英语人>网络例句>toes 相关的网络例句
与 toes 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of various hoofed mammals of the order Artiodactyla, which includes cattle, deer, camels, hippopotamuses, sheep, and goats, that have an even number of toes, usually two or sometimes four, on each foot.


Any of various hoof ed mammals of the order Artiodactyla,which includes cattle,deer,camels,hippopotamuses,sheep,and goats,that have an even number of toes,usually two or sometimes four,on each foot.


Toward the end of the fifteenth century,men's shoes had asquare tip,like a duck's beak ,a fashion launched by CharlesⅦ of France to hide the imperfection of one of his feet,whichhad six toes .


Toward the end of the fifteenth century,men's shoes had asquare tip,like a duck's beak ,a fashion launched by CharlesⅦ of France to hide the imperfection of one of his feet,whichhad six toes .


A member of the genus Bradypus, having three long-clawed toes on each forefoot.


He promised and when she put him down, he coiled around her toes.


Mos.qui.toes; or mosquitos any of various two-winged insects of the family Culicidae, in which the female of most species is distinguished by a long proboscis for sucking blood.

蚊子, 任一种蚊科的双翅昆虫,其中大多数雌性蚊虫与长有用来吸血的长喙那种有区别。有些蚊子可传播疾病,比如疟疾和黄热病

Maynard was born with a rare genetic disorder called dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis, and she's also missing those unique marks on her toes, in addition to being unable to sweat.


This system mainly contains the front-end pulse interception and back-end software analysis. In the first part, we used a non-invasive infrared measurement method based on the dual channel simultaneous measurement technique. We measured the photo-plethysmograph from the subject's fingers and toes simultaneously, then used an analog circuit and central control unit to process the signals. Finally, the digital volume pulse data is processed by a personal computer. Because the characteristic points of digital volume pulse always occur in sharp variations, this paper proposes two algorithms to solve this problem. First, we find the pacemaker and percussion wave peak from transient slope variation, and then locate the dicrotic notch and dicrotic wave peak by using the wavelet transformation algorithm. When we analyze the data, we use the Visual Basic graphical user interface, which together with the Matlab is the core of the system.

本系统主要包含前端脉波撷取及后端软体分析两部分,其中前端脉波撷取部份是以非侵入式的红外线量测方式,双通道同步量测受测者手指与脚趾的光容积变化描记图,同时将此讯号经类比处理电路及中央控制单元输出成为数位容积波,再传送至个人电脑中;而在后端软体分析部份,因数位容积波之特徵点皆出现於波形中急剧变化的部份,故本论文以瞬间斜率变化量来定位脉波讯号中的起搏点及主波峰顶点,并利用小波转换演算法(wavelet transformation algorithm)来分析重搏切迹与重搏波顶点;程式撰写主要以Matlab为核心,结合Visual Basic的图形化使用者操作介面,增加系统与使用者间的亲和力。

Type genus of the Dipodidae; typical jerboas having three toes on each hind food.


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Toes Across The Floor
On Your Toes
Pink Toes
Cold Toes On The Cold Floor
Tip Toes
Toes Curl
Popsicle Toes
Let Me Get You On Your Toes (Interlude)
Bubble Toes

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
