英语人>网络例句>to-dos 相关的网络例句

查询词典 to-dos

与 to-dos 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

M: To quarterback is business slang. If someone is responsible for a group working on a new project that individual is quarterbacking the team.

L: 现在我听清楚了,你刚才说的是:项目领导人主持会议那么,to quarterback 还能用在别处吗?

Www.buffettism.com 巴菲特研究中心 Research Centre for Buffettism avoiding dumb decisions, rather than by making brilliant ones. Since September 11th, Ajit has been particularly busy. Among the policies we have written and retained entirely for our own account are (1)$578 million of property coverage for a South American refinery once a loss there exceeds $1 billion;(2)$1 billion of non-cancelable third-party liability coverage for losses arising from acts of terrorism at several large international airlines;(3)£ 500 million of property coverage on a large North Sea oil platform, covering losses from terrorism and sabotage, above £600 million that the insured retained or reinsured elsewhere; and (4) significant coverage on the Sears Tower, including losses caused by terrorism, above a $500 million threshold. We have written many other jumbo risks as well, such as protection for the World Cup Soccer Tournament and the 2002 Winter Olympics. In all cases, however, we have attempted to avoid writing groups of policies from which losses might seriously aggregate.

In assessing the soundness of their reinsurance protection, insurers must therefore apply a stress test to all participants in the chain, and must contemplate a catastrophe 17 自从 911 事件发生之后,Ajit 就变得异常忙碌,在我们承接且全部自留在公司帐上的保单,主要有(1)南美洲炼油厂损失超过 10 亿美元以上的 5.78 亿美元意外险(2)数家国际航空公司 10 亿美元恐怖份子攻击事件不得撤销第三责任险(3)北海原油平台 5 亿英镑恐怖份子攻击及恶意破坏的产物意外险,以及超过 6 亿英镑以上业者自留或再保损失(4)芝加哥 Sears 大楼恐怖份子攻击事件超过 5 亿美元以上的损失等;此外我们也接了许多项超大型的意外险,例如世界杯足球赛以及 2002 年冬季奥运等,但不论是那一件个案,我们都尽量避免会发生连锁反应大量累积损失的保单,比如说,我们不会一口气接下位于同一个大都会的办公及住宅大楼大量的意外险,除非排除核子爆炸及后续可能引发的火灾损失。

Amend ,to alter (a legislative measure, for example) formally by adding, deleting, or rephrasing.

修正,修订:通过增加、删减或重新措词来正式修改。to amend a document修改一个文件。

I use this with the Yes To Carrots conditioner, which hydrates and rinses very well.

我用这个配合Yes To红萝卜系列护发素使用,保湿效果好,冲洗也很容易。

AMERICA'S Congress is not used to being second-guessed.

我感觉此处的 be used to 不像是惯例中的&习惯于&,是否可以翻译为:&美国国会是不容被人猜疑的&?

We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.

我们请愿过,抗议过,恳求过,也曾俯伏在宝座前请求英王制止内阁和议会的暴虐行径。(略去原文重复的&We have&,俯伏-请求动作连成一气;interposition to arrest-转换为简洁的动词&制止&

Moreover below several examples: Gives opportune help jujube to offer fuel in snowy weather A person obtains enlightenment, followerss gain jujube even the dog swaggers when its master win favour "瓜田李下" comes from "the melon field not natrium shoe, under Li not the entire crown", translates is Neither adjust your shoe in a melem patch, nor your hat under a plum tree.

再如以下几例:雪中送炭枣to offer fuel in snowy weather 一人得道,鸡犬升天枣even the dog swaggers when its master win favour &瓜田李下&来自&瓜田不纳履,李下不整冠&,译为Neither adjust your shoe in a melem patch,nor your hat under a plum tree。

The original "killer feature" of reQall was voice recognition. With any cell phone, you speed-dial the reQall number, say anything, and reQall transcribes your words into text and places the text on a list. You can use it for to-do lists, shopping lists -- any list. If you have an iPhone or a BlackBerry, platform-specific applications make all these even more powerful. The list is always there, autosorted by type, date and other criteria. Plus, reQall would occasionally remind you of things on your phone or by e-mail.

原来版本的&杀手级&特性是语音识别;通过任何的电话,你可以快速拨打 reQall的号码,然后说任何的东西, reQall将会将你所说的内容转录为文字及帮你将这些内容变成清单形式;这个清单你可以将其作为to do list 或者任何的其他的清单,如你的购物订单等;如果你有Iphone的或者黑莓手机的,你可以使用对应手机平台的专用软件去让这个操作变得更加的有效;这个清单是永久保存,并可以按照类别,时间或其他的标准进行排序;另外的, reQall 还会在适当的时候通过电话或者邮件提醒你需要执行的行动

At present the most successful operation of the food B to B-type e-commerce model.

目前运作最成功的粮食B to B型电子商务模式。

This makes the interface faster and keeps the view uncluttered. Often, however, we need to see inside of a mesh. That's when you use either Wireframe draw mode or toggle Back-Face Visibility.

然而,在很多情况下,我们都需要操作形体内部的顶点,这时候,你应该使用Wireframe绘制模式或者通过&Limit selection to visible &按钮,使得位于物体后面的被操作顶点可见。

第58/100页 首页 < ... 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ... > 尾页
Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
To Be Young (Is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Learning To Make Love To You
Down To The River To Pray
Who To Listen To
(They Long To Be) Close To You
You've Got Me To Hold On To
Good To Me As I Am To You
I Used To Know How To Walk On Water
To Laugh Is To Know How To Live

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
