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与 together with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This having a name to the website is very canorous spark medium, the mobile phone resource that is a major kind website, still have the forum of a mobile phone knowledge and integrated nature additionally, ah breathe out a many month search engine to also be collected, world rank also went up, still be pretty is glad, hope it can better, what go together with more stationmaster is farther, write these this is a paragraph of way that I make a website, share with everybody!


The emperor therefore decided to summon it together with his co-emperor Valentinian III and with the agreement of Pope Celestine I .


Under Serallach, Gaudi worked on the project of the Villa de Arcadia, a recreational farm in Montjüic. Working together with Juan Salamera, he learned industrial design by working on the design of the trolley railways to unite the farm with the Peace Gate. Under del Villar, Gaudi designed the apse and the chamber of the Virgin of the Monastery of Monserrat. Under Punti, he learned the skills of carpentry, ironsmith, ceramist, and glassmaker.

和Serrallach合作时,高第负责一个位於Montjüic的休闲农场Villa de Arcadia的计画,与Juan Salamera合作,他在建造连结农庄与和平门的电车里习得工业设计;在del Villar门下,高第设计了Monserrat修道院的原顶和圣母像房间的格局,与Punti合作时,他接触了木匠、铁匠、陶艺及玻璃工匠的技术。

These warm damp conditions, together with a chaffing nappy, provide an ideal breeding ground for micro-organisms associated with nappy rash.


It is postulated that IP induces the release of endogenous protective molecules that interact with cognate receptors to activate PLC through mediation of the chincough virus sensitive proteins. PLC hydrolyzes membrane phospholipid and produces diacylglyccerol,that,by working together with calcium hydronium,translocates PKC from cytoplasm to cell membrane and activates PKC.


Prof. Samii brought his whole family including his wife, his son and daughter-in-law, his daughter and son-in-law with their little boy together with RABISHONGOI, CHOUX, an anesthetist, a nurse and a test superintendent. They gave lectures and performed demonstrations.

SAMII教授的一家-夫人,儿子夫妇,女儿一家三口以及RABISHONG, OI, CHOUX,麻醉师,护士,检测师一行十几人来到北京,不仅讲学,还在大学讲课,在医院做手术。

DES, together with its ciphering algorithm, and basic theory of stream cipher are associated with, and the misled application of DES is also taken into account.


In principle, together with matching networks, a circulator can be obtained with arbitrary length of ferrite coupled line.

结合匹 配网路原则上可以通过任意长度的耦合线实现环行器的设计。

Among them, 20 patients were candidates of valve replacement and 18 PDA and pericarditis had their blood samples taken before operation,and 1,2,24 and 48 hours after closure of thorax for measurement of concentrations of CK、CK-MB and TnT,together with ECG recording. Results Of the 60 patients, concentrations of cTnT before operation were normal; 2 hours after aortic unclamping, the correlation coefficient between cTnT and aortic clamping was r = 0.873( P<0.01), the regression analysis showed Y = 0. 019X-0. 026. Of the 20 patients, ECG showed the myocardium was ischemic; CK、CK-MB and cTnT all rose significantly, reaching the peak after closure of thorax. Of the 18 patients, the ECG and cTnT before operation and after closure of thorax were normal; except 2 patients with pericarditis.

结果 60例瓣膜手术患者术前cTnT均在正常值范围内,主动脉开放后2 h时,阻断时间和cTnT的相关系数为r=0.875(P<0.01),回归方程为Y=0.019X-0.026;其中20例瓣膜手术患者心脏经过阻断后,心电图有缺血性改变,周围血液中的CK、CK-MB和cTnT均有明显升高,分别在关胸后2 h达到高峰,数值分别为术前的12.6、9.2和257倍;18例行动脉导管结扎和心包剥脱术的患者术前和关胸后的心电图和血液中的cTnT均正常,CK和CK-MB除2例心包炎患者关胸后出现明显变化外,余均未见改变。

Deluxe Burger with mushroom fries and gravy, a diet coke - at least the size is more reasonable , frankly the portion of the beef was quite generous and juicy, together with tomatoe slice, fried egg and bacon, the burger was not that bad, however the taste reminds me of a Hong Kong style Club Sandwich which is why I call this is a east meets west burger..


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Together With The Sundown
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
Tied Together With A Smile

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
