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与 together with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

More often than not, the students devoted part of their works to the discussion of Benjamin or discussed him together with others in their works. The former practice includes the French scholar. R. Rochlitz, who wrote a chapter, the Price of Modernity in his monograph the Disenchantment of Art: the philosophy of Walter Benjamin, dealing with chidhood and memory, the end of the Art of story-telling, lyric poetry at the epoch of capitalism allegory and the evaporation of the Aura, etc. The latter practice includes D. Frisby who placed Benjamin on a par with Simmel, Kracauer in his work Fragments of Modernity, claiming that Benjamin, similar to the others, focused on the transience of the experience of modernity.


The brusque attitude and tone had been instilled at West Point, together with the gimlet stare and the preference for dealing with America's adversaries, whether Cubans, Palestinians or leftist Nicaraguans, with a bombing run or an invasion.


The search method is theory together with practice in this thesis. Reading too much book, practicing in manufacture grogram, searching the published theory, all these are for dealing with the problems happened in manufacture program;improving the furniture theory by deal with the problem. This thesis also uses statistics theory to search labor hours.


The successfully designed steel ropes with the specialized ground tackle,which is used to connect with experimental machine,together with a set of revised casting technology of steel rope ends that used in labs can be used in relevant researches.In the research the following significant achievements are made:a set of S-N diagrams and their equations,Goodman Smith figures and an empirical f...

设计成功的钢丝绳与试验机联接的专用锚具、优化出的一套试验室条件下的绳头浇铸工艺,可应用于相关研究工作;研究得到的S -N曲线族及其曲线方程、Goodman -Smith图和疲劳强度计算经验公式、钢丝绳的拉伸疲劳性能和疲劳破坏规律、从宏、微观两个方面对钢丝绳疲劳破坏机理进行的初步研究等等,对钢丝绳结构工程设计人员具有一定的参考价值。

Stuff the stomach cavity with this mixture.Wash and chop the celery,carrot and the other half onion and brown,together with the guinea fowl,in a roasting tin with 4 tablespoons of oil and the rest of the melted butter.


A boy got a hawk egg,and got it hatched together with those of the hen's.the little hawk grew up with the chickens under the wings of the hen,and fed togher with them.it never thought to fly,for its every action was just like that of a chicken's and it never had the thought that it was a hawk itself.one day,the boy wanted to train it to be a hawk and took it to a high mountain.the first time, he failed.


In the future, China will increase its cooperation with world human rights organizations, and work together with people all over the world to make our contributions to building a harmonious world with long-lasting peace and common prosperity in the interest of human rights in the world.


In order to overcome the technological difficulties encountered in the course of insulation fault diagnosis on the base of dissolved gases analysis, several kinds of mathematic models and actualized methods are brought forward to improve the reliability and veracity of fault diagnosis of transformers. The research works are shown mainly as followings:1 A modified fuzzy multi-criteria method is brought forward for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer. Furthermore, a new method for insulation fault diagnosis is proposed on the base of fuzzy multi-criteria together with rule reasoning. With fuzzy diagnosis in the method, fault reasons are filtrated and then the reasons in low probability are prohibited, Moreover, the left reasons are testified by using rule reasoning and then final concludes are drawn in much less misjudge probability and better results.2 On the base of geometry characteristics of C- partition to sample set of DGA data of transformer, a method is put forward to compute effective radius of neighbor field of a sample, number of clusters and values of initial centers. Moreover, the fuzzy C- means cluster model with adaptive weight is brought forward in the first time and then the fault classifier is designed for insulation fault diagnosis of transformer.3 According to the weakness of the degree of gray of gray incidence, a new formula to compute DGI is put forward and then incidence order criterion is ascertained. Moreover, a new DGI model for fault diagnosis is proposed according to the further analysis to relationship between fault reason and content of oil dissolved gases of transformer.

为解决在应用油中溶解气体分析方法(Dissolved Gases Analysis,简称DGA)诊断变压器内部绝缘故障时所遇到的主要技术难题,论文提出了用于提高变压器故障诊断准确性和可靠性的数学模型及实现方法,主要研究工作如下:1)提出了一种改进的变压器绝缘故障诊断模糊综合评判方法;进一步提出了将模糊综合诊断与规则推理相结合进行绝缘故障诊断的方法,该方法采用模糊推理对故障原因进行"过滤",滤掉可能性极小的原因,然后进一步利用规则推理验证剩下的可能原因,得出最终结论,大大减少了误判比率,获得了较好的效果。2)根据以变压器DGA数据为特征量的样本空间的c-划分几何特性出发,提出了一种求取样本有效邻域半径和聚类数及聚类中心初值的方法,在此基础上,首次提出了一种自适应加权的变压器绝缘故障诊断的模糊c-均值聚类模型,并设计出故障分类器。3)针对常用灰色关联度的不足,提出了一新的灰色关联度计算公式及确定关联序的准则;并在此基础上,通过深入分析变压器发生绝缘故障时的原因与油中溶解特征气体含量的关系,建立了一种新的故障诊断灰色关联模型;通过实例分析证明,该方法能有效地诊断出变压器绝缘故障及故障部位,大大提高了诊断的准确性。

The Spire begins with Dean Jocelin's ambition to set up the highest spire on earth, but ends up with the falling of the spire together with the death of Jocelin.


To 6500m a.s.l.. In September 1998, an 80.36m ice core was also recovered in accumulation zone of the East Rongbuk Glacier on the northern slope of Mount Everest. The ice core was dated by seasonal variations of δ〓O (measured by Mat-Plus gas isotopic mass spectrograph with precision of 0.5‰) and major ions (measured by DX-2010 ions chromatography with precision of ng/L), together with the references of β activity peaks. Annual net accumulation was reconstructed based on the dating and density profile of the ice core.


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Together With The Sundown
Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict
Tied Together With A Smile

It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
