英语人>网络例句>toes 相关的网络例句
与 toes 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As such humans respond to one another in greater fluidity and dance together rather than step upon one another's toes.


For example: ball, lamp, pink, kangaroo, open, nose, egg, grandfather, rabbit, toes, sun Student can write out their chain or draw it if writing is too difficult.

球 ball 的最后一个字母是 l ,下一个单词台灯 lamp 的第一个字母是 l ,再下一个单词粉色 pink 的第一个字母是 p …依次类推。)学生们可能在拼写一些单词时会遇到困难,不会的单词可以画出来。

Methods: Observing the effect of Shukang granule on the swollen ear of mice induced by dimethylbenzene, the swollen toes of rats induced by injecting egg-white, the turn-body reaction of mice by injecting Potassium antimony tartrate, the pain model induced by hot plate and the swollen meat-bud of rats induced by cotton.


Forelegs are straight and strong with great length between elbow and pastern; elbows well held in; forefeet large in both length and width; toes well arched; feet covered with long thick hair; fine in texture; pasterns long and straight; pads of feet unusually large and well down on the ground.

前 肢直而结实,从肘部到骹骨的长度很大,肘部贴合身体,前足爪的长度和宽度都很大,脚趾圆拱,足爪上覆盖着浓厚的长被毛,质地精细,骹骨长而直,脚垫非常大且支撑在地面上。肩关节角度恰当,使腿在身体下方合适的位置。

Forelegsarestraight and strong with great length between elbow andpastern;elbowswell held in; forefeet large in both length and width;toes wellarched;feet covered with long thick hair; fine in texture;pasternslong andstraight; pads of feet unusually large and well down ontheground.


"This primitive horse,eohippus, was no more than 12 inches in height and had four toes on each foot."


Decorated rings were also worn on the hands and toes, and specially designed armlets were worn on the arm, while bracelets graced the wearer's wrist.


Decorated rings were also worn on the hands and toes, and specially designed armlets were worn on the arm, while bracelets graced the wearer's wrist.


Ballerinas expressed their ethereal characters by dancing on the tips of their toes and wearing net and gauze.


Those are some sexy bionic toes by the way.


第47/59页 首页 < ... 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ... > 尾页
Toes Across The Floor
On Your Toes
Pink Toes
Cold Toes On The Cold Floor
Tip Toes
Toes Curl
Popsicle Toes
Let Me Get You On Your Toes (Interlude)
Bubble Toes

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
