如下结论: 1、无论船方的过失是否可以根据法律或合同予以免责,只要该过失使得共同海损行为成为必要,船方就无权要求货方参与分摊。

Two kinds of ball cactus ( Ferocactus horridus and Echinopsis calochlora ) were grown in a still hydroponics with four formulae together with a peatmoss medium as control to study the adaptability of those plants to nutrient solution culture.

选用4 种营养液配方栽培巨鹫玉和金盛球两种仙人球,以泥炭/河沙混合基质栽培为对照。

I have decided together with Filippo not to ride tomorrow just because we are satisfied already with the good job we did in two days.


Regarding to the estimation of the elevated together with suspended heights of pipeline above the sea floor, they can be calculated with the Frontward and Backward models derived in this dissertation. Models are tested, and indicated the calculations have been effective.


Hu Kun, conducting with Enescus own baton, brought clarity of line and spaciousness to the first movement, then revealed in the highly complex contrapuntal fugal scoring of the second movement that acts as a massive developmental section together with the exquisitely nuanced third movement.

胡坤, 挥着安耐斯库的指挥棍,将第一乐章的线条清晰而舒展的勾画出来,接着又用第二乐章极端复杂的赋格对位,演变成庞大的发展部并与第三乐章的细腻有色精美结合。

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Together With The Sundown
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
Tied Together With A Smile

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
