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A few years later things changed and the Friars seemed to possess more space within the basilica. In fact the Russian Archimandritte Gretenius who came in pilgrimage in the first years of the XV century says that within the basilica live permanently a Greek priest, a Georgian, a Frank, an Armenian, a Jacobite and an Abissinian. He states also that on the aedicula on the tomb there was a picture of the Risen Christ with a kneeling St. Francis. He also says that the Friars of the Chord (as the Franciscans became to be know) possessed Calvary together with the Armenians. All this was probably due to the firmans issued by sultan Barquq (1382-1399) in favour of the Friars of the Holy Sepulchre.


Engineers and scientists of the institute in cooperation with the National Research Institute of Experimental Physics (Arzamas-16), Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, and Central Machine Building Research Institute prepared a concept of the international experiment Doverie for testing of the Russian plasma weapon at the American ABM testing ground in the Pacific Ocean together with the US.

工程师和科学家的研究所合作进行的国家研究实验物理研究所( Arzamas - 16 ),中央Aerohydrodynamic研究所和中央机械制造研究所编写了一份概念的国际实验Doverie的测试,俄罗斯等离子武器在美国反导试验场在太平洋与美国。

Some other older zircons with 206Pb/238U ages of 932 to 2443Ma were brought from Precambrian basement rocks at depth by strong submarine volcanic eruption and then deposited in quartz albitite together with hydrothermal fluids.


The seventh book continues the story from the accession of Anastasius (491), and together with general ecclesiastical history it combines some interesting details of wars with the Persians in Mesopotamia.

第七本书的故事继续从加入达西( 491 ),并与一般教会的历史结合一些有趣的细节,战争与波斯人在美索不达米亚。

Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of tirofiban together with aspirin and heparin applied in patients with unstable anginal pectoris and non-Q wave myocardial infarction.

目的 评价替罗非班在冠心病不稳定型心绞痛和非Q波心肌梗死中与肝素和阿司匹林合用的安全性和有效性。

Therefore, the choice of healthy source of carbohydrate, fat, and protein, together with natural anti-oxidant and micronutritional supply, associated with regular physical activity and avoidance of smoking, is critical to fighting the war against chronic vascular disease and DM micro/macro angiopathy.


Together with these great men may be mentioned St. Cyril's spiritual adviser, St. Isidore of Pelusium, whose 2000 letters deal chiefly with allegorical exegesis, the commentary on St. Mark by Victor of Antioch, and the introduction to the interpretation of Scripture by the monk Hadrian, a manual of the Antiochene method.

连同这些伟人,可提到圣西里尔的精神顾问,圣伊西多尔的pelusium ,其2000年的信件处理,主要是与寓言注释,评上的圣马克由Victor安提,并介绍了这一解释经文所和尚哈德良,一本手册的安提阿学派的方法。

The Mo center of [Mo8](superscript 4)-shows a slight distorted square antiprism coordination environment. The N atoms of cyano groups, acting as acceptors of hydrogen bonds, together with protonate N atoms from organocations and the lattice water, serving as donors of hydrogen bonds, form intricate hydrogen bond interactions, thus generating three-dimensional supramolecular network with the help of π-π interactions of some organocations.

Mo8(上标 4-)离子中,Mo中心处于扭曲的反四棱柱配位环境。8个未配位的氰基氮原子作为氢键的受体,有机阳离子上质子化的氮原子和结晶水作为氢键的给体,形成了丰富的氢键作用,这些氢键作用连同部分有机阳离子间的π-π堆积、阴阳离子间的静电力和Van Der Waals力构筑成三维超分子网络。

Arterially perfused rabbit left ventricular preparations were used in the present study to simulate LQT2 by perfusing with d-sotalol. Transmembrane action potentials from epicardium and endocardium were recorded simultaneously, together with a trasmural ECG, in arterially perfused rabbit left ventricular preparations by use of 2 separate intracellular floating mocroelectrodes.


Chemical analysis and toxic tests were combined with benthic macro invertebrates community structure alternations. Based on tri-axial graphs together with relevant matrix of decision-making, the initial bio-responsive sediment quality criteria clearly indicated the situation of heavy metal pollution, and showed the dose-response relationships between heavy metal contamination and benthic biotics. Moreover, the SQC may provide some basic material for establishment of sediment quality standards and for follow-up remediation engineering in the area.


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Together With The Sundown
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
Tied Together With A Smile

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
